

单词 asia
nnoun.objectthe largest continent with 60% of the earth's population; it is joined to Europe on the west to form Eurasia; it is the site of some of the world's earliest civilizations
Derivationally Related Form:AsianAsiatic
Part Holonyms:Eurasia
Instance Hypernyms:continent
Inherited Hypernyms:asiacontinentlandmasslandobjectphysical entityentity
Part Meronyms:Afghanistan Islamic State of Afghanistan Altai Mountains Altay Mountains Arabia Arabian Peninsula Argun Argun River Ergun He Anatolia Asia Minor Asian country Asian nation Asian Russia Bahrain Bahrein State of Bahrain Bangla Desh Bangladesh East Pakistan People's Republic of Bangladesh Bhutan Kingdom of Bhutan Cathay China Communist China PRC People's Republic of China Red China mainland China Great Rift Valley Bharat India Republic of India Iran Islamic Republic of Iran Persia Al-Iraq Irak Iraq Republic of Iraq Japan Nihon Nippon Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Jordan Kazak Kazakh Kazakhstan Kazakstan Republic of Kazakhstan Dae-Han-Min-Gook Han-Gook Korea Korean Peninsula Kura Kura River Koweit Kuwait State of Kuwait Kirghiz Kirghizia Kirghizstan Kirgiz Kirgizia Kirgizstan Kyrgyz Republic Kyrgyzstan Lebanese Republic Lebanon Malay Peninsula Mongolia Mongolian People's Republic Outer Mongolia Mongolia Kingdom of Nepal Nepal D.P.R.K. DPRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea North Korea Muscat and Oman Oman Sultanate of Oman Ottoman Empire Turkish Empire Islamic Republic of Pakistan Pakistan West Pakistan Canaan Holy Land Palestine Promised Land Parthia Persia Persian Empire Katar Qatar State of Katar State of Qatar Roman Empire Republic of Korea South Korea Southeast Asia Syria Syrian Arab Republic Republic of Tajikistan Tadjik Tadzhik Tadzhikistan Tajik Tajikistan Tartary Tatary Sitsang Thibet Tibet Xizang Turkestan Turkistan Turkmen Turkmenia Turkmenistan Turkomen United Arab Emirates Republic of Uzbekistan Uzbek Uzbekistan Republic of Yemen Yemen
nnoun.groupthe nations of the Asian continent collectively
Derivationally Related Form:AsianAsiatic
Hypernyms:accumulation aggregation assemblage collection
Inherited Hypernyms:asiacollectiongroupabstractionentity
Instance Hyponyms:East Orient




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