

单词 loins
nnoun.bodythe lower part of the abdomen just above the external genital organs
Synset:pubes pubic region
Hypernyms:area region
Inherited Hypernyms:pubesareabody partpartthingphysical entityentity
Part Meronyms:mons mons pubis mons veneris
nnoun.bodythe region of the hips and groin and lower abdomen
Part Holonyms:body torso trunk
Hypernyms:body part
Inherited Hypernyms:loinsbody partpartthingphysical entityentity
Part Meronyms:groin inguen
nnoun.fooda cut of meat taken from the side and back of an animal between the ribs and the rump
Hypernyms:cut cut of meat
Inherited Hypernyms:loincutmeatfoodsolidmatterphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:short loin
Full Hyponyms:
short loin
nnoun.animaleither side of the backbone between the hipbone and the ribs in humans as well as quadrupeds
Synset:loin lumbus
Derivationally Related Form:lumbar
Part Holonyms:homo human human being man quadruped
Hypernyms:body part
Inherited Hypernyms:loinbody partpartthingphysical entityentity




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