vverb.emotionexpress grief verballySynset:keen lament
Examples:- we lamented the death of the child
Derivationally Related Form:lamenterkeenlamentationlament
Hypernyms:express emotion express feelings
Inherited Hypernyms:lamentexpress emotion
Entailment:grieve sorrow
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.communicationregret stronglySynset:bemoan bewail deplore lament
Examples:- I deplore this hostile action
- we lamented the loss of benefits
Derivationally Related Form:lamenterlamentable
Hypernyms:complain kick kvetch plain quetch sound off
Inherited Hypernyms:deplorecomplain
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | They --- that there was a traffic accident (apply to: deplore, lament)
adj satadj.allvocally expressing grief or sorrow or resembling such expressionSynset:wailful wailing
Examples:- lamenting sinners
- wailing mourners
- the wailing wind
- wailful bagpipes
- tangle her desires with wailful sonnets - Shakespeare
Inherited Hypernyms:lamenting
Similar to:sorrowful