

单词 jawbone
nnoun.bodythe jaw in vertebrates that is hinged to open the mouth
Synset:jowl lower jaw lower jawbone mandible mandibula mandibular bone submaxilla
Derivationally Related Form:mandibular
Hypernyms:articulator jaw
Inherited Hypernyms:lower jawarticulatorspeech organorganbody partpartthingphysical entityentity
Inherited Hypernyms:lower jawjawboneconnective tissueanimal tissuetissuebody partpartthingphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:lantern jaw
Part Meronyms:condylar process condyloid process mandibular condyle coronoid process of the mandible gnathion gonion mandibular notch pogonion symphysion
Full Hyponyms:
lantern jaw
vverb.communicationtalk idly or casually and in a friendly way
Synset:schmoose schmooze shmoose shmooze
Derivationally Related Form:schmoozer
Hypernyms:chaffer chat chatter chew the fat chit-chat chitchat claver confab confabulate gossip jaw natter shoot the breeze visit
Inherited Hypernyms:shmoozechew the fatconversetalkcommunicateinteractact
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s | Sam and Sue --- (apply to: shmooze) | Sam wants to --- with Sue (apply to: shmooze)




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更新时间:2024/9/22 1:47:26