nnoun.planterect perennial strong-scented with serrate pointed leaves and a loose panicle of yellowish flowers; the eastern United StatesSynset:Collinsonia canadensis horse balm richweed stone-root stone root stoneroot
Member Holonyms:Collinsonia genus Collinsonia
Hypernyms:herb herbaceous plant
Inherited Hypernyms:horse balmherbvascular plantplantorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.plantcommon North American weed with linear leaves and small discoid heads of yellowish flowers; widely naturalized throughout temperate regions; sometimes placed in genus ErigeronSynset:Canadian fleabane Conyza canadensis Erigeron canadensis fleabane
Member Holonyms:Conyza genus Conyza
Inherited Hypernyms:horseweedweedvascular plantplantorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity