

单词 homer
nnoun.acta base hit on which the batter scores a run
Synset:home run
Derivationally Related Form:homer
Hypernyms:base hit safety
Inherited Hypernyms:homerbase hithitfeataccomplishmentactionacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:solo blastsolo homer
Full Hyponyms:
solo homer
nnoun.personancient Greek epic poet who is believed to have written the Iliad and the Odyssey (circa 850 BC)
Derivationally Related Form:Homeric
Instance Hypernyms:poet
Inherited Hypernyms:homerpoetwritercommunicatorpersoncausal agentphysical entityentity
Inherited Hypernyms:homerpoetwritercommunicatorpersonorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.quantityan ancient Hebrew unit of capacity equal to 10 baths or 10 ephahs
Hypernyms:capacity measure capacity unit cubage unit cubature unit cubic content unit cubic measure displacement unit volume unit
Inherited Hypernyms:homervolume unitunit of measurementdefinite quantitymeasureabstractionentity
Part Meronyms:bath epha ephah
nnoun.personUnited States painter best known for his seascapes (1836-1910)
Synset:Homer Winslow Homer
Instance Hypernyms:painter
Inherited Hypernyms:homerpainterartistcreatorpersoncausal agentphysical entityentity
Inherited Hypernyms:homerpainterartistcreatorpersonorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.animalpigeon trained to return home
Synset:homing pigeon
Hypernyms:domestic pigeon
Inherited Hypernyms:homing pigeondomestic pigeonpigeoncolumbiform birdgallinaceous birdbirdvertebratechordateanimalorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:carrier pigeon
Full Hyponyms:
carrier pigeon
vverb.competitionhit a home run
Derivationally Related Form:homer
Hypernyms:hit rack up score tally
Inherited Hypernyms:homerscoregain
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s




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