vverb.stativecause to continue in a certain state, position, or activity; e.g., 'keep clean'Synset:hold keep maintain
Examples:- hold in place
- She always held herself as a lady
- The students keep me on my toes
Derivationally Related Form:maintainermaintainable
Inherited Hypernyms:keep
Direct Hyponyms:bear oncarry onconservecontinuedistancehold overhousekeeppreservepressurisepressurizeuphold
Full Troponyms:ask for itconservecontinuedistanceeternizehold overhousekeepmummifyobstinateperpetuatepersevereplugpreservepressurizeprolongresumeretainstick to
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody PP | Something ---s something Adjective/Noun | Somebody ---s something PP
vverb.contacthave or hold in one's hands or gripSynset:hold take hold
Examples:- Hold this bowl for a moment, please
- A crazy idea took hold of him
Antonyms:let go of
Derivationally Related Form:hold
Inherited Hypernyms:hold
Direct Hyponyms:clinchcling toclutchcradlegrasphold closehold onhold tightinterlaceinterlocklocktrap
Full Troponyms:claspclinchclingcling tocradlecuddleembracegraspinterlocklatch onlocktrap
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody | Something ---s something | Somebody ---s (apply to: take hold) | Something is ---ing PP (apply to: take hold) | Somebody ---s PP (apply to: take hold) | They want to --- the prisoners (apply to: hold)
vverb.creationorganize or be responsible forSynset:give have hold make throw
Examples:- hold a reception
- have, throw, or make a party
- give a course
Inherited Hypernyms:holddirectmanagecontrol
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.possessionhave or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract senseSynset:have have got hold
Examples:- She has $1,000 in the bank
- He has got two beautiful daughters
- She holds a Master's degree from Harvard
Derivationally Related Form:holdinghave
Inherited Hypernyms:have
Direct Hyponyms:bearcarryexertholdhold onkeepmaintainmonopolisemonopolizestockstockpilesustainwield
Full Troponyms:accessionamercearchivebalebankruptbearbeat upbeggarbilkbinblacklistbookbottlecancelcarrycarry overcatchchroniclecinematizeclock incollectcomputerizeconservecorralcross-indexcutdenydeprivedevotedisenfranchisedisinheritdockdocumentembalmempanelenlistenrollensilefilefilmfreezefundgaragegarnerharborhivehold downhold the lineimmobilizeimpoverishindexinscribeinventorykeepkeep to oneselflistloftloglog uplumpmanifestmatriculatemicrofilmmonopolizemothballmummifynickel-and-dimenotchoverwritepatentpatronagephotographplastinatepostprerecordrecordrecruitreduceregisterrepositreseedreservereshootretainretakeretrenchring uproll uprun upsavescorescrapestarvestockstoresustaintallytanktape recordtickettongue-tietrademarkunionizevictualvideotapewarehouseweanwharfwieldwithholdwritex-ray
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s something | They --- the money (apply to: have got, have)
vverb.cognitionkeep in mind or convey as a conviction or viewSynset:deem hold take for view as
Examples:- take for granted
- view as important
- hold these truths to be self-evident
- I hold him personally responsible
Hypernyms:consider reckon regard see view
Inherited Hypernyms:deemseethinkevaluatethink
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s that CLAUSE | Something ---s something Adjective/Noun | Somebody ---s somebody something
vverb.emotionmaintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings)Synset:entertain harbor harbour hold nurse
Examples:- bear a grudge
- entertain interesting notions
- harbor a resentment
Hypernyms:experience feel
Inherited Hypernyms:harborfeel
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.contactto close within bounds, or otherwise limit or deprive of free movementSynset:confine constrain hold restrain
Examples:- This holds the local until the express passengers change trains
- About a dozen animals were held inside the stockade
- The illegal immigrants were held at a detention center
- The terrorists held the journalists for ransom
Derivationally Related Form:holdrestrainerrestraint
Hypernyms:disable disenable incapacitate
Inherited Hypernyms:restraindisablechange
Direct Hyponyms:bindenchainfetterfoldgroundimpoundpen uppinionpoundpound upshackletie downtie uptruss
Full Troponyms:chain upenchainfaggotfettergroundhog-tieimpoundmanaclepen uppinionpoundtie down
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody | Something ---s something | They want to --- the prisoners (apply to: confine, restrain)
vverb.possessionsecure and keep for possible future use or applicationSynset:hold hold back keep back retain
Examples:- The landlord retained the security deposit
- I reserve the right to disagree
Derivationally Related Form:holdingretention
Hypernyms:hold on keep
Inherited Hypernyms:retainkeephave
Direct Hyponyms:hold down
Full Troponyms:hold down
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | They --- the money (apply to: hold, hold back, keep back)
vverb.possessionhave rightfully; of rights, titles, and officesSynset:bear hold
Examples:- She bears the title of Duchess
- He held the governorship for almost a decade
Derivationally Related Form:holderbearer
Hypernyms:have have got hold
Inherited Hypernyms:bearhave
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.contactbe the physical support of; carry the weight ofSynset:hold hold up support sustain
Examples:- The beam holds up the roof
- He supported me with one hand while I balanced on the beam
- What's holding that mirror?
Derivationally Related Form:supportingsupportholdersupporter
Inherited Hypernyms:hold
Direct Hyponyms:blockbracebracketbuoybuoy upcarrychockpolepropprop upscaffoldshoreshore uptrussunderpin
Full Troponyms:blockbolsterbracebracketbuoycarrychockpoleprop upscaffoldtreadtrussunderpin
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody | Something ---s something
vverb.stativecontain or hold; have withinSynset:bear carry contain hold
Examples:- The jar carries wine
- The canteen holds fresh water
- This can contains water
Derivationally Related Form:holdcontainercarrycontentcontinent
Inherited Hypernyms:holdinclude
Direct Hyponyms:confineenclosehold inretain
Full Troponyms:boundbox inembankencloseframerailretainshoreskirtverge
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something | They --- the animals (apply to: hold)
vverb.stativehave room for; hold without crowdingSynset:accommodate admit hold
Examples:- This hotel can accommodate 250 guests
- The theater admits 300 people
- The auditorium can't hold more than 500 people
Derivationally Related Form:admittible
Inherited Hypernyms:accommodate
Direct Hyponyms:houseseatsleep
Full Troponyms:houseseatsleep
Sentence Frame:Something ---s somebody | Something ---s something
vverb.stativeremain in a certain state, position, or conditionExamples:- The weather held
- They held on the road and kept marching
Hypernyms:continue go along go on keep proceed
Inherited Hypernyms:holdcontinueact
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Somebody ---s PP
vverb.contactsupport or hold in a certain mannerSynset:bear carry hold
Examples:- She holds her head high
- He carried himself upright
Derivationally Related Form:carriagecarrybearing
Inherited Hypernyms:hold
Direct Hyponyms:acquitbalancebearbehavecarrycomportconductdeportpiggybackpoiseslingstoop
Full Troponyms:assertattitudinizebehavedealflusterjugglepiggybackpoiseposeslingstoopwalk around
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.stativebe valid, applicable, or trueSynset:hold obtain prevail
Hypernyms:be exist
Inherited Hypernyms:prevailexist
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
vverb.cognitionassert or affirmExamples:- Rousseau's philosophy holds that people are inherently good
Hypernyms:affirm assert aver avow swan swear verify
Inherited Hypernyms:holdaffirmdeclarestateexpress
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s that CLAUSE | They --- that there was a traffic accident (apply to: hold)
vverb.stativehave as a major characteristicExamples:- The novel holds many surprises
- The book holds in store much valuable advise
Inherited Hypernyms:holdbe
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something
vverb.stativebe capable of holding or containingSynset:contain hold take
Examples:- This box won't take all the items
- The flask holds one gallon
Derivationally Related Form:hold
Inherited Hypernyms:containbe
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something
vverb.socialarrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advanceSynset:book hold reserve
Examples:- reserve me a seat on a flight
- The agent booked tickets to the show for the whole family
- please hold a table at Maxim's
Derivationally Related Form:reservationbookablebooking
Hypernyms:ask for bespeak call for quest request
Inherited Hypernyms:reserverequestcommunicateconveytransfermove
Direct Hyponyms:hold openkeepkeep opensave
Entailment:procure secure
Full Troponyms:keep open
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.competitionprotect against a challenge or attackSynset:defend guard hold
Examples:- Hold that position behind the trees!
- Hold the bridge against the enemy's attacks
Derivationally Related Form:defenderdefensibledefencedefensive
Inherited Hypernyms:defendprotectdefendprevent
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.communicationbind by an obligation; cause to be indebtedSynset:bind hold obligate oblige
Examples:- He's held by a contract
- I'll hold you by your promise
Derivationally Related Form:bindobligation
Inherited Hypernyms:obligerelateinteractact
Direct Hyponyms:articleindentindenturepledgetie down
Full Troponyms:articleindenturepledgetie down
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody to INFINITIVE | Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody
vverb.cognitionhold the attention ofExamples:- The soprano held the audience
- This story held our interest
- She can hold an audience spellbound
Derivationally Related Form:hold
Hypernyms:becharm beguile bewitch captivate capture catch charm enamor enamour enchant entrance fascinate trance
Inherited Hypernyms:holdcaptureattract
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s something
vverb.cognitionremain committed toHypernyms:believe conceive consider think
Inherited Hypernyms:holdthinkevaluatethink
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s PP
vverb.stativeresist or confront with resistanceSynset:defy hold hold up withstand
Examples:- The politician defied public opinion
- The new material withstands even the greatest wear and tear
- The bridge held
Derivationally Related Form:defiantwithstander
Hypernyms:hold out resist stand firm withstand
Inherited Hypernyms:defyresistfightcontend
Direct Hyponyms:bravebrave outendureweather
Full Troponyms:weather
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.stativebe pertinent or relevant or applicableSynset:apply go for hold
Examples:- The same laws apply to you!
- This theory holds for all irrational numbers
- The same rules go for everyone
Derivationally Related Form:applicativeapplicable
Hypernyms:bear on come to concern have to do with pertain refer relate touch touch on
Inherited Hypernyms:applyrefer
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Something is ---ing PP | Something ---s somebody (apply to: go for) | Something ---s something (apply to: go for)
vverb.stativestop dealing withExamples:- hold all calls to the President's office while he is in a meeting
Derivationally Related Form:hold
Hypernyms:defer hold over postpone prorogue put off put over remit set back shelve table
Inherited Hypernyms:holdpostponedelaywaitact
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something
vverb.sociallessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limitsSynset:check contain control curb hold hold in moderate
Examples:- moderate your alcohol intake
- hold your tongue
- hold your temper
- control your anger
Derivationally Related Form:moderationcheckcurbcontrol
Hypernyms:hold back keep keep back restrain
Inherited Hypernyms:controlrestrain
Direct Hyponyms:abnegatebatecatchconquercounteractcountercheckcrucifydampdenymortifystamp downsubduesuppressthermostattrain
Full Troponyms:bateburkecatchchoke offcountercheckdampdenygaghushlullmortifyquenchshout downshushsilencesquelchsuppressthermostattraintrellis
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.socialkeep from departingExamples:- Hold the taxi
- Hold the horse
Hypernyms:keep prevent
Inherited Hypernyms:holdprevent
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody
vverb.socialtake and maintain control over, often by violent meansExamples:- The dissatisfied students held the President's office for almost a week
Hypernyms:command control
Inherited Hypernyms:holdcontrol
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody
vverb.motioncause to stopSynset:arrest halt hold
Examples:- Halt the engines
- Arrest the progress
- halt the presses
Derivationally Related Form:holdhaltarrester
Inherited Hypernyms:haltstop
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody | Something ---s something | They --- the animals (apply to: hold, halt)
vverb.contactcover as for protection against noise or smellExamples:- She held her ears when the jackhammer started to operate
- hold one's nose
Inherited Hypernyms:holdcover
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.consumptiondrink alcohol without showing ill effectsSynset:carry hold
Examples:- He can hold his liquor
- he had drunk more than he could carry
Hypernyms:booze drink fuddle hit the bottle
Inherited Hypernyms:carryhit the bottleconsume
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.competitionaim, point, or directExamples:- Hold the fire extinguisher directly on the flames
Hypernyms:aim direct take take aim train
Inherited Hypernyms:holdaimpositionputmove
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody PP
vverb.communicationdeclare to beSynset:adjudge declare hold
Examples:- She was declared incompetent
- judge held that the defendant was innocent
Derivationally Related Form:declarative
Hypernyms:evaluate judge pass judgment
Inherited Hypernyms:declareevaluatethink
Direct Hyponyms:acknowledgeadmitbastardisebastardizebeatifycallcancelcanonisecanonizecertifyformaliseformalizejudgelabelpronouncesaintstrike downsuperannuate
Full Troponyms:acquitadmitattornavowbastardizebeatifybreakcallcancelcanonizecapacitatecertifyconcedeconfessconvictdisbardisqualifyformalizeintonateinvalidatemake a clean breast ofmake no bones aboutpronouncepurgequalifyrecallreconvictrecuseremitrenegeretirerevokeritualizeruleset asidestetsuperannuatesustaintoutvindicatewhitewashwrite off
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something Adjective/Noun | Somebody ---s somebody something
vverb.communicationbe in accord; be in agreementSynset:agree concord concur hold
Examples:- We agreed on the terms of the settlement
- I can't agree with you!
- I hold with those who say life is sacred
- Both philosophers concord on this point
Derivationally Related Form:concordagreementagreeableconcordanceconcurrence
Inherited Hypernyms:agree
Direct Hyponyms:arrangeconcedeconciliateconcludefix upgrantmake uppatch upreconcileresolvesee eye to eyesettlesubscribesupportyield
Full Troponyms:absolveamnestyamortizearrangeclean upclearclinchcompromiseconcedeconcertconcludeconcordexcusefirm upforgivefrankjustifyliftliquidatemake peacepardonpaypay uppropitiateproratereconcileremitsee eye to eyesettleshrivesquaresubscribewash one's hands
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s | Somebody ---s that CLAUSE | Somebody ---s to INFINITIVE | Somebody ---s on something | Sam and Sue --- (apply to: agree, concur) | Sam wants to --- with Sue (apply to: agree, concur)
vverb.bodykeep from exhaling or expellingHypernyms:hold back keep keep back restrain
Inherited Hypernyms:holdrestrain
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
adjadj.pploccupied or in the control of; often used in combinationInherited Hypernyms:held