

单词 head
nnoun.bodythe upper part of the human body or the front part of the body in animals; contains the face and brains
  • he stuck his head out the window
Part Holonyms:animal animate being beast brute creature fauna body organic structure
Hypernyms:external body part
Inherited Hypernyms:headexternal body partbody partpartthingphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:human head
Part Meronyms:arteria basilaris basilar artery brain encephalon ear face human face muzzle skull temple
Full Hyponyms:
atticbulletheadhuman head
nnoun.animala single domestic animal
  • 200 head of cattle
Hypernyms:domestic animal domesticated animal
Inherited Hypernyms:headdomestic animalanimalorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.cognitionthat which is responsible for one's thoughts, feelings, and conscious brain functions; the seat of the faculty of reason
Synset:brain mind nous psyche
  • his mind wandered
  • I couldn't get his words out of my head
Derivationally Related Form:mindpsychicalpsychic
Hypernyms:cognition knowledge noesis
Inherited Hypernyms:mindcognitionpsychological featureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:egonoddlesubconscioussubconscious mindtabula rasaunconsciousunconscious mind
Full Hyponyms:
egonoddlesubconscious mindtabula rasaunconscious mind
nnoun.persona person who is in charge
Synset:chief top dog
  • the head of the whole operation
Derivationally Related Form:headshiphead
Inherited Hypernyms:headleaderpersoncausal agentphysical entityentity
Inherited Hypernyms:headleaderpersonorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:administratorcapodecision makerdepartment headdonexecutivefathergeneralgeneral managergrand dragonhead of householdsecretarysuperior general
Full Hyponyms:
academic administratoradministratorattorney generalbank commissionerbank managercabinet ministercapochairman of the boardchancellor of the exchequerchief executive officerchief financial officerchief secretarycommissionercorporate executivedeandepartment headdirectordirector of central intelligencedistrict managerdonexecutiveexecutive vice presidentfinance ministerforeign ministergeneralgeneral managergrand dragonhead of householdhome secretaryhotelierhousing commissionerinsiderland agentlord chancellorlord privy sealmanageressmatriarchministerpark commissionerpatriarchpolice commissionerprefectpresidentprovostrainmakerregistrarsecretarysecretary generalsecretary of agriculturesecretary of commercesecretary of defensesecretary of educationsecretary of energysecretary of health and human servicessecretary of housing and urban developmentsecretary of laborsecretary of statesecretary of the interiorsecretary of the treasurysecretary of transportationsecretary of veterans affairssecurity directorsenior vice presidentsurgeon generaltreasurytriumvirundersecretaryvice chancellorvice presidentvice president of the united states
nnoun.groupthe front of a military formation or procession
Topic:armed forcesarmed servicesmilitarymilitary machinewar machine
  • the head of the column advanced boldly
  • they were at the head of the attack
Derivationally Related Form:headheady
Inherited Hypernyms:headformationarrangementgroupabstractionentity
nnoun.phenomenonthe pressure exerted by a fluid
  • a head of steam
Hypernyms:force per unit area pressure pressure level
Inherited Hypernyms:headpressurephysical phenomenonnatural phenomenonphenomenonprocessphysical entityentity
nnoun.locationthe top of something
  • the head of the stairs
  • the head of the page
  • the head of the list
Derivationally Related Form:head
Inherited Hypernyms:headtopregionlocationobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.locationthe source of water from which a stream arises
Synset:fountainhead headspring
  • they tracked him back toward the head of the stream
Hypernyms:beginning origin root rootage source
Inherited Hypernyms:fountainheadbeginningpointlocationobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.communication(grammar) the word in a grammatical constituent that plays the same grammatical role as the whole constituent
Synset:head word
Inherited Hypernyms:headwordlanguage unitpartrelationabstractionentity
nnoun.statethe tip of an abscess (where the pus accumulates)
Part Holonyms:abscess
Hypernyms:peak point tip
Inherited Hypernyms:headpointconvex shapesolidshapeattributeabstractionentity
nnoun.quantitythe length or height based on the size of a human or animal head
  • he is two heads taller than his little sister
  • his horse won by a head
Hypernyms:linear measure linear unit
Inherited Hypernyms:headlinear unitunit of measurementdefinite quantitymeasureabstractionentity
nnoun.planta dense cluster of flowers or foliage
  • a head of cauliflower
  • a head of lettuce
Hypernyms:plant organ
Inherited Hypernyms:capitulumplant organplant partnatural objectwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.personthe educator who has executive authority for a school
Synset:head teacher principal school principal
  • she sent unruly pupils to see the principal
Derivationally Related Form:headshipprincipalship
Hypernyms:educator pedagog pedagogue
Inherited Hypernyms:principaleducatorprofessionaladultpersoncausal agentphysical entityentity
Inherited Hypernyms:principaleducatorprofessionaladultpersonorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:chancellorheadmasterheadmistressmasterschoolmaster
Full Hyponyms:
nnoun.personan individual person
  • tickets are $5 per head
Inherited Hypernyms:headindividualorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.persona user of (usually soft) drugs
Domain Usage:colloquialism
  • the office was full of secret heads
Hypernyms:drug user substance abuser user
Inherited Hypernyms:headdrug userpersoncausal agentphysical entityentity
Inherited Hypernyms:headdrug userpersonorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:acid headhash headpill headpothead
Full Hyponyms:
acid headhash headpill headpothead
nnoun.objecta natural elevation (especially a rocky one that juts out into the sea)
Synset:foreland headland promontory
Hypernyms:elevation natural elevation
Inherited Hypernyms:promontorynatural elevationgeological formationobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:mullpoint
Instance Hyponyms:Cape Canaveral Cape Kennedy Cape Hatteras Cape Horn Cape Sable Calpe Gibraltar Rock of Gibraltar Abila Abyla Jebel Musa
Full Hyponyms:
nnoun.objecta rounded compact mass
  • the head of a comet
Hypernyms:object physical object
Inherited Hypernyms:headobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.objectthe foam or froth that accumulates at the top when you pour an effervescent liquid into a container
  • the beer had a large head of foam
Hypernyms:foam froth
Inherited Hypernyms:headfoambubbleglobuleballsphereround shapeshapeattributeabstractionentity
nnoun.locationthe part in the front or nearest the viewer
  • he was in the forefront
  • he was at the head of the column
Derivationally Related Form:head
Hypernyms:forepart front front end
Inherited Hypernyms:forefrontfrontsidesurfaceboundaryextremityregionlocationobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.eventa difficult juncture
Synset:pass straits
  • a pretty pass
  • matters came to a head yesterday
Hypernyms:juncture occasion
Inherited Hypernyms:passjuncturehappeningeventpsychological featureabstractionentity
nnoun.eventforward movement
  • the ship made little headway against the gale
Derivationally Related Form:head
Hypernyms:advance progress progression
Inherited Hypernyms:headwayprogresschange of locationmovementhappeningeventpsychological featureabstractionentity
nnoun.communicationa V-shaped mark at one end of an arrow pointer
  • the point of the arrow was due north
Part Holonyms:arrow pointer
Inherited Hypernyms:pointmarkwritten symbolsymbolsignalcommunicationabstractionentity
nnoun.communicationthe subject matter at issue
  • the question of disease merits serious discussion
  • under the head of minor Roman poets
Hypernyms:subject theme topic
Inherited Hypernyms:questionsubjectmessagecommunicationabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:matter of factmatter of lawproblemquestion of factquestion of law
Full Hyponyms:
casegordian knothomework problemkoanpons asinorumposerproblempuzzlequestion of factquestion of lawrebusriddlesudokuword square
nnoun.communicationa line of text serving to indicate what the passage below it is about
Synset:header heading
  • the heading seemed to have little to do with the text
Derivationally Related Form:head
Inherited Hypernyms:headinglinetextmatterwritingwritten communicationcommunicationabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:crossheadcrossheadingheadlinelemmanewspaper headlinerubricrunning headrunning headlinestatute titlesubheadsubheadingtitle
Full Hyponyms:
captioncreditcrossheadingdroplineheadlinelemmarubricrunning headrunning titlescreamerstreamersubheadingsubtitletitle
nnoun.bodythe rounded end of a bone that fits into a rounded cavity in another bone to form a joint
  • the head of the humerus
Hypernyms:anatomical structure bodily structure body structure complex body part structure
Inherited Hypernyms:headstructurebody partpartthingphysical entityentity
nnoun.bodythat part of a skeletal muscle that is away from the bone that it moves
Part Holonyms:skeletal muscle striated muscle
Hypernyms:anatomical structure bodily structure body structure complex body part structure
Inherited Hypernyms:headstructurebody partpartthingphysical entityentity
nnoun.artifact(computer science) a tiny electromagnetic coil and metal pole used to write and read magnetic patterns on a disk
Topic:computer sciencecomputing
Synset:read/write head
Inherited Hypernyms:read/write headcoilreactorelectrical devicedeviceinstrumentalityartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.artifact(usually plural) the obverse side of a coin that usually bears the representation of a person's head
Domain Usage:pluralplural form
  • call heads or tails!
Part Holonyms:coin
Inherited Hypernyms:headobversesidesurfaceartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.artifactthe striking part of a tool
  • the head of the hammer
Part Holonyms:hammer ram
Inherited Hypernyms:headstrikermechanical devicemechanismdeviceinstrumentalityartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:club-headclub headclubheadgolf-club headhammerhead
Part Meronyms:face
Full Hyponyms:
golf-club headhammerhead
nnoun.artifact(nautical) a toilet on board a boat or ship
Hypernyms:bathroom can john lav lavatory privy toilet
Inherited Hypernyms:headtoiletroomareastructureartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.artifacta projection out from one end
  • the head of the nail
  • a pinhead is the head of a pin
Part Holonyms:bolt nail pin screw
Inherited Hypernyms:headprojectionstructureartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:pinhead
Full Hyponyms:
nnoun.artifacta membrane that is stretched taut over a drum
Part Holonyms:drum membranophone tympan
Inherited Hypernyms:drumheadmembranesheetartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.actoral stimulation of the genitals
Synset:oral sex
  • they say he gives good head
Hypernyms:perversion sexual perversion
Inherited Hypernyms:oral sexperversionsexual activitybodily processorganic processprocessphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:cunnilinctuscunnilingusfellatiofellationsixty-ninesoixante-neuf
Full Hyponyms:
cock suckingcunnilingusfellatiosoixante-neuf
vverb.motionto go or travel towards
  • where is she heading
  • We were headed for the mountains
Derivationally Related Form:headheading
Hypernyms:continue go forward proceed
Inherited Hypernyms:headproceedtravel
Direct Hyponyms:maketake
Full Troponyms:take
Sentence Frame:Something is ---ing PP | Somebody ---s PP | They --- up the hill (apply to: head)
vverb.socialbe in charge of
  • Who is heading this project?
Derivationally Related Form:leadheadleader
Inherited Hypernyms:headdirectmanagecontrol
Direct Hyponyms:captainchairchairmanspearheadtake chargetake controltake hold
Full Troponyms:captainchairmove in onspearheadtake hold
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | They --- him to write the letter (apply to: lead)
vverb.motiontravel in front of; go in advance of others
  • The procession was headed by John
Derivationally Related Form:headleader
Hypernyms:lead precede
Inherited Hypernyms:leadprecedetravel
Direct Hyponyms:draw away
Full Troponyms:draw away
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody
vverb.stativebe the first or leading member of (a group) and excel
Synset:head up
  • This student heads the class
Derivationally Related Form:head
Inherited Hypernyms:headbe
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody
vverb.motiondirect the course; determine the direction of travelling
Synset:channelise channelize direct guide maneuver manoeuver manoeuvre point steer
Derivationally Related Form:manoeuvreguidemaneuverableheadmaneuverersteerageheadingsteeringsteererchannelisation
Hypernyms:command control
Inherited Hypernyms:steercontrol
Direct Hyponyms:channelconncornercrabdockhelmnavigateparkpilotpull oversheerstand outstarboardtree
Full Troponyms:angle-parkastrogatechannelconncornercrabdockdouble-parkdry-dockhelmnavigateparallel-parkparkpull oversheerstand outstarboard
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s | Somebody ---s something PP | The men --- the boat (apply to: steer)
vverb.stativetake its rise
  • These rivers head from a mountain range in the Himalayas
Hypernyms:arise develop grow originate rise spring up uprise
Inherited Hypernyms:headoriginatebecome
Sentence Frame:Something is ---ing PP
vverb.stativebe in the front of or on top of
  • The list was headed by the name of the president
Derivationally Related Form:headheaderheading
Inherited Hypernyms:headliebe
Direct Hyponyms:crownsurmount
Full Troponyms:crownpinnaclesurmount
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.stativeform a head or come or grow to a head
  • The wheat headed early this year
Inherited Hypernyms:headformchange
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
vverb.contactremove the head of
  • head the fish
Hypernyms:remove take take away withdraw
Inherited Hypernyms:headremove
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something




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