

单词 ground
nnoun.objectthe solid part of the earth's surface
Synset:dry land earth land solid ground terra firma
  • the plane turned away from the sea and moved back over land
  • the earth shook for several minutes
  • he dropped the logs on the ground
Derivationally Related Form:groundearthland
Part Holonyms:Earth earth globe world
Hypernyms:object physical object
Inherited Hypernyms:landobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:archipelagobeachfrontcapechampaigncoastal plainfieldfloorforelandforestislandisthmusland masslandmassmainlandnecknessoxbowpeninsulaplainslashtimbertimberlandwonderlandwoodland
Instance Hyponyms:America
Full Hyponyms:
aegean islandalluvial flatarchipelagobarrier islandbeachfrontcapecaribbean islandcoastal plaincontinentflatfloodplainfloorforelandforestgreenwoodislandisthmuslandmassllanomainlandmoorneckoxbowpeneplainpeninsulapinetumplainriparian forestsalt flatsilvaslashsnowfieldsouth sea islandsspitsteppesubcontinenttidewatertree farmtundrawonderland
nnoun.motivea rational motive for a belief or action
  • the reason that war was declared
  • the grounds for their declaration
Derivationally Related Form:groundreason
Hypernyms:rational motive
Inherited Hypernyms:reasonrational motivemotivationpsychological featureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:accountoccasionscorewhereforewhy
Full Hyponyms:
nnoun.substancethe loose soft material that makes up a large part of the land surface
  • they dug into the earth outside the church
Derivationally Related Form:earthyearth
Hypernyms:material stuff
Inherited Hypernyms:earthmaterialsubstancematterphysical entityentity
Inherited Hypernyms:earthmaterialsubstancepartrelationabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:diatomaceous earthdiatomitedirtkieselguhrmorainesaprolitesoil
Full Hyponyms:
adobealluvial soilargilbentonitebleaching claybog soilbolecalichechernozemic soilchina clayclayclunchdaubdesert soildiatomaceous earthfireclayfuller's earthgilgai soilgumbohumusindian redindurated claykitty litterlateriteleaf moldloamloessmarlmoldmorainemudmud piepipeclaypodzolpotter's clayprairie soilred clayregosolregurresidual soilsandsaprolitesedimentary claysiltslipslopsoilsubsoiltilltopsoiltundra soilwiesenboden
nnoun.relationa relation that provides the foundation for something
Synset:basis footing
  • they were on a friendly footing
  • he worked on an interim basis
Inherited Hypernyms:footingfoundationrelationabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:common ground
Full Hyponyms:
common ground
nnoun.locationa position to be won or defended in battle (or as if in battle)
  • they gained ground step by step
  • they fought to regain the lost ground
Hypernyms:military position position
Inherited Hypernyms:groundmilitary positionpointlocationobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.cognitionthe part of a scene (or picture) that lies behind objects in the foreground
  • he posed her against a background of rolling hills
Hypernyms:aspect panorama prospect scene view vista
Inherited Hypernyms:backgroundviewvisual perceptperceptrepresentationcontentcognitionpsychological featureabstractionentity
nnoun.objectmaterial in the top layer of the surface of the earth in which plants can grow (especially with reference to its quality or use)
Synset:land soil
  • the land had never been plowed
  • good agricultural soil
Hypernyms:object physical object
Inherited Hypernyms:landobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:badlandsbottombottomlandcoastlandcultivated landfarmlandgreenswardoverburdenpermafrostploughlandplowlandpolderrangelandscablandssodswardtillagetilled landtilthturfwetland
Full Hyponyms:
badlandsbogbottomlandcoastlandcultivated landdivotfallowmarshmireoverburdenpermafrostpolderrangelandsalt marshscablandssloughswampturfwetland
nnoun.cognitiona relatively homogeneous percept extending back of the figure on which attention is focused
Hypernyms:percept perception perceptual experience
Inherited Hypernyms:groundperceptrepresentationcontentcognitionpsychological featureabstractionentity
nnoun.artifacta connection between an electrical device and a large conducting body, such as the earth (which is taken to be at zero voltage)
Derivationally Related Form:ground
Hypernyms:connecter connection connective connector connexion
Inherited Hypernyms:groundconnectioninstrumentalityartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.artifact(art) the surface (as a wall or canvas) prepared to take the paint for a painting
Topic:artartistic creationartistic production
Inherited Hypernyms:groundsurfaceartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.artifactthe first or preliminary coat of paint or size applied to a surface
Synset:flat coat primer primer coat priming priming coat undercoat
Derivationally Related Form:groundprimeundercoat
Hypernyms:coat of paint
Inherited Hypernyms:flat coatcoat of paintcoatingcoveringartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Inherited Hypernyms:flat coatcoat of paintpaintcoatingcoveringartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Inherited Hypernyms:flat coatcoat of paintpaintcoloring materialmaterialsubstancematterphysical entityentity
Inherited Hypernyms:flat coatcoat of paintpaintcoloring materialmaterialsubstancepartrelationabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:couch
Full Hyponyms:
vverb.contactfix firmly and stably
  • anchor the lamppost in concrete
Derivationally Related Form:anchor
Hypernyms:fasten fix secure
Inherited Hypernyms:anchorfastenattachconnect
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.contactconfine or restrict to the ground
  • After the accident, they grounded the plane and the pilot
Derivationally Related Form:ground
Hypernyms:confine constrain hold restrain
Inherited Hypernyms:groundrestraindisablechange
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody
vverb.contactplace or put on the ground
Derivationally Related Form:ground
Hypernyms:lay place pose position put set
Inherited Hypernyms:groundputmove
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.communicationinstruct someone in the fundamentals of a subject
Hypernyms:instruct learn teach
Inherited Hypernyms:groundteachinformcommunicateinteractact
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody
vverb.motionbring to the ground
Synset:run aground strand
  • the storm grounded the ship
Derivationally Related Form:ground
Inherited Hypernyms:groundlandbringtransportmove
Causes:ground run aground
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.motionhit or reach the ground
Synset:run aground
Derivationally Related Form:ground
Hypernyms:arrive at attain gain hit make reach
Inherited Hypernyms:groundreach
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Somebody ---s
vverb.contactthrow to the ground in order to stop play and avoid being tackled behind the line of scrimmage
Topic:footballfootball game
Derivationally Related Form:ground
Inherited Hypernyms:groundthrowpropelmove
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.contacthit a groundball
Topic:ballbaseballbaseball game
  • he grounded to the second baseman
Derivationally Related Form:grounder
Inherited Hypernyms:groundhitpropelmove
Sentence Frame:It is ---ing
vverb.contacthit onto the ground
Topic:ballbaseballbaseball game
Derivationally Related Form:ground
Inherited Hypernyms:groundhitpropelmove
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.contactcover with a primer; apply a primer to
Synset:prime undercoat
Derivationally Related Form:groundprimerundercoat
Inherited Hypernyms:primepaintcoatcover
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | They want to --- the doors (apply to: ground, prime, undercoat) | The men --- the boat (apply to: undercoat)
vverb.contactconnect to a ground
  • ground the electrical connections for safety reasons
Derivationally Related Form:groundgrounding
Hypernyms:connect link link up tie
Inherited Hypernyms:groundconnect
Direct Hyponyms:earth
Full Troponyms:earth
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.cognitionuse as a basis for; found on
Synset:base establish found
  • base a claim on some observation
Derivationally Related Form:groundfoundationbase
Inherited Hypernyms:establish
Direct Hyponyms:build
Full Troponyms:build
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something PP
vverb.contactpress or grind with a crushing noise
Synset:cranch craunch crunch grind
Derivationally Related Form:grind
Inherited Hypernyms:crunchpresstouch
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.contactmake a grating or grinding sound by rubbing together
Synset:grate grind
  • grate one's teeth in anger
Derivationally Related Form:grindgrinding
Hypernyms:break up fragment fragmentise fragmentize
Inherited Hypernyms:gratebreak upbreakchange integritychange
Direct Hyponyms:chewgnashjawmanducatemasticate
Full Troponyms:champchawchewchompcrunchgnashgnawmumble
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.socialwork hard
Synset:dig drudge fag grind labor labour moil toil travail
  • She was digging away at her math homework
  • Lexicographers drudge all day long
Derivationally Related Form:grindlaborlabourtoillabourerlaborertravaildrudgedrudgerytoiler
Hypernyms:do work work
Inherited Hypernyms:laborwork
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s | Somebody ---s PP
vverb.motiondance by rotating the pelvis in an erotically suggestive way, often while in contact with one's partner such that the dancers' legs are interlaced
Hypernyms:dance trip the light fantastic trip the light fantastic toe
Inherited Hypernyms:grinddancemove
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s | They --- (apply to: grind)
vverb.changereduce to small pieces or particles by pounding or abrading
Synset:bray comminute crunch grind mash
  • grind the spices in a mortar
  • mash the garlic
Derivationally Related Form:mashermashgrindergrindingcrunchgrind
Hypernyms:break up fragment fragmentise fragmentize
Inherited Hypernyms:grindbreak upbreakchange integritychange
Direct Hyponyms:millpestlepulp
Full Troponyms:millpestlepulp
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.creationcreated by grinding
  • grind designs into the glass bowl
Hypernyms:create make
Inherited Hypernyms:grindmake
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.creationshape or form by grinding
  • grind lenses for glasses and cameras
Hypernyms:forge form mold mould shape work
Inherited Hypernyms:grindshapecreate from raw materialmake
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something




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