nnoun.plantseed of the mung bean plant; used for foodSynset:green bean green gram green soy mash bean monggo moong mung mung bean munggo
Part Holonyms:Phaseolus aureus Vigna radiata mung mung bean mung bean plant
Inherited Hypernyms:mungbeanseedfruitreproductive structureplant organplant partnatural objectwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.foodseed of the mung bean plant used for foodSynset:green bean green gram green soy mash bean monggo moong mung mung bean munggo
Part Holonyms:Phaseolus aureus Vigna radiata mung mung bean mung bean plant
Hypernyms:bean edible bean
Inherited Hypernyms:mung beanbeanlegumevegetableproducefoodsolidmatterphysical entityentity