nnoun.actthe act of givingSynset:gift
Derivationally Related Form:giftgive
Hypernyms:share-out sharing
Inherited Hypernyms:givingsharingdistributionacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:accordanceaccordance of rightsalms-givingalmsgivingbestowalbestowmentcharityconfermentconferralcontributiondonationendowmentoblationoffering
Full Hyponyms:accordancealmsalms-givingbestowalcharitycontributionendowmenthandoutoblationsubscriptionzakat
nnoun.communicationthe imparting of news or promises etc.Examples:- he gave us the news and made a great show of the giving
- giving his word of honor seemed to come too easily
Derivationally Related Form:give
Hypernyms:conveyance impartation imparting
Inherited Hypernyms:givingconveyancetransmissioncommunicationacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity
nnoun.actdisposing of property by voluntary transfer without receiving value in returnExamples:- the alumni followed a program of annual giving
Derivationally Related Form:give
Hypernyms:disposal disposition
Inherited Hypernyms:givingdisposalacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity
vverb.possessioncause to have, in the abstract sense or physical senseExamples:- She gave him a black eye
- The draft gave me a cold
Inherited Hypernyms:give
Direct Hyponyms:awarddeliverdrive homegrantinfect
Full Troponyms:awardcankerdeliverinfectlandpension
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody something | They --- the people the food (apply to: give) | They --- the food to the people (apply to: give)
vverb.possessionbe the cause or source ofSynset:afford give yield
Examples:- He gave me a lot of trouble
- Our meeting afforded much interesting information
Hypernyms:furnish provide render supply
Inherited Hypernyms:yieldsupplygivetransfer
Direct Hyponyms:allowallow forleaveopenopen upprovide
Full Troponyms:leaveopen
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something
vverb.possessiontransfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebodyExamples:- I gave her my money
- can you give me lessons?
- She gave the children lots of love and tender loving care
Derivationally Related Form:givergiving
Inherited Hypernyms:givetransfer
Direct Hyponyms:accordadministerallotallowbankbestowcatercedechip inconcedecontributecough updealdeal outdepositdish outdispensedispense withdistributedole outenfeofffurnishgivegive upgrantheapkick inleaselendletloanlotmete outofferparcel outpart withpayplypony uppresentprofferproviderenderrentrepayrequitereturnshell outsparespit upsubmitsupplysupportvestyield
Causes:have got have hold
Full Troponyms:absorbaccommodateaccordaccouteract asadministeradvanceaffordair-coolalcoholizeallocateallowallowancealphabetizeanswerappointarmarmorassignawardbackbankrollbarrackbedberthbestowbewhiskerblessblowboardborderbottlefeedbottombratticebreakfastbreastfeedbribebring inbullbunkbunkerburn offbushbuy intobuy offcalkcanalcapitalizecaptioncarrycatercausewaycertificatechamberchargecleatcoalcollarcombinecommissioncompensatecomputerizeconcedeconferconstitutionalizeconsumecontentcontributecopper-bottomcorbelcorncornicecosponsorcostumecough upcovercrenelcrewcropcurtaindadodatedatelinedealdefraydepositdinedisbursedistributedouble-glazedraindrenchdriftdrinkdriveenfeoffenfranchiseequipextendfeedfeed backfeed onfinfinancefitfit the billfix upfloodfodderfootforce-feedfretfritterfuelfundfurnishfusegas upgategiveglassgo a long waygo aroundgo dutchgraduategrassgrategratifygrubstakegutterharborhatheadlineheadquarterheapheathire outhobnailhomehookhorsehorseshoehousehumorhydrateindexindulgeinjectinnervateinstrumentinsufflateinterleaveinvestjointkeepkennelkernkeykick backkit outlavishlay outleaseleavelendleveragelive inlodgelunchluxuriatemachicolatemanmatchmechanizemisdealmisspendmitermotorizemunitionmuzzlenourishnutrifyofferopenoverfeedoverpayoverspendoverstockpanderpartnerpatchpaypay cashpenny-pinchpiddleplankplantpourpowerpreferpreludeprepaypresentprovideprovisionpumpput upqualifyquarterquellquenchrafterrailrailroadramprangerationre-equipreallotreapportionrearmrechargerecoupredeemredepositrefinancerefitreflectorizerefuelrefundrefurnishregaleregurgitaterehousereimburseremitremountrenderrequitereseatrestockrestoreretrofitrewirerigrimroll overrun downrun outsanitatesatisfysavescavengeseatsee throughseedserveshaftsheltershowersignalizeslatslopsopsow one's oatssparsparespeculatespendsplurgesponsorspoonfeedspreespurstablestaffstallstavesteam-heatstepstintstocksubletsubsidizesubtitlesufficesuitsupplysupportsurfeittake intaptenderterracethemetickettide overtie uptighten one's belttithetoggletooltoptransistorizetreadtrusttubeturn outunderlayundernourishunderpayunderspendunderstockuniformupholstervestvictualvouchsafewantonwaterwharfwinewirewiveyield
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody something | Somebody ---s something to somebody
vverb.possessionconvey or reveal informationDerivationally Related Form:giving
Hypernyms:say state tell
Inherited Hypernyms:givestateexpress
Direct Hyponyms:castquote
Full Troponyms:castquoteunderquote
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.communicationconvey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestowSynset:give pay
Examples:- Don't pay him any mind
- give the orders
- Give him my best regards
- pay attention
Hypernyms:communicate intercommunicate
Inherited Hypernyms:givecommunicateinteractact
Direct Hyponyms:extendoffer
Full Troponyms:offer
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody something | Somebody ---s something to somebody
vverb.creationorganize or be responsible forSynset:give have hold make throw
Examples:- hold a reception
- have, throw, or make a party
- give a course
Inherited Hypernyms:holddirectmanagecontrol
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.communicationconvey or communicate; of a smile, a look, a physical gestureSynset:give throw
Examples:- Throw a glance
- She gave me a dirty look
Hypernyms:communicate intercommunicate
Inherited Hypernyms:givecommunicateinteractact
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody something
vverb.possessiongive as a present; make a gift ofSynset:gift give present
Examples:- What will you give her for her birthday?
Derivationally Related Form:giverpresentergiftgiving
Inherited Hypernyms:give
Direct Hyponyms:bequeathbungcededeed overdeliverdistributedonatedowerendowfeegive awaygive outgive upgranthand outleavepass outraffleraffle offregiftrendersubmitsurrendertendertiptreatwill
Full Troponyms:beneficebequeathdevisedistributedonateendowfee-tailgive awaygranthand downpass onpledgepropagateraffleregiftrememberrendersellsharesign awaysurrendertendertiptreatyield up
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody something | Somebody ---s something to somebody
vverb.creationcause to happen or be responsible forSynset:give yield
Examples:- His two singles gave the team the victory
Hypernyms:create make
Inherited Hypernyms:givemake
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody something | Somebody ---s something to somebody
vverb.cognitiondedicateSynset:devote give pay
Examples:- give thought to
- give priority to
- pay attention to
Hypernyms:cerebrate cogitate think
Inherited Hypernyms:givethink
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something PP | Somebody ---s something to somebody
vverb.creationgive or supplySynset:generate give render return yield
Examples:- The cow brings in 5 liters of milk
- This year's crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn
- The estate renders some revenue for the family
Derivationally Related Form:yieldreturngeneration
Hypernyms:create make produce
Inherited Hypernyms:renderproduce
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.possessiontransmit (knowledge or skills)Synset:give impart leave pass on
Examples:- give a secret to the Russians
- leave your name and address here
- impart a new skill to the students
Derivationally Related Form:impartinggivingimpartation
Inherited Hypernyms:imparttellinformcommunicateinteractact
Direct Hyponyms:convey
Full Troponyms:acknowledgeaimalludeappreciateaskbackgroundbeambear downbodybreathebring outburst outclue inconnoteconveydogmatizedrivedrive homeembodyexemplifyexpressexudeflashforegroundformularizeframegivegive voicehintimplyincriminateintimatelexicalizelookmake outmeanmenacepick uppoint uppresupposeraisere-emphasiserip outsaysignifysmacksmilesneersoft-pedalspellstresssuggestthanktopicalizetypifyunderscoreventwave off
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s something to somebody | They won't --- the story (apply to: pass on)
vverb.creationbring aboutSynset:establish give
Examples:- The trompe l'oeil-illusion establishes depth
Hypernyms:create make
Inherited Hypernyms:establishmake
Direct Hyponyms:introducepacify
Full Troponyms:interposeintroducepacify
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.possessionleave with; give temporarilyExamples:- Can I give you my keys while I go in the pool?
- Can I give you the children for the weekend?
Hypernyms:give hand pass pass on reach turn over
Inherited Hypernyms:givepasstransfer
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody something
vverb.socialemit or utterHypernyms:emit let loose let out utter
Inherited Hypernyms:giveutter
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.possessionendure the loss ofSynset:give sacrifice
Examples:- He gave his life for his children
- I gave two sons to the war
Derivationally Related Form:sacrifice
Hypernyms:free give up release relinquish resign
Inherited Hypernyms:sacrificereleasepasstransfer
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s something to somebody
vverb.possessionplace into the hands or custody ofSynset:give hand pass pass on reach turn over
Examples:- hand me the spoon, please
- Turn the files over to me, please
- He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers
Derivationally Related Form:passagehand
Inherited Hypernyms:passtransfer
Direct Hyponyms:commitconfidedealdeliverentrustfork outfork overfork upfreegivegive uphand overintrustleavereleaserelinquishrenderresignslipsneaktrustturn in
Full Troponyms:bailcheckcollateralizecommendconsigndealderequisitionentrustgivegive awayhand overhypothecateobligatepawnpledgerecommitreleasesacrificeslip
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s somebody something | Somebody ---s something to somebody | They --- the people the food (apply to: hand, pass) | They --- the parcel to their parents (apply to: pass on, give) | They --- them the parcel (apply to: give) | They --- the food to the people (apply to: hand, pass)
vverb.communicationgive entirely to a specific person, activity, or causeSynset:commit consecrate dedicate devote give
Examples:- She committed herself to the work of God
- give one's talents to a good cause
- consecrate your life to the church
Derivationally Related Form:commitmentdedicationdevotiondevoteeconsecration
Hypernyms:apply employ use utilise utilize
Inherited Hypernyms:giveuse
Direct Hyponyms:applyconsecraterededicatevow
Full Troponyms:applyrededicatevow
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody to INFINITIVE | Somebody ---s somebody something | Somebody ---s something to somebody
vverb.possessiongive (as medicine)Hypernyms:administer dispense
Inherited Hypernyms:giveadministertreat
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something to somebody
vverb.possessiongive or convey physicallySynset:apply give
Examples:- She gave him First Aid
- I gave him a punch in the nose
Hypernyms:administer allot deal deal out dish out dispense distribute dole out lot mete out parcel out shell out
Inherited Hypernyms:givedistributegivetransfer
Direct Hyponyms:administertread
Full Troponyms:administerinsufflatetread
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something to somebody
vverb.communicationbestowSynset:give render
Derivationally Related Form:rendering
Hypernyms:communicate intercommunicate
Inherited Hypernyms:givecommunicateinteractact
Direct Hyponyms:dedicate
Full Troponyms:dedicateinscribe
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something to somebody
vverb.possessionbestow, especially officiallySynset:give grant
Examples:- grant a degree
- give a divorce
- This bill grants us new rights
Derivationally Related Form:granteegranter
Inherited Hypernyms:grant
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody something | Somebody ---s something to somebody
vverb.motionmove in order to make room for someone for somethingSynset:ease up give give way move over yield
Examples:- The park gave way to a supermarket
- 'Move over,' he told the crowd
Inherited Hypernyms:move overmove
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Somebody ---s | These cars won't --- (apply to: give way, yield, move over)
vverb.consumptiongive food toSynset:feed give
Examples:- Feed the starving children in India
- don't give the child this tough meat
Derivationally Related Form:feederfeedinggiving
Hypernyms:cater ply provide supply
Inherited Hypernyms:feedprovidegivetransfer
Direct Hyponyms:alimentbottlefeedbreakfastbreastfeedcorncropdinefodderforce-feedgive suckgrazeinjectlactatelunchmalnourishnourishnursenutrifyoverfeedpasturerangeregurgitatescavengeslopspoonfeedsucksuckleswillundernourishwet-nurse
Full Troponyms:bottlefeedbreakfastbreastfeedcorncropdinedriftfodderforce-feedgrassinjectlunchnutrifyoverfeedrangeregurgitatescavengeslopspoonfeedundernourish
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s somebody something (apply to: give) | Somebody ---s something to somebody (apply to: give) | They --- the people the food (apply to: feed) | They --- the food to the people (apply to: feed)
vverb.possessioncontribute to some causeSynset:chip in contribute give kick in
Derivationally Related Form:contributiongivingcontributor
Inherited Hypernyms:contributegivetransfer
Direct Hyponyms:combine
Full Troponyms:combine
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s | Somebody ---s something to somebody
vverb.motionbreak down, literally or metaphoricallySynset:break cave in collapse fall in founder give give way
Examples:- The wall collapsed
- The business collapsed
- The dam broke
- The roof collapsed
- The wall gave in
- The roof finally gave under the weight of the ice
Derivationally Related Form:cave incollapse
Inherited Hypernyms:collapsechange
Direct Hyponyms:breakbucklecrumpleflopgo offimplodesinkslide downslump
Full Troponyms:breakbuckleflopimplodeslump
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Somebody ---s | The business is going to --- (apply to: collapse)
vverb.cognitionestimate the duration or outcome of somethingExamples:- He gave the patient three months to live
- I gave him a very good chance at success
Hypernyms:approximate estimate gauge guess judge
Inherited Hypernyms:giveestimatecalculatereasonthink
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody something
vverb.socialexecute and deliverHypernyms:execute
Inherited Hypernyms:giveexecuteenforcecompelinduce
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.possessiondeliver in exchange or recompenseExamples:- I'll give you three books for four CDs
Hypernyms:compensate indemnify recompense repair
Inherited Hypernyms:givecompensatepaygivetransfer
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody PP
vverb.possessionafford access toSynset:afford give open
Examples:- the door opens to the patio
- The French doors give onto a terrace
Derivationally Related Form:openopening
Inherited Hypernyms:afford
Sentence Frame:Something is ---ing PP
vverb.creationpresent to viewExamples:- He gave the sign to start
Inherited Hypernyms:giveshow
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.creationperform for an audienceTopic:performing arts
Examples:- Pollini is giving another concert in New York
Inherited Hypernyms:giveperformre-createmake
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.contactbe flexible under stress of physical forceSynset:give yield
Examples:- This material doesn't give
Derivationally Related Form:give
Inherited Hypernyms:givestretchgrowincreasechange magnitudechange
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
vverb.consumptionproposeExamples:- He gave the first of many toasts at the birthday party
Hypernyms:drink pledge salute toast wassail
Inherited Hypernyms:givetoasthonorrecognizeprizeseethinkevaluatethink
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.communicationaccord by verdictTopic:jurisprudencelaw
Examples:- give a decision for the plaintiff
Hypernyms:accord allot grant
Inherited Hypernyms:giveaccordgivetransfer
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.communicationmanifest or showExamples:- This student gives promise of real creativity
- The office gave evidence of tampering
Hypernyms:evince express show
Inherited Hypernyms:giveexpressconveyimparttellinformcommunicateinteractact
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.communicationoffer in good faithDerivationally Related Form:giving
Inherited Hypernyms:givepledgeconsignentrustpasstransfer
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.communicationsubmit for consideration, judgment, or useExamples:- give one's opinion
- give an excuse
Inherited Hypernyms:givesubmitrefersendmove
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s something to somebody
vverb.communicationguide or direct, as by behavior of persuasionExamples:- You gave me to think that you agreed with me
Inherited Hypernyms:giveleadinduce
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody to INFINITIVE
vverb.communicationallow to have or takeExamples:- I give you two minutes to respond
Hypernyms:allow countenance let permit
Inherited Hypernyms:givepermitacceptreactact
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something to somebody
vverb.communicationinflict as a punishmentExamples:- She gave the boy a good spanking
- The judge gave me 10 years
Hypernyms:bring down impose inflict visit
Inherited Hypernyms:giveinflictcommunicateinteractact
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something to somebody
vverb.changeoccurDomain Usage:argotcantjargonlingopatoisslangvernacular
Hypernyms:come about fall out go on hap happen occur pass pass off take place
Inherited Hypernyms:givehappen
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
vverb.bodyconsent to engage in sexual intercourse with a manExamples:- She gave herself to many men
Hypernyms:accept consent go for
Inherited Hypernyms:giveacceptreactact
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something to somebody
vverb.bodyproffer (a body part)Examples:- She gave her hand to her little sister
Hypernyms:offer proffer
Inherited Hypernyms:giveoffergivetransfer
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something to somebody
adj satadj.allgiven or giving freelySynset:big bighearted bounteous bountiful freehanded handsome liberal openhanded
Examples:- was a big tipper
- the bounteous goodness of God
- bountiful compliments
- a freehanded host
- a handsome allowance
- Saturday's child is loving and giving
- a liberal backer of the arts
- a munificent gift
- her fond and openhanded grandfather
Derivationally Related Form:openhandednessliberalitybountifulnessliberalnessbigheartednessbountybounteousness
Inherited Hypernyms:big
Similar to:generous