

单词 give-up the ghost
Give-Up The Ghost
vverb.changepass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life
Synset:buy the farm cash in one's chips choke conk croak decease die drop dead exit expire go kick the bucket pass pass away perish pop off snuff it
  • She died from cancer
  • The children perished in the fire
  • The patient went peacefully
  • The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of 102
Antonyms:be born
Derivationally Related Form:deathexitexpirationDeathdeceasepassinggoingdecedent
Hypernyms:change state turn
Inherited Hypernyms:diechange statechange
Direct Hyponyms:abortasphyxiatebuy itdrownfallfamishpip outpredeceasestarvestiflesuccumbsuffocateyield
Full Troponyms:abortbuy itdrownfallpredeceasestarvestranglesuccumbsuffocate
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s




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