nnoun.communicationthe closing section of a musical compositionSynset:coda
Part Holonyms:composition musical composition opus piece piece of music performance public presentation
Hypernyms:close closing conclusion end ending
Inherited Hypernyms:finaleconclusionsectionmusicauditory communicationcommunicationabstractionentity
Inherited Hypernyms:finaleconclusionsectionwritingwritten communicationcommunicationabstractionentity
nnoun.timethe temporal end; the concluding timeSynset:close conclusion finis finish last stopping point
Examples:- the stopping point of each round was signaled by a bell
- the market was up at the finish
- they were playing better at the close of the season
Derivationally Related Form:finishclose
Hypernyms:end ending
Inherited Hypernyms:stopping pointendpointmeasureabstractionentity
nnoun.actthe concluding part of any performanceSynset:close closing curtain finis
Derivationally Related Form:close
Hypernyms:finish finishing
Inherited Hypernyms:finalefinishcompletionterminationchange of statechangeactionacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity