

单词 fictitious character
Fictitious Character
nnoun.personan imaginary person represented in a work of fiction (play or film or story)
Synset:character fictional character
  • she is the main character in the novel
Hypernyms:imaginary being imaginary creature
Inherited Hypernyms:fictional characterimaginary beingimaginationcreativityabilitycognitionpsychological featureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:agonistprotagonist
Instance Hyponyms:Aladdin Ali Baba Argonaut Arthur King Arthur Babar Beatrice Beowulf Bluebeard Bond James Bond Brer Rabbit Bunyan Paul Bunyan Cheshire cat Chicken Little Cinderella Colonel Blimp Don Quixote Dracula El Cid Emile Fagin Falstaff Sir John Falstaff Father Brown Faust Faustus Frankenstein Frankenstein's monster Frankenstein Galahad Sir Galahad Gawain Sir Gawain Goofy Guenevere Guinevere Gulliver Hamlet Captain Horatio Hornblower Horatio Hornblower Houyhnhnm Huck Finn Huckleberry Finn Iago Commissaire Maigret Inspector Maigret Iseult Isolde John Henry Kilroy Lancelot Sir Lancelot King Lear Lear Lilliputian Little John Little Red Riding Hood Marlowe Philip Marlowe Merlin Micawber Wilkins Micawber Mother Goose Mr. Moto Othello Pangloss Pantaloon Perry Mason Peter Pan Pied Piper Pied Piper of Hamelin Pierrot Pluto Raskolnikov Rodya Raskolnikov Rip van Winkle Robin Hood Robinson Crusoe Rumpelstiltskin Ruritanian Scaramouch Scaramouche Holmes Sherlock Holmes Shylock Simon Legree Sinbad Sinbad the Sailor Snoopy Svengali Tarzan Tarzan of the Apes Sweeney Todd Todd Tom Sawyer Trilby Tristan Tristram Uncle Remus Uncle Sam Uncle Tom Walter Mitty Yahoo
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