

单词 discourse
nnoun.communicationextended verbal expression in speech or writing
Hypernyms:language unit linguistic unit
Inherited Hypernyms:discourselanguage unitpartrelationabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:contextcontext of uselinguistic context
Full Hyponyms:
nnoun.communicationan address of a religious nature (usually delivered during a church service)
Topic:churchchurch service
Synset:preaching sermon
Derivationally Related Form:sermonizesermonisepreach
Hypernyms:address speech
Inherited Hypernyms:sermonaddressspeech actacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:baccalaureateevangelismhomilykerugmakerygmapreachment
Instance Hyponyms:Sermon on the Mount
Full Hyponyms:
nnoun.communicationan extended communication (often interactive) dealing with some particular topic
Synset:discussion treatment
  • the book contains an excellent discussion of modal logic
  • his treatment of the race question is badly biased
Derivationally Related Form:discoursetreatdiscuss
Hypernyms:communicating communication
Inherited Hypernyms:discussioncommunicationacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:considerationdetaildilationelaborationenlargementexpansiontalk
Full Hyponyms:
vverb.communicationto consider or examine in speech or writing
Synset:discuss talk about
  • The author talks about the different aspects of this question
  • The class discussed Dante's 'Inferno'
Derivationally Related Form:discoursediscussion
Hypernyms:address cover deal handle plow treat
Inherited Hypernyms:discoursecoverbroachhash outtalk oftalkcommunicateinteractact
Direct Hyponyms:descanttalk shop
Full Troponyms:descanttalk shop
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody | Something ---s something | Sam and Sue --- (apply to: discourse) | Sam wants to --- with Sue (apply to: discourse)
vverb.communicationcarry on a conversation
Derivationally Related Form:conversation
Hypernyms:speak talk
Inherited Hypernyms:conversetalkcommunicateinteractact
Direct Hyponyms:arguechafferchatchatterchew the fatchit-chatchitchatclaverconfabconfabulatecontenddebatefencegossipinterviewjawnatterquestionshoot the breezevisit
Full Troponyms:arguebrawlcallchallengechew the fatcontestfall outinterviewopposepolemizequarrelquibbleshmoozesparspatstickle
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s | Somebody ---s PP | Sam and Sue --- (apply to: converse) | Sam wants to --- with Sue (apply to: converse)
vverb.communicationtalk at length and formally about a topic
Synset:dissertate hold forth
  • The speaker dissertated about the social politics in 18th century England
Derivationally Related Form:dissertation
Hypernyms:speak talk
Inherited Hypernyms:hold forthtalkcommunicateinteractact
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s on something




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