

单词 dippers
nnoun.groupa Baptist denomination founded in 1708 by Americans of German descent; opposed to military service and taking legal oaths; practiced trine immersion
Synset:Church of the Brethren Dippers Dunkers
Hypernyms:Baptist denomination
Inherited Hypernyms:church of the brethrenbaptist denominationprotestant denominationdenominationnongovernmental organizationorganizationsocial groupgroupabstractionentity
Member Meronyms:Dunkard Dunker Tunker
nnoun.artifacta ladle that has a cup with a long handle
Derivationally Related Form:dip
Inherited Hypernyms:dipperladlevesselcontainerinstrumentalityartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.objecta cluster of seven stars in Ursa Minor; at the end of the dipper's handle is Polaris
Synset:Dipper Little Dipper
Part Holonyms:Little Bear Ursa Minor
Instance Hypernyms:asterism
Inherited Hypernyms:little dipperasterismnatural objectwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Member Meronyms:North Star Polaris polar star pole star polestar
nnoun.objecta group of seven bright stars in the constellation Ursa Major
Synset:Big Dipper Charles's Wain Dipper Plough Wagon Wain
Part Holonyms:Great Bear Ursa Major
Instance Hypernyms:asterism
Inherited Hypernyms:big dipperasterismnatural objectwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.animalsmall North American diving duck; males have bushy head plumage
Synset:Bucephela albeola bufflehead butterball dipper
Member Holonyms:Bucephala genus Bucephala
Inherited Hypernyms:buffleheadduckanseriform birdwaterfowlaquatic birdbirdvertebratechordateanimalorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.animalsmall stocky diving bird without webbed feet; frequents fast-flowing streams and feeds along the bottom
Synset:dipper water ouzel
Member Holonyms:Cinclidae family Cinclidae
Hypernyms:oscine oscine bird
Inherited Hypernyms:water ouzeloscinepasserinebirdvertebratechordateanimalorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:American water ouzelCinclus aquaticusCinclus mexicanusEuropean water ouzel
Full Hyponyms:
american water ouzeleuropean water ouzel




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