nnoun.actrelieving pressure (especially bringing a compressed person gradually back to atmospheric pressure)Synset:decompression
Derivationally Related Form:decompress
Hypernyms:alleviation easement easing relief
Inherited Hypernyms:decompressioneasingdecreasechange of magnitudechangeactionacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity
vverb.contactrestore to its uncompressed formSynset:decompress uncompress
Derivationally Related Form:decompression
Hypernyms:reconstruct restore
Inherited Hypernyms:decompressrestoreregeneratere-createmake
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.changedecrease the pressure ofSynset:decompress depressurise depressurize
Examples:- depressurize the cabin in the air plane
Derivationally Related Form:decompressiondecompressing
Hypernyms:adjust correct set
Inherited Hypernyms:depressurizeadjustchange
Direct Hyponyms:puncture
Full Troponyms:puncture
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.bodybecome less tense, rest, or take one's easeSynset:decompress loosen up relax slow down unbend unwind
Examples:- He relaxed in the hot tub
- Let's all relax after a hard day's work
Derivationally Related Form:relaxationrelaxant
Hypernyms:change state turn
Inherited Hypernyms:relaxchange statechange
Direct Hyponyms:sit backtake it easyvege outvegetate
Full Troponyms:sit backvege out
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s | Somebody's (body part) ---s | Sam and Sue --- (apply to: relax, loosen up, slow down, decompress, unbend)