nnoun.timethe last (12th) month of the yearSynset:Dec December
Part Holonyms:Gregorian calendar New Style calendar
Hypernyms:Gregorian calendar month
Inherited Hypernyms:decembergregorian calendar monthcalendar monthtime periodfundamental quantitymeasureabstractionentity
Part Meronyms:Christmas Christmastide Christmastime Noel Yule Yuletide Christmas Christmas Day Dec 25 Xmas mid-December December 31 New Year's Eve
nnoun.location(astronomy) the angular distance of a celestial body north or to the south of the celestial equator; expressed in degrees; used with right ascension to specify positions on the celestial sphereTopic:astronomyuranology
Synset:celestial latitude declination
Hypernyms:angular distance
Inherited Hypernyms:declinationangular distanceanglespaceamorphous shapeshapeattributeabstractionentity
Inherited Hypernyms:declinationangular distanceanglespacelocationobjectphysical entityentity