nnoun.timethe first light of daySynset:aurora break of day break of the day cockcrow dawn daybreak dayspring first light morning sunrise sunup
Examples:- we got up before dawn
- they talked until morning
Derivationally Related Form:auroreandawnauroral
Hypernyms:hour time of day
Inherited Hypernyms:dawnhourclock timereadingdatuminformationcognitionpsychological featureabstractionentity
vverb.cognitionbecome clear or enter one's consciousness or emotionsSynset:click come home dawn fall into place get across get through penetrate sink in
Examples:- It dawned on him that she had betrayed him
- she was penetrated with sorrow
Inherited Hypernyms:click
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
vverb.stativeappear or developExamples:- The age of computers had dawned
Derivationally Related Form:dawn
Hypernyms:begin start
Inherited Hypernyms:dawnbegin
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
vverb.changebecome lightExamples:- It started to dawn, and we had to get up
Derivationally Related Form:dawningdawn
Inherited Hypernyms:dawnchange
Sentence Frame:Something ---s