vverb.motionfall apartSynset:break down collapse crumble crumple tumble
Examples:- the building crumbled after the explosion
- Negotiations broke down
Hypernyms:change integrity
Inherited Hypernyms:crumblechange integritychange
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | The business is going to --- (apply to: crumble)
vverb.contactfold or collapseSynset:buckle crumple
Hypernyms:break cave in collapse fall in founder give give way
Inherited Hypernyms:bucklecollapsechange
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Somebody ---s
vverb.contactto gather something into small wrinkles or foldsSynset:cockle crumple knit pucker rumple
Hypernyms:crease crinkle crisp ruckle scrunch scrunch up wrinkle
Inherited Hypernyms:puckerwrinklefoldchange surfacechange
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s (apply to: pucker) | They --- the sheets (apply to: crumple, rumple, pucker)
vverb.changebecome wrinkled or crumpled or creasedSynset:crease crinkle crumple rumple wrinkle
Examples:- This fabric won't wrinkle
Derivationally Related Form:crinklewrinklecrease
Hypernyms:fold fold up
Inherited Hypernyms:rumplefoldchange
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | These fabrics --- easily (apply to: crumple, crinkle, wrinkle, crease, rumple) | The sheets didn't --- (apply to: crumple, crinkle, wrinkle, crease, rumple)