vverb.socialinvest with regal power; enthroneSynset:coronate crown
Examples:- The prince was crowned in Westminster Abbey
Derivationally Related Form:coronationcrownCrown
Hypernyms:enthrone invest vest
Inherited Hypernyms:crowninvestinstall
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody
vverb.changebe the culminating eventSynset:crown top
Examples:- The speech crowned the meeting
Hypernyms:climax culminate
Inherited Hypernyms:crownculminateend
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something
vverb.stativeform the topmost part ofExamples:- A weather vane crowns the building
Inherited Hypernyms:crownheadliebe
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something
vverb.contactput an enamel cover onDerivationally Related Form:crown
Inherited Hypernyms:crowncover
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
adjadj.allhaving an (artificial) crown on a toothTopic:dental medicinedentistryodontology
Inherited Hypernyms:crowned
Similar to:capped
adjadj.allcrowned with or as if with laurel symbolizing victorySynset:laureled laurelled
Inherited Hypernyms:laureled
adjadj.allprovided with or as if with a crown or a crown as specified; often used in combinationExamples:- a high-crowned hat
- an orange-crowned bird
- a crowned signet ring
Inherited Hypernyms:crowned
Similar to:capped chapleted comate comose high-crowned royal