

单词 country
nnoun.groupa politically organized body of people under a single government
Synset:body politic commonwealth land nation res publica state
  • the state has elected a new president
  • African nations
  • students who had come to the nation's capitol
  • the country's largest manufacturer
  • an industrialized land
Hypernyms:political entity political unit
Inherited Hypernyms:statepolitical unitunitorganizationsocial groupgroupabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:DominionReichallycity-statecity statecommonwealth countrydeveloping countryforeign countrygreat powermajor powerpowerrenegade staterogue nationrogue statesea powersuperpowersuzerainworld power
Instance Hyponyms:Eelam Tamil Eelam
Part Meronyms:estate estate of the realm the three estates
Full Hyponyms:
allycity statecommonwealth countrydeveloping countrydominionforeign countryhegemonhohenzollern empirereichrogue statesea powersuzerainthird reichworld power
nnoun.locationthe territory occupied by a nation
Synset:land state
  • he returned to the land of his birth
  • he visited several European countries
Hypernyms:administrative district administrative division territorial division
Inherited Hypernyms:countryadministrative districtdistrictregionlocationobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:African countryAfrican nationAsian countryAsian nationEuropean countryEuropean nationNorth American countryNorth American nationSouth American countrySouth American nationbanana republicbuffer countrybuffer statecountry of originfatherlandhomelandkingdommother countrymotherlandnative landsultanatetax haven
Instance Hyponyms:Antigua and Barbuda Australia Commonwealth of Australia Bahama Islands Bahamas Commonwealth of the Bahamas Barbados Burkina Faso Upper Volta Cape Verde Republic of Cape Verde Comoros Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros Cuba Republic of Cuba Cyprus Republic of Cyprus Commonwealth of Dominica Dominica Dominican Republic East Timor Etruria Fiji Republic of Fiji Grenada Haiti Republic of Haiti Dutch East Indies Indonesia Republic of Indonesia Israel Sion State of Israel Yisrael Zion Jamaica Kiribati Republic of Kiribati Maldives Republic of Maldives Malta Republic of Malta Marshall Islands Republic of the Marshall Islands Mauritius Republic of Mauritius Federated States of Micronesia Micronesia TT Nauru Republic of Nauru New Zealand Palau Republic of Palau TT Independent State of Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea Philippines Republic of the Philippines Rus Russia Russian Federation Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Christopher-Nevis Saint Kitts and Nevis St. Christopher-Nevis St. Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia St. Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines St. Vincent and the Grenadines Independent State of Samoa Samoa Samoa i Sisifo Western Samoa Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe Sao Thome e Principe Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome e Principe St. Thomas and Principe Republic of Seychelles Seychelles Solomon Islands Russia Soviet Union USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Ceylon Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Friendly Islands Kingdom of Tonga Tonga Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago Republic of Turkey Turkey Turkmen Turkmenia Turkmenistan Turkomen Tuvalu Ukraine Ukrayina New Hebrides Republic of Vanuatu Vanuatu
Member Meronyms:department province state
Part Meronyms:demesne domain land midland
Full Hyponyms:
african countryasian countrybalkan countrybanana republicbuffer statecentral american countryeuropean countryfatherlandgreecekingdomnorth american countryold countryscandinavian countrysouth american countrysultanatetax haven
nnoun.groupthe people who live in a nation or country
Synset:land nation
  • a statement that sums up the nation's mood
  • the news was announced to the nation
  • the whole country worshipped him
Inherited Hypernyms:nationpeoplegroupabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:BritishBritish peopleBritsDutchDutch peopleEnglishEnglish peopleFrenchFrench peopleIrishIrish peopleSpanishSpanish peopleSwissSwiss people
Member Meronyms:national subject
Full Hyponyms:
nnoun.locationan area outside of cities and towns
Synset:rural area
  • his poetry celebrated the slower pace of life in the country
Antonyms:urban area
Hypernyms:geographic area geographic region geographical area geographical region
Inherited Hypernyms:countrygeographical arearegionlocationobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:back countrybackwoodsboondockscountrysidefarming areafarmlandhinterlandscrublandwealdwold
Part Meronyms:grazing land lea ley pasture pastureland
Full Hyponyms:
nnoun.locationa particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography)
  • it was a mountainous area
  • Bible country
Derivationally Related Form:areal
Inherited Hypernyms:arearegionlocationobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:anchorageanchorage groundarenabed-groundbed groundbedgroundblockbroadcast areacentercentrecity blockclearcornerdangerdisaster areaeyefiresidefree portfree zonehangouthaunthearthearthhigh countryhunting groundmiddleneighborhoodno-go areano man's landopenplaygroundquadrantrain shadowrefugerepairresortresort arearetreatsafetyscenesectionshrubberyspacestaging areastamping groundtank farmtrouble spotvacation spotwinner's circle
Instance Hyponyms:Bermuda Triangle
Full Hyponyms:
'hoodairspaceanchoragearenaashrambed groundblockborscht circuitbroadcast areacapitalcentercenter stagecity centercivic centercornercounty seatcounty towncrawlspacedangerdarknessdisaster areadisk overheaddisk spacefield of honorfinancial centerfliesfree portgathering placegold coastharboragehaunthearthhigh countryhubhunting groundinner citykeylandscapelightmedical centermidfieldmidstreammooringnational capitalneighborhoodnestno-go areano-parking zoneno man's landnookopenoutskirtsparking spaceperchplacepleasancepresenceprovincial capitalproximityquadrantrain shadowresort arearetreatroadssafetysanctumscenesceneryseascapeseatsectionseeseparationshrubberyspacestagestaging areastate capitalstorm centerswap spacetank farmterrepleintrouble spotvenuevicinitywatering placewinner's circleworkspace




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