

单词 chicago
nnoun.locationlargest city in Illinois; a bustling Great Lakes port that extends 26 miles along the southwestern shoreline of Lake Michigan
Synset:Chicago Windy City
Part Holonyms:IL Ill. Illinois Land of Lincoln Prairie State
Instance Hypernyms:city metropolis urban center port
Inherited Hypernyms:chicagocitymunicipalityadministrative districtdistrictregionlocationobjectphysical entityentity
Inherited Hypernyms:chicagocitymunicipalityurban areageographical arearegionlocationobjectphysical entityentity
Inherited Hypernyms:chicagoportgeographic pointpointlocationobjectphysical entityentity
Part Meronyms:Sears Tower University of Chicago
nnoun.acta gambling card game in which chips are placed on the ace and king and queen and jack of separate suits (taken from a separate deck); a player plays the lowest card of a suit in his hand and successively higher cards are played until the sequence stops; the player who plays a card matching one in the layout wins all the chips on that card
Synset:Chicago Michigan Newmarket boodle stops
Hypernyms:card game cards
Inherited Hypernyms:michigancard gamegameactivityacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity




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