

单词 chemist
nnoun.persona scientist who specializes in chemistry
Topic:chemical sciencechemistry
Derivationally Related Form:chemistry
Inherited Hypernyms:chemistscientistpersoncausal agentphysical entityentity
Inherited Hypernyms:chemistscientistpersonorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:biochemistnuclear chemistphytochemistradiochemist
Instance Hyponyms:Arrhenius Svante August Arrhenius Berzelius Jons Jakob Berzelius Black Joseph Black Boyle Robert Boyle Buchner Eduard Buchner Bunsen Robert Bunsen Robert Wilhelm Bunsen Calvin Melvin Calvin Carothers Wallace Carothers Wallace Hume Carothers Carver George Washington Carver Cavendish Henry Cavendish Crookes Sir William Crookes William Crookes Curie Madame Curie Marie Curie Marya Sklodowska Curl Robert Curl Robert F. Curl Robert Floyd Curl Jr. Dalton John Dalton Davy Humphrey Davy Sir Humphrey Davy Dewar Sir James Dewar Eigen Manfred Eigen Erlenmeyer Richard August Carl Emil Erlenmeyer Faraday Michael Faraday Fischer Hans Fischer Emil Hermann Fischer Fischer Flory Paul John Flory Gay-Lussac Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac Gibbs Josiah Willard Gibbs Fritz Haber Haber Hahn Otto Hahn Charles Martin Hall Hall Hassel Odd Hassel Henry William Henry George Charles Hevesy de Hevesy Hevesy Heyrovsky Joroslav Heyrovsky Dorothy Hodgkin Dorothy Mary Crowfoot Hodgkin Hodgkin August Wilhelm von Hoffmann Hoffmann Hoffmann Roald Hoffmann Friedrich August Kekule Friedrich August Kekule von Stradonitz Kekule Klaproth Martin Heinrich Klaproth Harold Kroto Harold W. Kroto Kroto Sir Harold Walter Kroto Kuhn Richard Kuhn Irving Langmuir Langmuir Antoine Laurent Lavoisier Antoine Lavoisier Lavoisier Henry le Chatelier le Chatelier Libby Willard Frank Libby Lipscomb William Nunn Lipscom Jr. Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleyev Dmitri Mendeleev Dmitri Mendeleyev Mendeleev Mendeleyev E. W. Morley Edward Morley Edward Williams Morley Morley Carl Gustaf Mossander Mosander Muller Paul Hermann Muller Giulio Natta Natta Nernst Walther Hermann Nernst Alfred Bernhard Nobel Alfred Nobel Nobel Norrish Ronald George Wreyford Norrish Lars Onsager Onsager Ostwald Wilhelm Ostwald Louis Pasteur Pasteur Linus Carl Pauling Linus Pauling Pauling Joseph Priestley Priestley Reichstein Tadeus Reichstein Richard J. Roberts Richard John Roberts Roberts Robert Robinson Robinson Sir Robert Robinson Daniel Rutherford Rutherford Karl Scheele Karl Wilhelm Scheele Scheele Christian Friedrich Schonbein Christian Schonbein Schonbein Glenn T. Seaborg Glenn Theodore Seaborg Seaborg Richard E. Smalley Richard Errett Smalley Richard Smalley Smalley Frederick Soddy Soddy Ernest Solvay Solvay Soren Peter Lauritz Sorensen Sorensen Lord Todd Sir Alexander Robertus Todd Todd Harold Clayton Urey Harold Urey Urey Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson Wilkinson Adolf Windaus Windaus William Hyde Wollaston Wollaston Bob Woodward Robert Burns Woodward Robert Woodward Woodward Karl Waldemar Ziegler Ziegler Richard Adolph Zsigmondy Zsigmondy
Full Hyponyms:
biochemistenzymologistnuclear chemistphytochemist
nnoun.persona health professional trained in the art of preparing and dispensing drugs
Synset:apothecary druggist pharmacist pill pusher pill roller
Derivationally Related Form:drugchemistrypharmacypharmaceutic
Hypernyms:PCP caregiver health care provider health professional primary care provider
Inherited Hypernyms:pharmacisthealth professionalprofessionaladultpersoncausal agentphysical entityentity
Inherited Hypernyms:pharmacisthealth professionalprofessionaladultpersonorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:pharmaceutical chemistpharmacologist
Full Hyponyms:




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