

单词 cheating
nnoun.acta deception for profit to yourself
Derivationally Related Form:cheat
Hypernyms:deceit deception dissembling dissimulation
Inherited Hypernyms:cheatdeceptionfalsificationwrongdoingactivityacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:gerrymander
Full Hyponyms:
vverb.socialdeprive somebody of something by deceit
Synset:cheat chisel rip off
  • The con-man beat me out of $50
  • This salesman ripped us off!
  • we were cheated by their clever-sounding scheme
  • They chiseled me out of my money
Derivationally Related Form:chisellerchiselerrip-offcheatingcheatercheat
Hypernyms:victimise victimize
Inherited Hypernyms:cheatvictimizewrongtreatinteractact
Direct Hyponyms:beatbeguilebilkbuncobunkconcozendefrauddiddlefleecegazumpgipgoldbrickgyphoodwinkhookhornswogglejugglemulctnobbleoverchargepluckplumerobrookscamshort-changesoaksurchargeswindlevictimizewelchwelshwhipsaw
Entailment:cozen deceive delude lead on
Full Troponyms:beatbilkbleedcozenextortgazumpgypjuggleoverchargeshort-changevictimizewelshwhipsaw
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s | Somebody ---s somebody of something | They --- him of all his money (apply to: cheat) | Sam cannot --- Sue (apply to: cheat)
vverb.competitiondefeat someone through trickery or deceit
Synset:cheat chicane chouse jockey screw shaft
Derivationally Related Form:chicanecheatercheatchicanery
Hypernyms:beat beat out crush shell trounce vanquish
Inherited Hypernyms:cheatbeatget the better of
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s something
vverb.socialengage in deceitful behavior; practice trickery or fraud
Synset:cheat chisel
  • Who's chiseling on the side?
Derivationally Related Form:chiselercheatingcheatercheatchiseller
Hypernyms:cozen deceive delude lead on
Inherited Hypernyms:cheatdeceivevictimizewrongtreatinteractact
Direct Hyponyms:cookcozencribfakefalsifyfudgejobmanipulatemisrepresentrigset upsharkwangle
Full Troponyms:cozencribfudgejobjugglerigshark
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s | Sam and Sue --- (apply to: cheat)
vverb.socialbe sexually unfaithful to one's partner in marriage
Synset:betray cheat cheat on cuckold wander
  • She cheats on her husband
  • Might her husband be wandering?
Derivationally Related Form:cuckold
Hypernyms:cozen deceive delude lead on
Inherited Hypernyms:cheat ondeceivevictimizewrongtreatinteractact
Direct Hyponyms:fool aroundplay aroundtwo-time
Full Troponyms:play aroundtwo-time
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s (apply to: wander, cheat) | Sam cannot --- Sue (apply to: cheat on, cheat, betray)
adj satadj.allnot faithful to a spouse or lover
Synset:adulterous two-timing
  • adulterous husbands and wives
  • a two-timing boyfriend
Derivationally Related Form:adultery
Inherited Hypernyms:adulterous
Similar to:unfaithful
adj satadj.allviolating accepted standards or rules
Synset:dirty foul unsporting unsportsmanlike
  • a dirty fighter
  • used foul means to gain power
  • a nasty unsporting serve
  • fined for unsportsmanlike behavior
Derivationally Related Form:foulness
Inherited Hypernyms:cheating
Similar to:unfair unjust




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