

单词 channels
nnoun.communicationofficial routes of communication
  • you have to go through channels
Inherited Hypernyms:channelstransmissioncommunicationacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity
nnoun.communicationa path over which electrical signals can pass
Synset:channel transmission channel
  • a channel is typically what you rent from a telephone company
Derivationally Related Form:channelchannelize
Inherited Hypernyms:channeltransmissioncommunicationacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity
nnoun.artifacta passage for water (or other fluids) to flow through
  • the fields were crossed with irrigation channels
  • gutters carried off the rainwater into a series of channels under the street
Derivationally Related Form:channelize
Inherited Hypernyms:channelpassagewayartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:gutterlimberstrough
Full Hyponyms:
chutecoal chutecullisgutterlimbersmoulinrunwaywater chute
nnoun.shapea long narrow furrow cut either by a natural process (such as erosion) or by a tool (as e.g. a groove in a phonograph record)
Synset:channel groove
Derivationally Related Form:groove
Hypernyms:depression impression imprint
Inherited Hypernyms:groovedepressionconcave shapesolidshapeattributeabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:dadofluteflutingquirkrabbetrebaterutstriastriationtrackwashout
Full Hyponyms:
nnoun.objecta deep and relatively narrow body of water (as in a river or a harbor or a strait linking two larger bodies) that allows the best passage for vessels
  • the ship went aground in the channel
Hypernyms:body of water water
Inherited Hypernyms:channelbody of waterthingphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:canalgutrillsoundstraittidewaywatercourse
Instance Hyponyms:English Channel Hampton Roads Harlem River Mozambique Channel Windward Passage
Full Hyponyms:
nnoun.communication(often plural) a means of communication or access
Domain Usage:pluralplural form
Synset:channel communication channel line
  • it must go through official channels
  • lines of communication were set up between the two firms
Derivationally Related Form:channelchannelize
Hypernyms:communicating communication
Inherited Hypernyms:channelcommunicationacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:back channelcontactinter-group communicationlensliaisonline of gablinkpatterspiel
Full Hyponyms:
back channellensliaisonspiel
nnoun.bodya bodily passage or tube lined with epithelial cells and conveying a secretion or other substance
Synset:canal channel duct epithelial duct
  • the tear duct was obstructed
  • the alimentary canal
  • poison is released through a channel in the snake's fangs
Derivationally Related Form:channelize
Hypernyms:passage passageway
Inherited Hypernyms:ductpassagestructurebody partpartthingphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:GI tractHaversian canalSchlemm's canalSylvian aqueductalimentary canalalimentary tractaqueductus cerebribile ductbronchiolecanal of Schlemmcanaliculuscanalis cervicis utericanalis inguinaliscanalis vertebraliscartilaginous tubecerebral aqueductcervical canalcommon bile ductdigestive tractdigestive tubeductuleductulusductus deferensejaculatory ductepididymisgastrointestinal tracthepatic ductinguinal canallachrymal ductlacrimal ductlactiferous ductlymph vessellymphatic vesselnasolacrimal ductpancreatic ductporesalivary ductseminal ductsinussinus venosus scleraespinal canaltear ductumbilicalumbilical cordureterurethravaginavas deferensvenous sinusvertebral canal
Part Meronyms:ampulla
Full Hyponyms:
alimentary canalbiliary ductulebronchiolebronchuscanal of schlemmcanaliculuscartilaginous tubecavernous sinuscerebral aqueductcervical canalcommon bile ductcoronary sinusductuleejaculatory ductenteronepididymishaversian canalhepatic ductinguinal canallacrimal ductlacteallactiferous ductlymph vesselnasolacrimal ductostiolepancreatic ductporesalivary ductseminal ductsigmoid sinusspinal canalstraight sinussweat ductthoracic ducttracheatransverse sinusumbilical cordureterurethravaginavas deferensvenous sinus
nnoun.artifacta television station and its programs
Synset:TV channel channel television channel
  • a satellite TV channel
  • surfing through the channels
  • they offer more than one hundred channels
Hypernyms:TV station television station
Inherited Hypernyms:channeltelevision stationbroadcasting stationstationfacilityartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.acta way of selling a company's product either directly or via distributors
Synset:channel distribution channel
  • possible distribution channels are wholesalers or small retailers or retail chains or direct mailers or your own stores
Inherited Hypernyms:distribution channelmarketingcommercetransactiongroup actionacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity
Inherited Hypernyms:distribution channelmarketingcommercetransactiongroup actioneventpsychological featureabstractionentity
vverb.motiontransmit or serve as the medium for transmission
Synset:carry channel conduct convey impart transmit
  • Sound carries well over water
  • The airwaves carry the sound
  • Many metals conduct heat
Derivationally Related Form:carriercarryconductiontransmissionconductivechanneltransmittalconductor
Hypernyms:bring convey take
Inherited Hypernyms:impartbringtransportmove
Direct Hyponyms:bring inpipe inretransmitwash up
Full Troponyms:bring inpipe inretransmitwash up
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s something PP
vverb.motiondirect the flow of
  • channel information towards a broad audience
Derivationally Related Form:channelchannelizationchannelisation
Hypernyms:channelise channelize direct guide head maneuver manoeuver manoeuvre point steer
Inherited Hypernyms:channelsteercontrol
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s something PP | They --- the water from the sink (apply to: channel)
vverb.contactsend from one person or place to another
Synset:channel channelise channelize transfer transmit transport
  • transmit a message
Derivationally Related Form:transporttransmittingtransmissionchannelizationtransfertransferertransferraltransmittertransferrerchanneltransmittalchannelisation
Hypernyms:displace move
Inherited Hypernyms:transmitmove
Direct Hyponyms:bringconveyfetchgetprojectpropagatereleasesendsend outtranslateturn
Full Troponyms:air-dropbringconsigndeflatedeliverdropelutemailmail outmisdeliverpouchprojectpropagateretrievesendsend inserveshootsubpoenathrowtranslateturnwashwharf
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something | Somebody ---s something PP | They --- the parcel to their parents (apply to: transfer)




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