

单词 chains
nnoun.artifactmetal shackles; for hands or legs
Domain Usage:pluralplural form
Hypernyms:bond hamper shackle trammel
Inherited Hypernyms:ironsshacklerestraintdeviceinstrumentalityartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.groupa series of things depending on each other as if linked together
Synset:chain concatenation
  • the chain of command
  • a complicated concatenation of circumstances
Derivationally Related Form:catenatecatenulate
Inherited Hypernyms:chainseriesorderingarrangementgroupabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:catenadaisy chain
Full Hyponyms:
catenadaisy chain
nnoun.object(chemistry) a series of linked atoms (generally in an organic molecule)
Topic:chemical sciencechemistry
Synset:chain chemical chain
Derivationally Related Form:catenatecatenulate
Part Holonyms:molecule
Hypernyms:building block unit
Inherited Hypernyms:chainunitthingphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:closed chainlong-chain moleculelong chainopen chainring
Full Hyponyms:
branched chainclosed chainheterocyclic ringlong chainopen chainstraight chain
nnoun.artifacta series of (usually metal) rings or links fitted into one another to make a flexible ligament
Derivationally Related Form:chain
Part Holonyms:bicycle bike cycle wheel chain printer chain tongs
Inherited Hypernyms:chainligamentattachmentconnectioninstrumentalityartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:anchor chainanchor ropebicycle chainchatelainefobpaper chainpull chainsnow chaintire chainwatch chainwatch guard
Full Hyponyms:
anchor chainbicycle chainchatelainefobpaper chainpull chaintire chain
nnoun.group(business) a number of similar establishments (stores or restaurants or banks or hotels or theaters) under one ownership
Topic:businessbusiness enterprisecommercial enterprise
Hypernyms:business business concern business organisation business organization concern
Inherited Hypernyms:chainbusinessenterpriseorganizationsocial groupgroupabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:apparel chaindiscount chainrestaurant chainretail chain
Member Meronyms:chain store
Full Hyponyms:
apparel chaindiscount chainrestaurant chainretail chain
nnoun.artifactanything that acts as a restraint
Hypernyms:constraint restraint
Inherited Hypernyms:chainrestraintdeviceinstrumentalityartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.quantitya unit of length
Hypernyms:linear measure linear unit
Inherited Hypernyms:chainlinear unitunit of measurementdefinite quantitymeasureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:Gunter's chainengineer's chainnautical chain
Part Meronyms:link pace yard
Full Hyponyms:
engineer's chaingunter's chainnautical chain
nnoun.personBritish biochemist (born in Germany) who isolated and purified penicillin, which had been discovered in 1928 by Sir Alexander Fleming (1906-1979)
Synset:Chain Ernst Boris Chain Sir Ernst Boris Chain
Instance Hypernyms:biochemist
Inherited Hypernyms:chainbiochemistchemistscientistpersoncausal agentphysical entityentity
Inherited Hypernyms:chainbiochemistchemistscientistpersonorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.objecta series of hills or mountains
Synset:chain chain of mountains mountain chain mountain range range range of mountains
  • the valley was between two ranges of hills
  • the plains lay just beyond the mountain range
Hypernyms:formation geological formation
Inherited Hypernyms:rangegeological formationobjectphysical entityentity
Instance Hyponyms:Adirondack Mountains Adirondacks Admiralty Range Alaska Range Alleghenies Allegheny Mountains Alps the Alps Altai Mountains Altay Mountains Andes Apennines Appalachian Mountains Appalachians Atlas Mountains Australian Alps Balkan Mountain Range Balkan Mountains Balkans Berkshire Hills Berkshires Black Hills Blue Ridge Blue Ridge Mountains Cantabrian Mountains Carpathian Mountains Carpathians Cascade Mountains Cascade Range Cascades Catskill Mountains Catskills Caucasus Caucasus Mountains Coast Mountains Coast Range Cumberland Mountains Cumberland Plateau Dolomite Alps Eastern Highlands Great Dividing Range Great Smoky Mountains Green Mountains Guadalupe Mountains Himalaya Himalaya Mountains Himalayas Hindu Kush Hindu Kush Mountains Karakoram Karakoram Range Karakorum Range Mustagh Mustagh Range Kuenlun Kuenlun Mountains Kunlan Shan Kunlun Kunlun Mountains Mesabi Range Mount Carmel Nan Ling Ozark Mountains Ozark Plateau Ozarks Pamir Mountains the Pamirs Pyrenees Rhodope Mountains Rockies Rocky Mountains Sacramento Mountains San Juan Mountains Sayan Mountains Selkirk Mountains sierra Sierra Madre Occidental Sierra Madre Oriental Sierra Nevada High Sierra Sierra Nevada Sierra Nevada Mountains St. Elias Mountains St. Elias Range Taconic Mountains Teton Range Tien Shan Tyan Shan Transylvanian Alps Tyrolean Alps Ural Mountains Urals
Part Meronyms:massif mountain pass notch pass
nnoun.artifacta linked or connected series of objects
  • a chain of daisies
Inherited Hypernyms:chainnecklacejewelryadornmentdecorationartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.artifacta necklace made by stringing objects together
Synset:chain strand string
  • a string of beads
  • a strand of pearls
Derivationally Related Form:string
Inherited Hypernyms:chainnecklacejewelryadornmentdecorationartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
vverb.contactconnect or arrange into a chain by linking
Hypernyms:arrange set up
Inherited Hypernyms:chainarrangeputmove
Direct Hyponyms:concatenate
Full Troponyms:concatenate
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.contactfasten or secure with chains
  • Chain the chairs together
Derivationally Related Form:chain
Hypernyms:fasten fix secure
Inherited Hypernyms:chainfastenattachconnect
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s something PP




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