Topic:ballbaseballbaseball game
Inherited Hypernyms:catchingplayingactionacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity
单词 | catching |
释义 | Catching nnoun.act(baseball) playing the position of catcher on a baseball team Topic:ballbaseballbaseball game Hypernyms:playing Inherited Hypernyms:catchingplayingactionacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity nnoun.actthe act of detecting something; catching sight of something Synset:detection espial spotting spying Derivationally Related Form:spotdetectespyspy Hypernyms:discovery find uncovering Inherited Hypernyms:detectiondiscoveryacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity nnoun.actbecoming infected Synset:contracting Examples:
Derivationally Related Form:contractcatching Hypernyms:acquiring getting Inherited Hypernyms:catchingacquiringacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity vverb.cognitiondiscover or come upon accidentally, suddenly, or unexpectedly; catch somebody doing something or in a certain state Examples:
Hypernyms:surprise Inherited Hypernyms:catchsurpriseaffect Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody vverb.perceptionperceive with the senses quickly, suddenly, or momentarily Synset:catch pick up Examples:
Hypernyms:comprehend perceive Inherited Hypernyms:catchperceive Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something vverb.contactreach with a blow or hit in a particular spot Synset:catch get Examples:
Hypernyms:hit Inherited Hypernyms:gethittouch Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody | Something ---s something vverb.contacttake hold of so as to seize or restrain or stop the motion of Synset:catch grab take hold of Examples:
Derivationally Related Form:catchercatchgrab Hypernyms:clutch prehend seize Inherited Hypernyms:catchseizetake Direct Hyponyms:fishharpoonhookinterceptnetnettstop Full Troponyms:anglebrailcrabcut offfishfly-fishharpoonhookinterceptnetnet fishprawnrailscallopseineseizesharkshrimpstill-fishtrawltroll Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody | Something ---s something vverb.contactsucceed in catching or seizing, especially after a chase Synset:capture catch get Examples:
Derivationally Related Form:capturecatch Hypernyms:clutch prehend seize Inherited Hypernyms:getseizetake Direct Hyponyms:lassorecaptureretakerope Full Troponyms:lassorecapture Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody vverb.contactto hook or entangle Synset:catch hitch Examples:
Antonyms:unhitch Derivationally Related Form:catch Hypernyms:attach Inherited Hypernyms:hitchattachconnect Direct Hyponyms:snag Full Troponyms:snag Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something PP vverb.contactattract and fix Synset:arrest catch get Examples:
Hypernyms:attract draw draw in pull pull in Inherited Hypernyms:catchattractpullmove Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody | Something ---s something vverb.contactcapture as if by hunting, snaring, or trapping Synset:capture catch Examples:
Derivationally Related Form:catchcapturer Hypernyms:acquire get Inherited Hypernyms:captureget Direct Hyponyms:bagbatfowlensnareentrapfroghunthunt downratrunsnaretrack downtrammeltrap Full Troponyms:bagbatfowlcoursedrivefalconferretfowlfoxhuntfroggingrousehawkhuntjacklightpoachrabbitratrustlescroungesealsnipestill-hunttrapturtlewhale Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something vverb.motionreach in time Examples:
Hypernyms:board get on Inherited Hypernyms:catchboardenter Direct Hyponyms:get Full Troponyms:get Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something vverb.possessionget or regain something necessary, usually quickly or briefly Examples:
Hypernyms:acquire get Inherited Hypernyms:catchget Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something vverb.competitioncatch up with and possibly overtake Synset:catch catch up with overtake Examples:
Derivationally Related Form:overtaking Inherited Hypernyms:overtake Entailment:compete contend vie Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s something vverb.changebe struck or affected by Examples:
Hypernyms:change Inherited Hypernyms:catchchange Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something vverb.socialcheck oneself during an action Examples:
Hypernyms:check contain control curb hold hold in moderate Inherited Hypernyms:catchcontrolrestrain Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody vverb.perceptionhear, usually without the knowledge of the speakers Synset:catch overhear take in Examples:
Hypernyms:hear Inherited Hypernyms:catchhearperceive Entailment:listen Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody INFINITIVE | They --- that there was a traffic accident (apply to: overhear) vverb.perceptionsee or watch Synset:catch see take in view watch Examples:
Derivationally Related Form:viewerviewviewablewatchseer Hypernyms:watch Inherited Hypernyms:watchwatch Direct Hyponyms:previewspectatevisualisevisualize Full Troponyms:imagepreviewspectatevisualize Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Sam and Sue --- the movie (apply to: catch, view, see, take in, watch) vverb.contactcause to become accidentally or suddenly caught, ensnared, or entangled Examples:
Inherited Hypernyms:catch Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something PP vverb.cognitiondetect a blunder or misstep Synset:catch trip up Examples:
Derivationally Related Form:trip-up Hypernyms:discover find out get a line get wind get word hear learn pick up see Inherited Hypernyms:trip uplearn Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody vverb.cognitiongrasp with the mind or develop an understanding of Synset:catch get Examples:
Hypernyms:understand Inherited Hypernyms:catchunderstand Sentence Frame:Something ---s vverb.bodycontract Examples:
Hypernyms:contract get take Inherited Hypernyms:catchcontractsickenworsenchange statechange Direct Hyponyms:catch cold Full Troponyms:catch cold Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something vverb.weatherstart burning Examples:
Hypernyms:catch fire combust conflagrate erupt ignite take fire Inherited Hypernyms:catcheruptchange statechange Sentence Frame:Something ---s vverb.perceptionperceive by hearing Synset:catch get Examples:
Hypernyms:hear Inherited Hypernyms:catchhearperceive Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something vverb.perceptionsuffer from the receipt of Synset:catch get Examples:
Hypernyms:ache hurt suffer Inherited Hypernyms:catchhurtperceive Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something vverb.emotionattract; cause to be enamored Synset:becharm beguile bewitch captivate capture catch charm enamor enamour enchant entrance fascinate trance Examples:
Derivationally Related Form:bewitcherycaptivationcharmenchantmenttrancebeguilementcaptivebeguilercharmerfascinationcatchentrancement Hypernyms:appeal attract Inherited Hypernyms:captureattract Direct Hyponyms:holdwork Full Troponyms:holdwork Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody | The performance is likely to --- Sue (apply to: becharm, enamor, charm, beguile, fascinate, enchant, captivate, capture) | Sam cannot --- Sue (apply to: charm) vverb.creationapprehend and reproduce accurately Synset:catch get Examples:
Hypernyms:reproduce Inherited Hypernyms:catchreproducere-createcreate by mental actmake Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something vverb.contacttake in and retain Examples:
Derivationally Related Form:catchment Hypernyms:accumulate amass collect compile hoard pile up roll up Inherited Hypernyms:catchroll upstorekeephave Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something vverb.contactspread or be communicated Examples:
Hypernyms:propagate spread Inherited Hypernyms:catchspreadmove Sentence Frame:Something ---s vverb.competitionbe the catcher Topic:ballbaseballbaseball game Examples:
Derivationally Related Form:catcher Hypernyms:play Inherited Hypernyms:catchplaycompete Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s vverb.cognitionbecome aware of Examples:
Hypernyms:find see witness Inherited Hypernyms:catchwitnessexperienceundergochange Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody vverb.changedelay or hold up; prevent from proceeding on schedule or as planned Examples:
Hypernyms:delay detain hold up Inherited Hypernyms:catchdelaydeceleratedecreasechange magnitudechange Sentence Frame:Something ---s somebody adj satadj.all(of disease) capable of being transmitted by infection Synset:communicable contagious contractable transmissible transmittable Antonyms:noninfectious Derivationally Related Form:contagiontransmitcatching Inherited Hypernyms:catching Similar to:infectious |
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