

单词 broke
Synset:break interrupt
  • She interrupted her pregnancy
  • break a lucky streak
  • break the cycle of poverty
Hypernyms:end terminate
Inherited Hypernyms:interruptendchange
Direct Hyponyms:break offbreak shortcut shortfreezehold onstopsuspend
Full Troponyms:cut shortfreezehang uphold on
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.changebecome separated into pieces or fragments
Synset:break come apart fall apart separate split up
  • The figurine broke
  • The freshly baked loaf fell apart
Derivationally Related Form:breakbreakable
Hypernyms:change integrity
Inherited Hypernyms:breakchange integritychange
Direct Hyponyms:break openbreak upburstbustcrackcrushfragmentfragmentisefragmentizeladderpuncturerunsmashsnapsplit
Full Troponyms:atomizeblowbreak upbrecciatebruiseburstchampchawchewchompcrumbcrunchcrushgnashgnawgrategrindladdermillmumblepestlepoppoundpulppunctureragshattersmashsnapsplinterstavesunder
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | These glasses --- easily (apply to: break) | The wooden sticks --- (apply to: break)
vverb.changerender inoperable or ineffective
  • You broke the alarm clock when you took it apart!
Derivationally Related Form:breakage
Inherited Hypernyms:breakdamagechange
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.contactruin completely
Synset:break bust
  • He busted my radio!
Derivationally Related Form:breakagebreakablebustbuster
Hypernyms:destroy ruin
Inherited Hypernyms:breakdestroy
Direct Hyponyms:break down
Causes:break bust fall apart wear out wear
Full Troponyms:break down
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.changedestroy the integrity of; usually by force; cause to separate into pieces or fragments
  • He broke the glass plate
  • She broke the match
Derivationally Related Form:breakagebreakbreakablebreaker
Hypernyms:divide separate
Inherited Hypernyms:breakseparate
Direct Hyponyms:break indashfractureshattersmash
Full Troponyms:blastbreak infractureshattersmashstave in
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something | The girls --- the wooden sticks (apply to: break)
vverb.socialact in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises
Synset:breach break go against infract offend transgress violate
  • offend all laws of humanity
  • violate the basic laws or human civilization
  • break a law
  • break a promise
Derivationally Related Form:breachinfractionoffensiveoffenceviolatortransgressionoffenseviolativeviolableoffendertransgressor
Inherited Hypernyms:transgressdisrespectrelateinteractact
Direct Hyponyms:blunderboobconflictcontravenedrop the ballgoofinfringeintruderun afoulsintransgresstrespass
Full Troponyms:break inconflictcrackdrop the ballfallsintrespass
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.motionmove away or escape suddenly
Synset:break break away break out
  • The horses broke from the stable
  • Three inmates broke jail
  • Nobody can break out--this prison is high security
Derivationally Related Form:breakbreakout
Hypernyms:break loose escape get away
Inherited Hypernyms:breakescapefleescatleave
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s | Something is ---ing PP | Somebody ---s PP | Somebody ---s something (apply to: break)
vverb.motionscatter or part
  • The clouds broke after the heavy downpour
Hypernyms:disperse dissipate scatter spread out
Inherited Hypernyms:breakdisperseseparatemove
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
vverb.emotionforce out or release suddenly and often violently something pent up
Synset:break burst erupt
  • break into tears
  • erupt in anger
Hypernyms:express emotion express feelings
Inherited Hypernyms:breakexpress emotion
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s PP
vverb.changeprevent completion
Synset:break break off discontinue stop
  • stop the project
  • break off the negotiations
Derivationally Related Form:discontinuationstop
Hypernyms:end terminate
Inherited Hypernyms:breakendchange
Direct Hyponyms:bogbog downbreak upcut offdisruptfractureinterrupt
Full Troponyms:barrage jamblanket jambog downbreakburst in oncallchime incutcut incut shortfractureheckleinterjectinterruptjamlay overpausepoint jampunctuateput awayrestspot jamstoptake fivetake offtake ten
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.socialenter someone's (virtual or real) property in an unauthorized manner, usually with the intent to steal or commit a violent act
Synset:break break in
  • Someone broke in while I was on vacation
  • They broke into my car and stole my radio!
  • who broke into my account last night?
Derivationally Related Form:break-in
Hypernyms:intrude trespass
Inherited Hypernyms:break intrespasstransgressdisrespectrelateinteractact
Direct Hyponyms:crack
Full Troponyms:crack
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s (apply to: break in) | Somebody ---s PP (apply to: break)
vverb.changemake submissive, obedient, or useful
Synset:break break in
  • The horse was tough to break
  • I broke in the new intern
Hypernyms:domesticate domesticise domesticize reclaim tame
Inherited Hypernyms:break indomesticatechange
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody
vverb.stativefail to agree with; be in violation of; as of rules or patterns
Synset:break go against violate
  • This sentence violates the rules of syntax
Antonyms:conform to
Derivationally Related Form:violationviolativeviolable
Inherited Hypernyms:violate
Direct Hyponyms:fly in the face offly in the teeth of
Full Troponyms:fly in the face of
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.competitionsurpass in excellence
Synset:better break
  • She bettered her own record
  • break a record
Derivationally Related Form:better
Hypernyms:exceed outdo outgo outmatch outperform outstrip surmount surpass
Inherited Hypernyms:bettersurpassbeatget the better of
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.communicationmake known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret
Synset:break bring out disclose discover divulge expose give away let on let out reveal uncover unwrap
  • The auction house would not disclose the price at which the van Gogh had sold
  • The actress won't reveal how old she is
  • bring out the truth
  • he broke the news to her
  • unwrap the evidence in the murder case
  • The newspaper uncovered the President's illegal dealings
Derivationally Related Form:revealingdisclosuredivulgencediscoverygiveawayexposerevelationexposuredivulgement
Inherited Hypernyms:unwraptellinformcommunicateinteractact
Direct Hyponyms:babblebabble outbetraybewrayblabblab outblackwashblowcome outcome out of the closetconfideleaklet the cat out of the bagmuckrakeoutpeachrevealsingspill the beansspringtalktattle
Causes:break get around get out
Full Troponyms:betrayblackwashblowcome out of the closetconfideleakmuckrakeoutrevealspill the beansspringunbosom
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s that CLAUSE | Something ---s something | Somebody ---s something to somebody | They --- that there was a traffic accident (apply to: divulge, let on, disclose, give away, reveal)
vverb.changecome into being
  • light broke over the horizon
  • Voices broke in the air
Hypernyms:become get go
Inherited Hypernyms:breakbecomechange statechange
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
vverb.changestop operating or functioning
Synset:break break down conk out die fail give out give way go go bad
  • The engine finally went
  • The car died on the road
  • The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town
  • The coffee maker broke
  • The engine failed on the way to town
  • her eyesight went after the accident
Derivationally Related Form:breakablefailurebreakdown
Inherited Hypernyms:failchange
Direct Hyponyms:blowblow outburn outcrashgo downmalfunctionmisfiremisfunction
Full Troponyms:blow outcrashjammalfunctionmisfire
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | These cars won't --- (apply to: conk out, go, break, give out, fail, break down, die)
vverb.socialinterrupt a continued activity
Synset:break break away
  • She had broken with the traditional patterns
Derivationally Related Form:break
Hypernyms:break break up part separate split split up
Inherited Hypernyms:breakseparate
Sentence Frame:Something is ---ing PP | Somebody ---s PP
vverb.motionmake a rupture in the ranks of the enemy or one's own by quitting or fleeing
Topic:armed forcesarmed servicesmilitarymilitary machinewar machine
  • The ranks broke
Hypernyms:flee fly take flight
Inherited Hypernyms:breakfleescatleave
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Somebody ---s
vverb.motioncurl over and fall apart in surf or foam, of waves
  • The surf broke
Derivationally Related Form:breaker
Hypernyms:break cave in collapse fall in founder give give way
Inherited Hypernyms:breakcollapsechange
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
vverb.changelessen in force or effect
Synset:break damp dampen soften weaken
  • soften a shock
  • break a fall
Derivationally Related Form:damperweakener
Hypernyms:blunt deaden
Inherited Hypernyms:dampendeadenchange
Direct Hyponyms:dampdampendeadendeafen
Full Troponyms:dampendeafen
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s | Something ---s something
vverb.changebe broken in
  • If the new teacher won't break, we'll add some stress
Inherited Hypernyms:breakchange
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s
vverb.stativecome to an end
  • The heat wave finally broke yesterday
Hypernyms:cease end finish stop terminate
Inherited Hypernyms:breakend
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
vverb.stativevary or interrupt a uniformity or continuity
  • The flat plain was broken by tall mesas
Derivationally Related Form:break
Hypernyms:alter change vary
Inherited Hypernyms:breakchange
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something
vverb.stativecause to give up a habit
  • She finally broke herself of smoking cigarettes
Inherited Hypernyms:break
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody
vverb.stativegive up
  • break cigarette smoking
Hypernyms:cease discontinue give up lay off quit stop
Inherited Hypernyms:breakdiscontinue
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.stativecome forth or begin from a state of latency
  • The first winter storm broke over New York
Hypernyms:come forth emerge
Inherited Hypernyms:breakcome forthoriginatebecome
Sentence Frame:Something is ---ing PP
vverb.socialhappen or take place
Domain Usage:colloquialism
  • Things have been breaking pretty well for us in the past few months
Hypernyms:come about fall out go on hap happen occur pass pass off take place
Inherited Hypernyms:breakhappen
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
vverb.socialcause the failure or ruin of
  • His peccadilloes finally broke his marriage
  • This play will either make or break the playwright
Inherited Hypernyms:breakruinthwartprevent
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.socialinvalidate by judicial action
  • The will was broken
Hypernyms:annul avoid invalidate nullify quash void
Inherited Hypernyms:breakinvalidatecanceldeclareevaluatethink
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.socialdiscontinue an association or relation; go different ways
Synset:break break up part separate split split up
  • The business partners broke over a tax question
  • The couple separated after 25 years of marriage
  • My friend and I split up
Derivationally Related Form:separationbreakseparatistbreakupsplit
Inherited Hypernyms:separate
Direct Hyponyms:breakbreak apartbreak awaybreak withdisassociatedisjointdissociatedisunifydisunitedivorcegive the axegive the bouncegive the gatesecedesplintersplit up
Full Troponyms:breakbreak withdisassociatedisunifydivorcegive the axesecede
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s
vverb.socialassign to a lower position; reduce in rank
Synset:break bump demote kick downstairs relegate
  • She was demoted because she always speaks up
  • He was broken down to Sergeant
Derivationally Related Form:relegationdemotion
Hypernyms:assign delegate depute designate
Inherited Hypernyms:demotedelegateappoint
Direct Hyponyms:reducesideline
Full Troponyms:reducesideline
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s something PP
vverb.possessionreduce to bankruptcy
Synset:bankrupt break ruin smash
  • My daughter's fancy wedding is going to break me!
  • The slump in the financial markets smashed him
Derivationally Related Form:bankruptcy
Inherited Hypernyms:bankruptimpoverishdeprivewithholddenykeephave
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody
vverb.motionchange directions suddenly
Hypernyms:change shift switch
Inherited Hypernyms:breakswitch
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Somebody ---s
vverb.motionemerge from the surface of a body of water
  • The whales broke
Inherited Hypernyms:breakappear
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
vverb.motionbreak down, literally or metaphorically
Synset:break cave in collapse fall in founder give give way
  • The wall collapsed
  • The business collapsed
  • The dam broke
  • The roof collapsed
  • The wall gave in
  • The roof finally gave under the weight of the ice
Derivationally Related Form:cave incollapse
Inherited Hypernyms:collapsechange
Direct Hyponyms:breakbucklecrumpleflopgo offimplodesinkslide downslump
Full Troponyms:breakbuckleflopimplodeslump
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Somebody ---s | The business is going to --- (apply to: collapse)
vverb.motiondo a break dance
Synset:break break-dance break dance
  • Kids were break-dancing at the street corner
Derivationally Related Form:break dance
Hypernyms:dance trip the light fantastic trip the light fantastic toe
Inherited Hypernyms:break dancedancemove
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s | Sam and Sue --- (apply to: break, break-dance, break dance)
vverb.contactexchange for smaller units of money
  • I had to break a $100 bill just to buy the candy
Hypernyms:change commute convert exchange
Inherited Hypernyms:breakchangereplaceregeneratere-createmake
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.contactdestroy the completeness of a set of related items
Synset:break break up
  • The book dealer would not break the set
Derivationally Related Form:breakable
Hypernyms:alter change modify
Inherited Hypernyms:breakchange
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.contactmake the opening shot that scatters the balls
Derivationally Related Form:break
Inherited Hypernyms:breakshoothitpropelmove
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s
vverb.contactseparate from a clinch, in boxing
  • The referee broke the boxers
Hypernyms:disunite divide part separate
Inherited Hypernyms:breakseparatemove
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody
vverb.contactgo to pieces
Synset:break bust fall apart wear wear out
  • The lawn mower finally broke
  • The gears wore out
  • The old chair finally fell apart completely
Derivationally Related Form:breakablewear
Hypernyms:crumble decay dilapidate
Inherited Hypernyms:breakdecaychange
Direct Hyponyms:frayfrazzle
Full Troponyms:fray
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
vverb.contactbreak a piece from a whole
Synset:break break off snap off
  • break a branch from a tree
Derivationally Related Form:breakagebreakablebreaker
Inherited Hypernyms:breakdetachdisconnectseparatemove
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.contactbecome punctured or penetrated
  • The skin broke
Inherited Hypernyms:break
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
vverb.contactpierce or penetrate
  • The blade broke her skin
Hypernyms:penetrate perforate
Inherited Hypernyms:breakpenetrateenter
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something
vverb.communicationbe released or become known; of news
Synset:break get around get out
  • News of her death broke in the morning
Inherited Hypernyms:break
Direct Hyponyms:leakleak out
Full Troponyms:leak
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
vverb.communicationcease an action temporarily
Synset:break intermit pause
  • We pause for station identification
  • let's break for lunch
Derivationally Related Form:breakintermissionpause
Hypernyms:break up cut off disrupt interrupt
Inherited Hypernyms:pauseinterruptbreakendchange
Direct Hyponyms:breathecatch one's breathresttake a breathertake fivetake ten
Full Troponyms:resttake fivetake ten
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s
vverb.communicationinterrupt the flow of current in
  • break a circuit
Derivationally Related Form:breaker
Hypernyms:break up cut off disrupt interrupt
Inherited Hypernyms:breakinterruptbreakendchange
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.communicationundergo breaking
  • The simple vowels broke in many Germanic languages
Hypernyms:diphthongise diphthongize
Inherited Hypernyms:breakdiphthongizeswitch
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
vverb.cognitionfind a flaw in
  • break an alibi
  • break down a proof
Hypernyms:destroy ruin
Inherited Hypernyms:breakdestroy
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.cognitionfind the solution or key to
  • break the code
Hypernyms:figure out lick puzzle out solve work work out
Inherited Hypernyms:breaksolveunderstand
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.changechange suddenly from one tone quality or register to another
  • Her voice broke to a whisper when she started to talk about her children
Hypernyms:change shift switch
Inherited Hypernyms:breakswitch
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
Synset:break develop recrudesce
  • Report the news as it develops
  • These political movements recrudesce from time to time
Derivationally Related Form:developmentrecrudescence
Hypernyms:come about fall out go on hap happen occur pass pass off take place
Inherited Hypernyms:breakhappen
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
vverb.changebecome fractured; break or crack on the surface only
Synset:break check crack
  • The glass cracked when it was heated
Derivationally Related Form:breakbreakablecheck
Inherited Hypernyms:crackchange
Direct Hyponyms:crack
Full Troponyms:alligatorchapcrackcraze
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | These glasses --- easily (apply to: crack) | The glass tubes --- (apply to: crack)
vverb.changecrack; of the male voice in puberty
  • his voice is breaking--he should no longer sing in the choir
Hypernyms:change state turn
Inherited Hypernyms:breakchange statechange
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
vverb.changefall sharply
  • stock prices broke
Hypernyms:decrease diminish fall lessen
Inherited Hypernyms:breakdecreasechange magnitudechange
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | The stock market is going to --- (apply to: break)
vverb.bodyfracture a bone of
Synset:break fracture
  • I broke my foot while playing hockey
Derivationally Related Form:breakfracture
Hypernyms:injure wound
Inherited Hypernyms:fractureinjurehurtindisposechange
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Did he --- his foot? (apply to: fracture, break)
vverb.bodydiminish or discontinue abruptly
  • The patient's fever broke last night
Hypernyms:decrease diminish fall lessen
Inherited Hypernyms:breakdecreasechange magnitudechange
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
vverb.bodyweaken or destroy in spirit or body
  • His resistance was broken
  • a man broken by the terrible experience of near-death
Inherited Hypernyms:breakweakenchange
Sentence Frame:Something ---s somebody
adj satadj.alllacking funds
Synset:bust skint stone-broke stony-broke
  • 'skint' is a British slang term
Inherited Hypernyms:broke
Similar to:poor




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