

单词 withdrawn
vverb.motionpull back or move away or backward
Synset:draw back move back pull away pull back recede retire retreat withdraw
  • The enemy withdrew
  • The limo pulled away from the curb
Derivationally Related Form:pullbackrecedingwithdrawal
Hypernyms:go locomote move travel
Inherited Hypernyms:withdrawtravel
Direct Hyponyms:back downback offback upfall backretreatretrograde
Full Troponyms:back upebbfall backretrograde
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s | Somebody ---s | Somebody ---s PP
vverb.socialwithdraw from active participation
Synset:retire withdraw
  • He retired from chess
Derivationally Related Form:retireeretirementwithdrawal
Hypernyms:cease discontinue give up lay off quit stop
Inherited Hypernyms:retirediscontinue
Direct Hyponyms:drop out
Full Troponyms:drop out
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s PP
vverb.contactrelease from something that holds fast, connects, or entangles
Synset:disengage withdraw
  • I want to disengage myself from his influence
  • disengage the gears
Derivationally Related Form:withdrawerdisengagementwithdrawal
Hypernyms:let go let go of release relinquish
Inherited Hypernyms:disengagelet go of
Direct Hyponyms:unlock
Full Troponyms:unlock
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s | Something ---s something | Something is ---ing PP
vverb.possessioncause to be returned
Synset:call back call in recall withdraw
  • recall the defective auto tires
  • The manufacturer tried to call back the spoilt yoghurt
Derivationally Related Form:recallcallback
Inherited Hypernyms:recalltake
Direct Hyponyms:decommission
Full Troponyms:decommission
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.communicationtake back what one has said
Synset:swallow take back unsay withdraw
  • He swallowed his words
Derivationally Related Form:withdrawal
Hypernyms:disown renounce repudiate
Inherited Hypernyms:swallowdisownrejectevaluatethink
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.changekeep away from others
Synset:seclude sequester sequestrate withdraw
  • He sequestered himself in his study to write a book
Derivationally Related Form:withdrawerseclusionsequestrationwithdrawal
Hypernyms:insulate isolate
Inherited Hypernyms:secludeisolatediscriminatedistinguishidentifydetermine
Direct Hyponyms:lose
Full Troponyms:lose
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody
vverb.socialbreak from a meeting or gathering
Synset:adjourn retire withdraw
  • We adjourned for lunch
  • The men retired to the library
Derivationally Related Form:adjournmentwithdrawal
Hypernyms:close close down close up fold shut down
Inherited Hypernyms:adjournclose up
Direct Hyponyms:prorogue
Entailment:assemble foregather forgather gather meet
Full Troponyms:prorogue
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s | Somebody ---s PP | Somebody ---s something (apply to: adjourn)
vverb.socialretire gracefully
Synset:bow out withdraw
  • He bowed out when he realized he could no longer handle the demands of the chairmanship
Derivationally Related Form:withdrawal
Inherited Hypernyms:bow outretireleave officeleavechange
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s
vverb.possessionremove (a commodity) from (a supply source)
Synset:draw draw off take out withdraw
  • She drew $2,000 from the account
  • The doctors drew medical supplies from the hospital's emergency bank
Derivationally Related Form:draweewithdrawerdrawerwithdrawal
Hypernyms:remove take take away withdraw
Inherited Hypernyms:withdrawremove
Direct Hyponyms:check outchequedipdisinvestdivertdivesthive offoverdrawtap
Full Troponyms:chequedipdivertdivestoverdrawtap
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s PP
vverb.emotionlose interest
Synset:retire withdraw
  • he retired from life when his wife died
Derivationally Related Form:withdrawerwithdrawal
Hypernyms:fatigue jade pall tire weary
Inherited Hypernyms:retiretiredevolveworsenchange statechange
Direct Hyponyms:back downback offbow outchicken outpull out
Full Troponyms:chicken outresile
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s | Somebody ---s PP
vverb.communicationmake a retreat from an earlier commitment or activity
Synset:back away back out crawfish crawfish out pull back pull in one's horns retreat withdraw
  • We'll have to crawfish out from meeting with him
  • He backed out of his earlier promise
  • The aggressive investment company pulled in its horns
Derivationally Related Form:withdrawerwithdrawal
Inherited Hypernyms:retreat
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s
vverb.changeremove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract
Synset:remove take take away withdraw
  • remove a threat
  • remove a wrapper
  • Remove the dirty dishes from the table
  • take the gun from your pocket
  • This machine withdraws heat from the environment
Derivationally Related Form:remotionremovalremoverwithdrawal
Inherited Hypernyms:remove
Direct Hyponyms:ablateamputateaspiratebailbail outbale outbear awaybear offbonebrushburburlburrcancelcarry awaycarry offcarve outcastcast offchip awaychip away atcircumcisecleanclearclear awayclear offclear outclear upcondensecreamcream offcrumbcut intocut offde-iodinatede-ionatedebonedecalcifydecarbonisedecarbonizedecarburisedecarburizedecokedecorticatedefangdefusedegasdehorndeletedelousedelvedemineralisedemineralizedepilatedescaledesorbdetoxicatedetoxifydetuskdigdisburdendischargedisemboweldisinvestdislodgedismantledivestdrawdraw awaydraw offdraw outdredgedrive outdropeliminateemptyenucleateepilateeviscerateexcavateexenterateexpectorateextirpateextractfanflickfreeget outgutharvestheadhollowhullhuskhypophysectomisehypophysectomizeknock outladeladenladleleachliftlift outmuckoffsaddlepickpitpullpull offpull outpull upreamresectrip offrip outscalescalpscavengescoopscoop outscoop upseedshake offshedshellshuckskimskim offspoonstemstonestringstripsuck outtake awaytake offtake outtake uptear awaytear offtear outthrowthrow awaythrow offtipturn overtuskunburdenundockundressunhingeunpackunsaddleunstringunveilwashwash awaywash offwash outwear awaywear offweedwinnowwipe awaywipe offwithdraw
Full Troponyms:ablateabradeabsciseamputateaspirateautotomizebailbail outbarkbonebreak outbring outbrushburburlburn offburrowbuscart offcarve outchafechequechip awaycircumcisecleanclearclear-cutclear offcondensecross offcrumbde-iodinatede-ionatedecalcifydecarbonizedeclawdecorticatedefangdefoliatedeforestdefusedegasdeglycerolizedehorndeletedelousedemagnetizedemineralizedemodulatedenudedesorbdesquamatedetergedetoxifydigdipdisbuddischargedisemboweldislodgedivertdivestdoffdrawdraw offdredgedriveeliminateemptyenucleateepilateeraseexcavateexenterateexfoliateexpectorateextirpateextractflayflickfurrowgutharvestheadhullhuskhypophysectomizekillknock outladleleachliftlightenmilkmuckoverdrawpeel offpickpitpluckpodpullpulppumprackraspreamresectridgeroutscalescalpscavengescoopscratch outseedshedshellshovelshucksiphonskimskinslip offslopslough offsluicespadespirit awayspongespoonstemstrikestringstripstubstumpsucktake awaytake offtake outtaptear awaythreadtiptrenchtroweltuskunboxunburdenuncloakuncrateundockundressunhingeunloadunpackunsaddleunsheatheunstringunveilwashwear awayweedwhisk offwinklewinnowwipe offwithdrawwring out
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s something from somebody | Something ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody PP | They want to --- the doors (apply to: take, take away, remove)
adj satadj.allwithdrawn from society; seeking solitude
Synset:recluse reclusive
  • lived an unsocial reclusive life
Derivationally Related Form:withdrawnnessreclusivenessrecluse
Inherited Hypernyms:recluse
Similar to:unsocial
adj satadj.alltending to reserve or introspection
  • a quiet indrawn man
Derivationally Related Form:withdrawnness
Inherited Hypernyms:indrawn
Similar to:reserved




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