

单词 win
nnoun.eventa victory (as in a race or other competition)
  • he was happy to get the win
Derivationally Related Form:win
Hypernyms:triumph victory
Inherited Hypernyms:winvictoryendinghappeningeventpsychological featureabstractionentity
Inherited Hypernyms:winvictorysuccesshappeningeventpsychological featureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:first-place finish
Full Hyponyms:
first-place finish
nnoun.possessionsomething won (especially money)
Synset:profits winnings
Derivationally Related Form:win
Hypernyms:financial gain
Inherited Hypernyms:winningsfinancial gaingainsumassetspossessionrelationabstractionentity
vverb.competitionbe the winner in a contest or competition; be victorious
  • He won the Gold Medal in skating
  • Our home team won
  • Win the game
Derivationally Related Form:winningswinnerwin
Inherited Hypernyms:win
Direct Hyponyms:carryprevailrompsweeptaketake the caketriumph
Entailment:compete contend vie
Full Troponyms:carryprevailrompsweeptaketake the cake
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s | Somebody ---s PP | They --- (apply to: win)
vverb.possessionwin something through one's efforts
Synset:acquire gain
  • I acquired a passing knowledge of Chinese
  • Gain an understanding of international finance
  • win someone's confidence and friendship
Derivationally Related Form:gainerwinningswinnerwinwinning
Hypernyms:acquire get
Inherited Hypernyms:acquireget
Direct Hyponyms:cozen
Full Troponyms:cozen
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s something from somebody | They --- the money (apply to: gain, win)
vverb.competitionobtain advantages, such as points, etc.
Synset:advance gain gain ground get ahead make headway pull ahead
  • The home team was gaining ground
  • After defeating the Knicks, the Blazers pulled ahead of the Lakers in the battle for the number-one playoff berth in the Western Conference
  • win points
Antonyms:fall back
Derivationally Related Form:gainerwin
Inherited Hypernyms:gain
Direct Hyponyms:hitrack upscorestealtally
Full Troponyms:aceconverteagleequalizehavehole uphomerkickparplace-kickscoreshootstealwalk
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Somebody ---s
vverb.socialattain success or reach a desired goal
Synset:bring home the bacon come through deliver the goods succeed
  • The enterprise succeeded
  • We succeeded in getting tickets to the show
  • she struggled to overcome her handicap and won
Derivationally Related Form:winnersucceeder
Inherited Hypernyms:succeed
Direct Hyponyms:accomplishachieveactarriveattainbring offcarry offclearget ingo farhithit the jackpotluck outmake itmanagenailnail downnegociatepan outpasspegpull offreachrunwork
Entailment:assay attempt essay seek try
Full Troponyms:achievearriveaveragebeginbreeze throughclearcome tocompassculminatehitluck outnail downpan outpasspull offreachrunscoretestwanglework
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Somebody ---s | Somebody ---s to INFINITIVE | Somebody ---s PP | The business is going to --- (apply to: succeed, come through)
vverb.possessionacquire or deserve by one's efforts or actions
Synset:earn garner
  • its beauty won Paris the name 'City of Lights'
Derivationally Related Form:earnings
Hypernyms:acquire get
Inherited Hypernyms:earnget
Direct Hyponyms:letter
Full Troponyms:letter
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something




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