nnoun.artifactan architectural partition with a height and length greater than its thickness; used to divide or enclose an area or to support another structureExamples:- the south wall had a small window
- the walls were covered with pictures
Derivationally Related Form:wall
Part Holonyms:building edifice hall hallway room
Hypernyms:divider partition
Inherited Hypernyms:wallpartitionstructureartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:atticbearing wallcavity wallchimney breastfirewallgablegable endgable wallparapetprosceniumproscenium wallsidewallwainscotingwainscotting
Instance Hyponyms:Hadrian's Wall Wailing Wall
Part Meronyms:arch archway capstone copestone coping stone stretcher course row door doorway room access threshold cope coping header pane paneling panelling pier dado wainscot wall panel
Full Hyponyms:atticbearing wallbell gablecavity wallchimney breastcorbie gablefirewallgableparapetpedimentprosceniumsidewallwainscoting
nnoun.objectanything that suggests a wall in structure or function or effectExamples:- a wall of water
- a wall of smoke
- a wall of prejudice
- negotiations ran into a brick wall
Hypernyms:object physical object
Inherited Hypernyms:wallobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:footwallhanging wall
Full Hyponyms:footwallhanging wall
nnoun.body(anatomy) a layer (a lining or membrane) that encloses a structureTopic:anatomygeneral anatomy
Inherited Hypernyms:wallstratumlayerregionlocationobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:abdominal wall
Full Hyponyms:abdominal wall
nnoun.statea difficult or awkward situationExamples:- his back was to the wall
- competition was pushing them to the wall
Inherited Hypernyms:walldifficultyconditionstateattributeabstractionentity
nnoun.objecta vertical (or almost vertical) smooth rock face (as of a cave or mountain)Part Holonyms:cave
Hypernyms:formation geological formation
Inherited Hypernyms:wallgeological formationobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.artifacta layer of material that encloses spaceExamples:- the walls of the cylinder were perforated
- the container's walls were blue
Hypernyms:bed layer
Inherited Hypernyms:walllayerartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.artifacta masonry fence (as around an estate or garden)Examples:- the wall followed the road
- he ducked behind the garden wall and waited
Derivationally Related Form:wall
Hypernyms:fence fencing
Inherited Hypernyms:wallfencebarrierobstructionstructureartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:party wallretaining wall
Full Hyponyms:party wallretaining wall
nnoun.artifactan embankment built around a space for defensive purposesSynset:bulwark rampart
Examples:- they stormed the ramparts of the city
- they blew the trumpet and the walls came tumbling down
Derivationally Related Form:wallbulwark
Part Holonyms:fortification munition
Inherited Hypernyms:rampartembankmentmoundstructureartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:baileybattlementcrenelationcrenellationearthworkfraisemerlon
Instance Hyponyms:Antonine Wall Chinese Wall Great Wall Great Wall of China
Full Hyponyms:baileybattlementearthworkfraisemerlonsconce
vverb.competitionsurround with a wall in order to fortifySynset:fence fence in palisade surround
Derivationally Related Form:fencesurroundpalisadewall
Inherited Hypernyms:wallprotectdefendprevent
Direct Hyponyms:circumvallatestockade
Full Troponyms:circumvallatestockade
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something