vverb.possessioncome into the possession of something concrete or abstractSynset:acquire get
Examples:- She got a lot of paintings from her uncle
- They acquired a new pet
- Get your results the next day
- Get permission to take a few days off from work
Derivationally Related Form:acquisitiveacquirergettingacquisitionacquiringacquirable
Inherited Hypernyms:get
Direct Hyponyms:acceptacquirebenefitborrowbring inbuycall forcapturecatchcharterclearcollectcome bycome intocome upcome uponearnengageenter uponexpressextractfindgaingarnergather upgetget backget holdglomhavehireinheritisolateleaseline upluck intomakeobtainpartakepartake inpick uppollpreemptpress outprofitpull inpurchaserealiserealizereceivereclaimrecouprecoverrecuperateregainrentrepossessretrievesharetaketake inturnwinwin back
Full Troponyms:acceptaccessacquireaddressadoptbagbatfowlborrowbuybuy backcapitalizecapturecarrycash in oncatchclean upcollectcome bycopyrightcoursecozencut inderivedisinterdistraindriveearneke outengageenter uponexcavateextortextractfalconfall uponfeelfenceferretfindforeclosefowlfoxhuntfreeloadfrogfuelgaingetget inginglomgrabgraduategrossgrousegrub uphawkhonorhunthustleimpulse-buyinheritisolatejacklightkiteleaseletterline one's pocketsline uplocatelog inmake upmarketmoochnetnuzzleobtainoutsourcepartakepatentpay offpick uppinpointpoachpollpreemptpreisolatepress outprocureprofessprofitprofiteerprypyramidrabbitrake inrake offratreamreapreceivereclaimrecoverrecruitrefuelrout uprustlescroungesealshopsnagsnipesourcestill-huntstumblesubornsubscribetaketake hometake intake outtake overtrapturnturn a nice dimeturtleunearthwelcomewhalewin backyield
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s something from somebody | The children --- the ball (apply to: acquire, get)
vverb.changetake on a certain form, attribute, or aspectSynset:acquire adopt assume take take on
Examples:- His voice took on a sad tone
- The story took a new turn
- he adopted an air of superiority
- She assumed strange manners
- The gods assume human or animal form in these fables
Inherited Hypernyms:assumechange
Direct Hyponyms:re-assume
Full Troponyms:re-assume
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something
vverb.bodycome to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes)Synset:acquire develop get grow produce
Examples:- He grew a beard
- The patient developed abdominal pains
- I got funny spots all over my body
- Well-developed breasts
Derivationally Related Form:developmentgetting
Inherited Hypernyms:growchange
Direct Hyponyms:cutfeatherfledgeget upleafpodpupateregrowspringsproutstockstoolteethetillerwork up
Full Troponyms:cutfledgeleafpodpupateregrowspringsproutstoolteethework up
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.stativelocate (a moving entity) by means of a tracking system such as radarHypernyms:locate situate
Inherited Hypernyms:acquiresituatedetermine
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.possessionwin something through one's effortsSynset:acquire gain win
Examples:- I acquired a passing knowledge of Chinese
- Gain an understanding of international finance
- win someone's confidence and friendship
Derivationally Related Form:gainerwinningswinnerwinwinning
Hypernyms:acquire get
Inherited Hypernyms:acquireget
Direct Hyponyms:cozen
Full Troponyms:cozen
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s something from somebody | They --- the money (apply to: gain, win)
vverb.cognitiongain knowledge or skillsSynset:acquire larn learn
Examples:- She learned dancing from her sister
- I learned Sanskrit
- Children acquire language at an amazing rate
Derivationally Related Form:acquisitionlearner
Inherited Hypernyms:learn
Direct Hyponyms:absorbassimilatecatch uphit the booksingestrelearnstudytake in
Full Troponyms:absorbcatch upcramimbibememorizerelearnstudyunderstudy
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s | Somebody ---s to INFINITIVE | Somebody ---s PP | They --- to move (apply to: learn)
vverb.changegain through experienceSynset:acquire develop evolve
Examples:- I acquired a strong aversion to television
- Children must develop a sense of right and wrong
- Dave developed leadership qualities in his new position
- develop a passion for painting
Derivationally Related Form:evolution
Inherited Hypernyms:developchange
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
adj satadj.allgotten through environmental forcesExamples:- acquired characteristics (such as a suntan or a broken nose) cannot be passed on
Inherited Hypernyms:acquired
Similar to:nonheritable noninheritable