nnoun.plantsquash plants bearing hard-shelled fruit shaped somewhat like a turban with a rounded central portion protruding from the end opposite the stemSynset:Cucurbita maxima turbaniformis
Member Holonyms:Cucurbita genus Cucurbita
Hypernyms:winter squash winter squash plant
Inherited Hypernyms:turban squashwinter squashsquashvinevascular plantplantorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:buttercup squash
Part Meronyms:turban squash
Full Hyponyms:buttercup squash
nnoun.foodlarge squash shaped somewhat like a turban usually with a rounded central portion protruding from the blossom endPart Holonyms:Cucurbita maxima turbaniformis turban squash
Hypernyms:winter squash
Inherited Hypernyms:turban squashwinter squashsquashvegetableproducefoodsolidmatterphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:buttercup squash
Full Hyponyms:buttercup squash