

单词 trembles
nnoun.statedisease of livestock and especially cattle poisoned by eating certain kinds of snakeroot
Synset:milk sickness
Hypernyms:animal disease
Inherited Hypernyms:tremblesanimal diseasediseaseillnessill healthpathological statephysical conditionconditionstateattributeabstractionentity
nnoun.acta reflex motion caused by cold or fear or excitement
Synset:shake shiver tremble
Derivationally Related Form:shakeshiverytrembleshakyshiver
Hypernyms:inborn reflex innate reflex instinctive reflex physiological reaction reflex reflex action reflex response unconditioned reflex
Inherited Hypernyms:tremblereflexreactionbodily processorganic processprocessphysical entityentity
vverb.motionmove or jerk quickly and involuntarily up and down or sideways
  • His hands were trembling when he signed the document
Derivationally Related Form:tremblertrembletrembling
Hypernyms:agitate shake
Inherited Hypernyms:trembleshakemove
Direct Hyponyms:palpitatequakequivershivershudderthrillthrob
Full Troponyms:quivershudder
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | The crowds --- in the streets (apply to: tremble) | The streets --- with crowds (apply to: tremble)




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更新时间:2024/9/21 23:40:04