

单词 touched
vverb.contactmake physical contact with, come in contact with
  • Touch the stone for good luck
  • She never touched her husband
Derivationally Related Form:touchertouchingtouch
Inherited Hypernyms:touch
Direct Hyponyms:brushbusscollide withengagefeelfingerhandlehitimpinge onkissmouthosculatepalmpalpatepick uppressrun intoskimskim oversnogstrikestroketagthumbtoetouch
Full Troponyms:balloonbastinadobatbeanbeatbeetlebeltbootbottombottom outboxbrainbroadsidebrushbuffetbumpbuttcanoodlecaresschopchuckclapclenchcloutclubcoachcollideconkconnectcoshcrackcrashcrunchcudgelcuffcutcut indabdandledeckdialdowndrag downdriveengagefeelfieldfingerflickflyfly blindfly contactfullfumblegategentlegetglanceglidegoosegrazegritgropehammerhandlehang glideheadbutthedgehophewhithookhydroplanejabjetkickkisskitekneadknockknucklelam intolay hands onlicklockmanhandlemanipulatemassagemasticatemousemouthnabnecknuzzleoperatepalpatepastepawpeckpedalpercusspetpick uppingplypoppressproofpullpummelpumppunchpushput outraprear-endrelayreshufflerifflerun intosailplanesandbagsclaffscuffshaveshockshufflesideswipeskim overskiveslamslapsledgehammerslugsmacksmashsmitesmoochsnagsnogsocksolospangspatspursquashsqueezestampsteamrollerstrikestrokestubsubmarineswatswingswipeswitch-hitsynchronizetagtampertaptelescopetest drivetest flythrashthudthumptickletoetonguetooltouchtoytreadtreadleturntwiddleurticatewhackwhangwhipwieldwring
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Somebody ---s somebody PP | Somebody ---s something PP | Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s something
vverb.perceptionperceive via the tactile sense
  • Helen Keller felt the physical world by touching people and objects around her
Derivationally Related Form:touchingtouch
Hypernyms:comprehend perceive
Inherited Hypernyms:touchperceive
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody
vverb.emotionaffect emotionally
Synset:stir touch
  • A stirring movie
  • I was touched by your kind letter of sympathy
Derivationally Related Form:stirstirring
Hypernyms:affect impress move strike
Inherited Hypernyms:touchaffect
Direct Hyponyms:get
Full Troponyms:get
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody | The performance is likely to --- Sue (apply to: stir, touch) | The bad news will --- him (apply to: touch)
vverb.stativebe relevant to
Synset:bear on come to concern have to do with pertain refer relate touch touch on
  • There were lots of questions referring to her talk
  • My remark pertained to your earlier comments
Derivationally Related Form:pertinencyreferencepertinencepertinent
Inherited Hypernyms:refer
Direct Hyponyms:affectapplycentercenter onconcentrate onfocus ongo forholdinterestinvolvematter toregardrevolve aboutrevolve around
Full Troponyms:applyfocus ongrabimplicateintrigueinvolvematter to
Sentence Frame:Something ---s somebody | Something ---s something | Something is ---ing PP (apply to: pertain, refer, relate)
vverb.contactbe in direct physical contact with; make contact
Synset:adjoin contact meet touch
  • The two buildings touch
  • Their hands touched
  • The wire must not contact the metal cover
  • The surfaces contact at this point
Derivationally Related Form:adjunctionadjunctivecontacttouch
Inherited Hypernyms:touch
Direct Hyponyms:abutadhereadjoinattachborderbuttbutt againstbutt onchafecleaveclingcoherecoveredgeenvironfrayfrethuglean againstlean onmarchrest onringrubscratchskirtspread oversticksurround
Full Troponyms:agglutinateattachbagbankblanketbloodyborderboxbrick inbundlecarpetcasketclingcloisterclothecoatconglutinatecontainerizecorralcovercratedikeembattleembowerencapsulateencaseencloseenshrinefencefloodflowfortifyframefringegirdleglaciateglassgrasshaemagglutinatehedgehem inhugimmerseinundatelavelean onleech ontomantlemistmoldneighborpackpouchrope inrubsackshroudsmotherstowstrewsubmergesurroundswamptrenchtuckwall in
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something | Our properties --- at this point (apply to: adjoin, meet, touch) | His fields --- mine at this point (apply to: adjoin, meet, touch)
vverb.changehave an effect upon
Synset:affect bear on bear upon impact touch touch on
  • Will the new rules affect me?
Derivationally Related Form:impact
Hypernyms:alter change modify
Inherited Hypernyms:affectchange
Direct Hyponyms:act uponbothercolorcolourdiscommodedisobligedistortendangerexciteexposehithydrolisehydrolizeincommodeinconvenienceinfluenceperilprocessput outqueerredoundrepercussscupperslam-dunkstimulatestrikestrike a blowsubjecttell ontingetreattroublework
Full Troponyms:agenizeair-conditionair outammoniatebacterizebeneficiatebiasbituminizeblackmailbombardbromatecamphoratecarbonatecarboxylatecarrychlorinatechromecolorcompromisecreosotecurrydigestdominatedoseexposefixfluoridatefumigateget athandicaphithydrolizeimprintincurinfluenceinnervateinoculateiodizeirradiateirritatemaltmanipulatemercerizemilitatenitratenitrifyoverbearoverexposeoxygenatepinchpossesspredigestprejudiceprocesspropagateputqueerquickenredoundrefinerefractrepercussrerunreverberaterunsaccharifyscaldseedshipwreckslam-dunkslantsolarizestimulatestomachstraitenstrike a blowsubjectsulphursunswingtanktell ontingetroubleunderexposeventilatevitriolvulcanize
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody | Something ---s something
vverb.socialdeal with; usually used with a form of negation
  • I wouldn't touch her with a ten-foot pole
  • The local Mafia won't touch gambling
Hypernyms:care deal handle manage
Inherited Hypernyms:touchmanagecontrol
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.contactcause to be in brief contact with
  • He touched his toes to the horse's flanks
Derivationally Related Form:touchertouch
Inherited Hypernyms:touchtouch
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.stativeto extend as far as
Synset:extend to reach touch
  • The sunlight reached the wall
  • Can he reach?
  • The chair must not touch the wall
Derivationally Related Form:reachtouch
Inherited Hypernyms:reachbe
Direct Hyponyms:reach into
Full Troponyms:reach into
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something | Something is ---ing PP
vverb.stativebe equal to in quality or ability
Synset:equal match rival touch
  • Nothing can rival cotton for durability
  • Your performance doesn't even touch that of your colleagues
  • Her persistence and ambition only matches that of her parents
Derivationally Related Form:equalmatch
Hypernyms:compete contend vie
Inherited Hypernyms:equalcompete
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s something
vverb.contacttamper with
Synset:disturb touch
  • Don't touch my CDs!
Derivationally Related Form:disturbance
Hypernyms:alter change modify
Inherited Hypernyms:touchchange
Direct Hyponyms:upsetviolate
Full Troponyms:upsetviolate
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.communicationmake a more or less disguised reference to
Synset:advert allude touch
  • He alluded to the problem but did not mention it
Derivationally Related Form:allusionallusive
Hypernyms:hint suggest
Inherited Hypernyms:alludehintconveyimparttellinformcommunicateinteractact
Entailment:denote refer
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s PP
  • He could not touch the meaning of the poem
Inherited Hypernyms:touchunderstand
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
Synset:partake touch
  • She didn't touch her food all night
Hypernyms:consume have ingest take take in
Inherited Hypernyms:partakeconsume
Direct Hyponyms:receive
Full Troponyms:receive
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | They --- more bread (apply to: touch)
vverb.changecolor lightly
Synset:tinct tinge tint touch
  • her greying hair was tinged blond
  • the leaves were tinged red in November
Derivationally Related Form:tincturetintertinttingetinting
Hypernyms:color color in colorise colorize colour colour in colourise colourize
Inherited Hypernyms:tintcolorchange
Direct Hyponyms:complexionhennatincture
Full Troponyms:complexionhennatincture
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
adjadj.allhaving come into contact
Inherited Hypernyms:touched
Similar to:brushed grazed
adjadj.allbeing excited or provoked to the expression of an emotion
Synset:affected moved stirred
  • too moved to speak
  • very touched by the stranger's kindness
Inherited Hypernyms:moved
Similar to:sick
See also:affected emotional
adj satadj.allslightly insane
Inherited Hypernyms:fey
Similar to:insane




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