

单词 toddy palm
Toddy Palm
nnoun.plantfishtail palm of India to Malay Peninsula; sap yields a brown sugar (jaggery) and trunk pith yields sago
Synset:Caryota urens jaggery palm kittul kitul kitul tree wine palm
Hypernyms:sago palm
Inherited Hypernyms:wine palmsago palmpalmtreewoody plantvascular plantplantorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.planttall fan palm of Africa and India and Malaysia yielding a hard wood and sweet sap that is a source of palm wine and sugar; leaves used for thatching and weaving
Synset:Borassus flabellifer longar palm lontar palmyra palmyra palm wine palm
Member Holonyms:Borassus genus Borassus
Hypernyms:fan palm
Inherited Hypernyms:palmyrafan palmpalmtreewoody plantvascular plantplantorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Substance Meronyms:bassine




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