

单词 take
nnoun.possessionthe income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property
Synset:issue payoff proceeds return takings yield
  • the average return was about 5%
Derivationally Related Form:takeyieldreturn
Inherited Hypernyms:returnincomefinancial gaingainsumassetspossessionrelationabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:economic rentpaybackrent
Full Hyponyms:
economic rentpayback
nnoun.actthe act of photographing a scene or part of a scene without interruption
Derivationally Related Form:take
Hypernyms:cinematography filming motion-picture photography
Inherited Hypernyms:takefilmingphotographypictorial representationrepresentationactivityacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:retake
Full Hyponyms:
vverb.socialcarry out
  • take action
  • take steps
  • take vengeance
Hypernyms:act move
Inherited Hypernyms:takeact
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.possessionrequire (time or space)
Synset:occupy use up
  • It took three hours to get to work this morning
  • This event occupied a very short time
Derivationally Related Form:occupation
Hypernyms:expend use
Inherited Hypernyms:takeuse
Direct Hyponyms:be
Full Troponyms:be
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something | They --- a long time (apply to: take)
vverb.motiontake somebody somewhere
Synset:conduct direct guide lead
  • We lead him to our chief
  • can you take me to the main entrance?
  • He conducted us to the palace
Derivationally Related Form:guideleader
Inherited Hypernyms:lead
Direct Hyponyms:beaconhandlead astraymisdirectmisguidemisleadshowusher
Full Troponyms:beaconhandmarshalmisleadusher
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody | Something ---s something | The men --- the horses across the field (apply to: guide, lead)
vverb.contactget into one's hands, take physically
Synset:get hold of
  • Take a cookie!
  • Can you take this bag, please
Derivationally Related Form:taking
Inherited Hypernyms:take
Direct Hyponyms:clutchprehendseize
Full Troponyms:anglebitebrailcarjackcatchclaspclawclenchcollarcommandeercrabcut offfishfly-fishgetgnawgoosegrabgrapplegripharpoonhookinterceptkidnaplassonabnetnet fishnibblenippinchprawnrackrailravenrecapturescallopseineseizeshanghaisharkshrimpskyjacksnapsnap atsnatchstill-fishswooptrawltrolltweakwrest
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody | Something ---s something | The children --- the ball (apply to: take, get hold of)
vverb.changetake on a certain form, attribute, or aspect
Synset:acquire adopt assume take on
  • His voice took on a sad tone
  • The story took a new turn
  • he adopted an air of superiority
  • She assumed strange manners
  • The gods assume human or animal form in these fables
Inherited Hypernyms:assumechange
Direct Hyponyms:re-assume
Full Troponyms:re-assume
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something
vverb.cognitioninterpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning or impression
  • I read this address as a satire
  • How should I take this message?
Derivationally Related Form:reading
Hypernyms:construe interpret see
Inherited Hypernyms:takeinterpretunderstand
Direct Hyponyms:misinterpretmisread
Full Troponyms:misread
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something PP
vverb.motiontake something or somebody with oneself somewhere
Synset:bring convey
  • Bring me the box from the other room
  • Take these letters to the boss
  • This brings me to the main point
Derivationally Related Form:conveyanceconveyer
Hypernyms:carry transport
Inherited Hypernyms:bringtransportmove
Direct Hyponyms:bring backcarrychannelconductconveyferryfetchimpartlandreturntake backtransittransmittubewhisk
Entailment:come up come
Full Troponyms:bring inferryfetchgroundimpartlandpipe inretransmitreturnstrandtransittubewash upwhisk
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody PP | Somebody ---s something PP | Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody | Something ---s something | They --- the people the food (apply to: take, bring) | They --- the food to the people (apply to: take, bring)
vverb.possessiontake into one's possession
  • We are taking an orphan from Romania
  • I'll take three salmon steaks
Inherited Hypernyms:take
Direct Hyponyms:acceptadoptassumeattachbearcall backcall incollectconfiscatedeprivedivestgrabimpoundpocketrecallrepossessseizesequestersnafflesnap upstriptake awaytake backtake intake overunburdenwithdraw
Full Troponyms:adoptbearbereavecleanclean outcollectcondemndecommissiondemilitarizedeprivedisarmdispossessdistrainexpropriateface the musicfarmfund-raisegarnisheehogimpoundneutralizeorphanpocketraiserecallsequestersnap uptake awaytake backunburdenunclotheunsex
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s something from somebody
vverb.motiontravel or go by means of a certain kind of transportation, or a certain route
  • He takes the bus to work
  • She takes Route 1 to Newark
Hypernyms:apply employ use utilise utilize
Inherited Hypernyms:takeuse
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | The men --- the boat (apply to: take)
vverb.cognitionpick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives
Synset:choose pick out select
  • Take any one of these cards
  • Choose a good husband for your daughter
  • She selected a pair of shoes from among the dozen the salesgirl had shown her
Derivationally Related Form:selectiveselectorselection
Hypernyms:decide determine make up one's mind
Inherited Hypernyms:choosedecide
Direct Hyponyms:adoptanointassigncream offcull outdefinedeterminedialdrawelectempanelespouseexcerptextractfieldfixfollowgoimpanellimitnominatepanelpickpick overplumpproposescreenscreen outsetset apartsievesieve outsiftsingle outskim offsortspecifytake outthink ofvotevote inwinnow
Full Troponyms:adhereadoptanointassignballotco-optcream offcull outdedicatedefinedetaildialdrawelectempanelexcerptfieldhand-picknamenominateoutvotepickplumppollquantifyredefinereelectresetscreensievesieve outsingle outspecifythink ofturn thumbs downvotevote inwrite in
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s (apply to: choose) | They --- him to write the letter (apply to: select, take, pick out, choose)
vverb.possessionreceive willingly something given or offered
Synset:accept have
  • The only girl who would have him was the miller's daughter
  • I won't have this dog in my house!
  • Please accept my present
Derivationally Related Form:takeracceptationacceptance
Hypernyms:acquire get
Inherited Hypernyms:acceptget
Direct Hyponyms:acceptadmitadoptborrowhonorhonourtaketake ontake overtake upwelcome
Full Troponyms:acceptadopthonorprofesswelcome
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s something from somebody
vverb.socialassume, as of positions or roles
Synset:fill occupy
  • She took the job as director of development
  • he occupies the position of manager
  • the young prince will soon occupy the throne
Hypernyms:do work work
Inherited Hypernyms:fillwork
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.cognitiontake into consideration for exemplifying purposes
Synset:consider deal look at
  • Take the case of China
  • Consider the following case
Derivationally Related Form:consideration
Hypernyms:think about
Inherited Hypernyms:considerthink aboutthink
Direct Hyponyms:abstractcontemplatedallyplaytriflewarm to
Full Troponyms:abstractcontemplatedallyentertainwarm to
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s PP (apply to: deal)
vverb.stativerequire as useful, just, or proper
Synset:ask call for demand involve necessitate need postulate require
  • It takes nerve to do what she did
  • success usually requires hard work
  • This job asks a lot of patience and skill
  • This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice
  • This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert
  • This intervention does not postulate a patient's consent
Derivationally Related Form:requirementnecessitydemandneed
Inherited Hypernyms:necessitate
Direct Hyponyms:claimcompelcostcry forcry out fordrawexactgoverntake
Full Troponyms:claimcompelcostcry out fordrawgovern
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something | It ---s that CLAUSE (apply to: necessitate, require) | Somebody ---s somebody to INFINITIVE (apply to: require) | They --- him to write the letter (apply to: need)
vverb.perceptionexperience or feel or submit to
  • Take a test
  • Take the plunge
Hypernyms:experience get have receive
Inherited Hypernyms:takeexperienceundergochange
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.communicationmake a film or photograph of something
Topic:filmflickmotion-picture showmotion picturemoviemoving-picture showmoving picturepicpicturepicture show
Synset:film shoot
  • take a scene
  • shoot a movie
Derivationally Related Form:takefilmfilming
Hypernyms:enter put down record
Inherited Hypernyms:filmrecordsavekeephave
Direct Hyponyms:reshoot
Full Troponyms:reshoot
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s (apply to: film) | Sam cannot --- Sue (apply to: take) | Sam and Sue --- the movie (apply to: shoot, film)
vverb.changeremove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract
Synset:remove take away withdraw
  • remove a threat
  • remove a wrapper
  • Remove the dirty dishes from the table
  • take the gun from your pocket
  • This machine withdraws heat from the environment
Derivationally Related Form:remotionremovalremoverwithdrawal
Inherited Hypernyms:remove
Direct Hyponyms:ablateamputateaspiratebailbail outbale outbear awaybear offbonebrushburburlburrcancelcarry awaycarry offcarve outcastcast offchip awaychip away atcircumcisecleanclearclear awayclear offclear outclear upcondensecreamcream offcrumbcut intocut offde-iodinatede-ionatedebonedecalcifydecarbonisedecarbonizedecarburisedecarburizedecokedecorticatedefangdefusedegasdehorndeletedelousedelvedemineralisedemineralizedepilatedescaledesorbdetoxicatedetoxifydetuskdigdisburdendischargedisemboweldisinvestdislodgedismantledivestdrawdraw awaydraw offdraw outdredgedrive outdropeliminateemptyenucleateepilateeviscerateexcavateexenterateexpectorateextirpateextractfanflickfreeget outgutharvestheadhollowhullhuskhypophysectomisehypophysectomizeknock outladeladenladleleachliftlift outmuckoffsaddlepickpitpullpull offpull outpull upreamresectrip offrip outscalescalpscavengescoopscoop outscoop upseedshake offshedshellshuckskimskim offspoonstemstonestringstripsuck outtake awaytake offtake outtake uptear awaytear offtear outthrowthrow awaythrow offtipturn overtuskunburdenundockundressunhingeunpackunsaddleunstringunveilwashwash awaywash offwash outwear awaywear offweedwinnowwipe awaywipe offwithdraw
Full Troponyms:ablateabradeabsciseamputateaspirateautotomizebailbail outbarkbonebreak outbring outbrushburburlburn offburrowbuscart offcarve outchafechequechip awaycircumcisecleanclearclear-cutclear offcondensecross offcrumbde-iodinatede-ionatedecalcifydecarbonizedeclawdecorticatedefangdefoliatedeforestdefusedegasdeglycerolizedehorndeletedelousedemagnetizedemineralizedemodulatedenudedesorbdesquamatedetergedetoxifydigdipdisbuddischargedisemboweldislodgedivertdivestdoffdrawdraw offdredgedriveeliminateemptyenucleateepilateeraseexcavateexenterateexfoliateexpectorateextirpateextractflayflickfurrowgutharvestheadhullhuskhypophysectomizekillknock outladleleachliftlightenmilkmuckoverdrawpeel offpickpitpluckpodpullpulppumprackraspreamresectridgeroutscalescalpscavengescoopscratch outseedshedshellshovelshucksiphonskimskinslip offslopslough offsluicespadespirit awayspongespoonstemstrikestringstripstubstumpsucktake awaytake offtake outtaptear awaythreadtiptrenchtroweltuskunboxunburdenuncloakuncrateundockundressunhingeunloadunpackunsaddleunsheatheunstringunveilwashwear awayweedwhisk offwinklewinnowwipe offwithdrawwring out
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s something from somebody | Something ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody PP | They want to --- the doors (apply to: take, take away, remove)
vverb.consumptionserve oneself to, or consume regularly
Synset:consume have ingest take in
  • Have another bowl of chicken soup!
  • I don't take sugar in my coffee
Derivationally Related Form:consumptiveingestionconsumptionconsumer
Inherited Hypernyms:consume
Direct Hyponyms:boozecannibalisecannibalizedrinkeatfeedfillfuddlehabituatehit the bottleimbibepartakerepletesamplesatesatiatesop upsuck insuptake intake uptastetouchtrytry outuse
Full Troponyms:break breadbreakfastbrowsebrunchcannibalizecarrychain-smokeclaretcloycropdegustdevourdinedopedrain the cupdrinkdropdrugeateat ineat outeat upfarefeastfeedfill upforagefree-basegarbage downgluttonizegobblegorgegugglegulpguzzlehit the bottleinhaleinjectlaplunchmainlinemessnibblenoshpartakepeckpick atpicnicpitch inpopportpub-crawlpuffravenreceiveruminatesamplesatiatesipskin popslurpsmokesousesucksucklesupswilltake a hittake intake outtanktippletoss offtuck inusevictualwash downwinewine and dinewolf
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | They --- more bread (apply to: ingest, take in) | They --- the cake with sugar (apply to: take, have)
vverb.cognitionaccept or undergo, often unwillingly
  • We took a pay cut
Derivationally Related Form:takersubmission
Inherited Hypernyms:takeundergochange
Direct Hyponyms:test
Full Troponyms:test
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s PP (apply to: submit)
vverb.possessionmake use of or accept for some purpose
  • take a risk
  • take an opportunity
Derivationally Related Form:acceptable
Inherited Hypernyms:take
Direct Hyponyms:co-opt
Full Troponyms:co-opt
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.possessiontake by force
  • Hitler took the Baltic Republics
  • The army took the fort on the hill
Inherited Hypernyms:take
Direct Hyponyms:arrogateassumedespoilextortforaylootpillageplunderransackreaverecapturerelieverescueretakerifleriprip offsackscaleseizestealstriptake overusurp
Full Troponyms:annexappropriateassumeblackmailburglarizecarrycolonizecribdeplumeembezzleextortfiddlehijackhold uphookhustlelootmugpickpilferpirateplagiarizeplunderpocketpreoccupyraidrecapturereconquerrelieverescuerobrustlesackscaleshopliftstealwalk off
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s something from somebody | They --- the hill (apply to: take)
vverb.motionoccupy or take on
Synset:assume strike take up
  • He assumes the lotus position
  • She took her seat on the stage
  • We took our seats in the orchestra
  • She took up her position behind the tree
  • strike a pose
Inherited Hypernyms:assumemove
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | The men --- the horses across the field (apply to: take)
vverb.possessionadmit into a group or community
Synset:accept admit take on
  • accept students for graduate study
  • We'll have to vote on whether or not to admit a new member
Hypernyms:accept have take
Inherited Hypernyms:acceptacceptget
Direct Hyponyms:profess
Full Troponyms:profess
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody | Sam cannot --- Sue (apply to: admit, take, accept, take on)
vverb.changeascertain or determine by measuring, computing or take a reading from a dial
  • take a pulse
  • A reading was taken of the earth's tremors
Hypernyms:find get incur obtain receive
Inherited Hypernyms:takereceivechange
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.cognitionbe a student of a certain subject
Synset:learn read study
  • She is reading for the bar exam
Derivationally Related Form:studystudying
Inherited Hypernyms:learn
Direct Hyponyms:auditdrillexercisepracticepractisepreparetrain
Full Troponyms:apprenticeauditdrillretraintrain
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.communicationtake as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs
Synset:claim exact
  • the accident claimed three lives
  • The hard work took its toll on her
Hypernyms:ask call for demand involve necessitate need postulate require take
Inherited Hypernyms:claimnecessitate
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody | Something ---s something
vverb.motionhead into a specified direction
  • The escaped convict took to the hills
  • We made for the mountains
Inherited Hypernyms:takeheadproceedtravel
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s PP
vverb.competitionpoint or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards
Synset:aim direct take aim train
  • Please don't aim at your little brother!
  • He trained his gun on the burglar
  • Don't train your camera on the women
  • Take a swipe at one's opponent
Derivationally Related Form:aim
Inherited Hypernyms:aimpositionputmove
Direct Hyponyms:aimchargedirectdraw a bead onholdlevelplacepointsightswingtargetturn
Full Troponyms:addresschargedraw a bead onholdlevelrange insightswingtargetturn
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s | Somebody ---s something PP | Somebody ---s PP
vverb.changebe seized or affected in a specified way
  • take sick
  • be taken drunk
Hypernyms:become get go
Inherited Hypernyms:takebecomechange statechange
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s Adjective
vverb.stativehave with oneself; have on one's person
Synset:carry pack
  • She always takes an umbrella
  • I always carry money
  • She packs a gun when she goes into the mountains
Derivationally Related Form:carry
Hypernyms:feature have
Inherited Hypernyms:carryhave
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | They --- more bread (apply to: take, carry, pack)
vverb.possessionengage for service under a term of contract
Synset:charter engage hire lease rent
  • We took an apartment on a quiet street
  • Let's rent a car
  • Shall we take a guide in Rome?
Derivationally Related Form:rentrentercharterleaserental
Hypernyms:acquire get
Inherited Hypernyms:leaseget
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s something from somebody
vverb.possessionreceive or obtain regularly
Synset:subscribe subscribe to
  • We take the Times every day
Derivationally Related Form:takesubscriber
Hypernyms:buy purchase
Inherited Hypernyms:subscribebuyget
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s (apply to: subscribe)
vverb.possessionbuy, select
  • I'll take a pound of that sausage
Hypernyms:buy purchase
Inherited Hypernyms:takebuyget
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | They --- the newspapers (apply to: take)
vverb.possessionto get into a position of having, e.g., safety, comfort
  • take shelter from the storm
Inherited Hypernyms:take
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.contacthave sex with; archaic use
  • He had taken this woman when she was most vulnerable
Hypernyms:bang be intimate bed bonk do it eff fuck get it on get laid have a go at it have intercourse have it away have it off have sex hump jazz know lie with love make love make out roll in the hay screw sleep together sleep with
Inherited Hypernyms:takesleep togethercopulatejoinconnect
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody
vverb.communicationlay claim to; as of an idea
  • She took credit for the whole idea
Derivationally Related Form:claim
Hypernyms:affirm assert aver avow swan swear verify
Inherited Hypernyms:claimaffirmdeclarestateexpress
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s something
vverb.stativebe designed to hold or take
  • This surface will not take the dye
Inherited Hypernyms:acceptbe
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something
vverb.stativebe capable of holding or containing
Synset:contain hold
  • This box won't take all the items
  • The flask holds one gallon
Derivationally Related Form:hold
Inherited Hypernyms:containbe
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something
vverb.socialdevelop a habit
  • He took to visiting bars
Inherited Hypernyms:take
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s PP
vverb.motionproceed along in a vehicle
  • We drive the turnpike to work
Derivationally Related Form:drive
Hypernyms:cover cross cut across cut through get across get over pass over track traverse
Inherited Hypernyms:drivetraversepasstravel
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.competitionobtain by winning
  • Winner takes all
  • He took first prize
Inherited Hypernyms:takewin
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.bodybe stricken by an illness, fall victim to an illness
Synset:contract get
  • He got AIDS
  • She came down with pneumonia
  • She took a chill
Derivationally Related Form:contracting
Hypernyms:come down sicken
Inherited Hypernyms:contractsickenworsenchange statechange
Direct Hyponyms:catch
Full Troponyms:catchcatch cold
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something




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