

单词 spoil
nnoun.possession(usually plural) valuables taken by violence (especially in war)
Domain Usage:pluralplural form
  • to the victor belong the spoils of the enemy
Derivationally Related Form:spoil
Hypernyms:stolen property
Inherited Hypernyms:spoilstolen propertytransferred propertypossessionrelationabstractionentity
nnoun.actthe act of spoiling something by causing damage to it
Synset:spoilage spoiling
  • her spoiling my dress was deliberate
Derivationally Related Form:spoil
Inherited Hypernyms:spoilinjurywrongdoingactivityacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity
nnoun.actthe act of stripping and taking by force
Synset:despoilation despoilment despoliation spoilation spoliation
Derivationally Related Form:spoildespoil
Hypernyms:pillage pillaging plundering
Inherited Hypernyms:spoilplunderingaggressionactionacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity
vverb.socialmake a mess of, destroy or ruin
Synset:ball up blow bobble bodge bollix bollix up bollocks bollocks up botch botch up bumble bungle flub fluff foul up fuck up fumble louse up mess up mishandle muck up muff screw up
  • I botched the dinner and we had to eat out
  • the pianist screwed up the difficult passage in the second movement
Derivationally Related Form:botcherbumblermess-upfluffspoilingspoilflubballupfuckupspoilagebunglerscrewupbotchfumblerbunglefoul-up
Hypernyms:fail go wrong miscarry
Inherited Hypernyms:botchfail
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s
vverb.changebecome unfit for consumption or use
Synset:go bad
  • the meat must be eaten before it spoils
Derivationally Related Form:spoilagespoiling
Inherited Hypernyms:spoildecaychange
Direct Hyponyms:addlecurdle
Full Troponyms:addlecurdle
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
vverb.changealter from the original
Derivationally Related Form:spoliation
Inherited Hypernyms:corruptmodifychange
Direct Hyponyms:adulteratedebasediluteloadstretch
Full Troponyms:loadsophisticatewater down
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.socialtreat with excessive indulgence
Synset:baby cocker coddle cosset featherbed indulge mollycoddle pamper
  • grandparents often pamper the children
  • Let's not mollycoddle our students!
Derivationally Related Form:babypamperercoddlerpamperingmollycoddlespoilerindulgencemollycoddlerindulging
Hypernyms:do by handle treat
Inherited Hypernyms:pampertreatinteractact
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody
vverb.socialhinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of
Synset:baffle bilk cross foil frustrate queer scotch thwart
  • What ultimately frustrated every challenger was Ruth's amazing September surge
  • foil your opponent
Derivationally Related Form:crossfrustrationthwartingthwarterfoilingfrustrative
Hypernyms:forbid foreclose forestall preclude prevent
Inherited Hypernyms:thwartprevent
Direct Hyponyms:dashdisappointlet downruinshort-circuit
Full Troponyms:breakdashdisappointdisenchantfailfall shortruinshipwreckshort-circuitundo
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something | Sam cannot --- Sue (apply to: cross)
vverb.emotionhave a strong desire or urge to do something
  • She is itching to start the project
  • He is spoiling for a fight
Derivationally Related Form:itch
Hypernyms:desire want
Inherited Hypernyms:itchdesire
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s to INFINITIVE
vverb.contactdestroy and strip of its possession
Synset:despoil plunder rape violate
  • The soldiers raped the beautiful country
Derivationally Related Form:despoliationspoilspoliationspoilationrapeplunderingdespoilment
Hypernyms:destroy ruin
Inherited Hypernyms:rapedestroy
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | They want to --- the prisoners (apply to: violate)
vverb.changemake imperfect
Synset:deflower impair mar vitiate
  • nothing marred her beauty
Derivationally Related Form:spoilimpairmentdeflorationmarimpairer
Inherited Hypernyms:mardamagechange
Direct Hyponyms:blemishcloudcorruptdefacedefiledisfiguresullytaint
Full Troponyms:cicatrizedefacedefilemaulpockmarkscar
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something




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