Synset:club gild guild lodge order society
- he joined a golf club
- they formed a small lunch society
- men from the fraternal order will staff the soup kitchen today
Derivationally Related Form:clubclubbyorder
Inherited Hypernyms:clubassociationorganizationsocial groupgroupabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:athenaeumatheneumboat clubbookclubchapterchess clubcountry clubfratfraternityglee clubgolf clubhunthunt clubinvestors clubjockey clubracket clubrowing clubservice clubslate clubsororityturnvereinyacht club
Member Meronyms:club member
Full Hyponyms:
athenaeumbookclubchapterchess clubcountry clubfraternityglee clubgolf clubhuntinvestors clubjockey clublions clubracket clubrotary clubrowing clubservice clubslate clubsororitytennis clubturnvereinyacht club