

单词 silver fir
Silver Fir
nnoun.plantany of various true firs having leaves white or silvery white beneath
Hypernyms:fir fir tree true fir
Inherited Hypernyms:silver firfirconifergymnospermous treetreewoody plantvascular plantplantorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:Abies albaAbies amabilisAbies balsameaAbies concolorAbies fraseriAbies grandisAbies lasiocarpaAbies lowianaAlpine firCalifornia white firCanada balsamChristmas treeColorado firEuropean silver firFraser firPacific silver firamabilis firbalm of Gileadbalsam firgiant firgrand firlowland firlowland white firred silver firsubalpine firwhite fir
Full Hyponyms:
alpine firamabilis firbalsam fireuropean silver firfraser firlowland firwhite fir




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