vverb.communicationutter in a loud voice; talk in a loud voice (usually denoting characteristic manner of speaking)Examples:- My grandmother is hard of hearing--you'll have to shout
Derivationally Related Form:shoutshouter
Hypernyms:mouth speak talk utter verbalise verbalize
Inherited Hypernyms:shouttalkcommunicateinteractact
Direct Hyponyms:bawlbellowhollerholler outroarscreamthunderyell
Full Troponyms:bawlhollerthunderyell
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s | Somebody ---s that CLAUSE | Sam and Sue --- (apply to: shout)
vverb.communicationutter a sudden loud crySynset:call cry holler hollo scream shout shout out squall yell
Examples:- she cried with pain when the doctor inserted the needle
- I yelled to her from the window but she couldn't hear me
Derivationally Related Form:hollercryholleringscreamingholloyellcallyellingscreamshoutscreamershouting
Hypernyms:emit let loose let out utter
Inherited Hypernyms:shoututter
Direct Hyponyms:halloohollohowlhurrahpipepipe uproarscreakscreechshriekshrillskreakskreighsquawkululatewailwhoopyaupyawl
Full Troponyms:halloohollohowlhurrahshrieksquallsquawkwhoopyowl
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Somebody ---s | Sam and Sue --- (apply to: scream)
vverb.communicationutter aloud; often with surprise, horror, or joySynset:call out cry cry out exclaim outcry shout
Examples:- 'I won!' he exclaimed
- 'Help!' she cried
- 'I'm here,' the mother shouted when she saw her child looking lost
Derivationally Related Form:shoutexclamationexclaimingexclamatory
Hypernyms:express give tongue to utter verbalise verbalize
Inherited Hypernyms:exclaimexpress
Direct Hyponyms:aahgeeooh
Full Troponyms:geeooh
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s that CLAUSE | They --- that there was a traffic accident (apply to: exclaim, cry, call out, shout)
vverb.communicationuse foul or abusive language towardsSynset:abuse blackguard clapperclaw shout
Examples:- The actress abused the policeman who gave her a parking ticket
- The angry mother shouted at the teacher
Derivationally Related Form:abuserabusiveabuse
Hypernyms:assail assault attack lash out round snipe
Inherited Hypernyms:abuseattackknockcommentnotestateexpress
Direct Hyponyms:curserailrevileslangvilifyvituperate
Full Troponyms:curseslangvilify
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s PP (apply to: shout)
adj satadj.allin a vehement outcrySynset:yelled
Examples:- his shouted words of encouragement could be heard over the crowd noises
Inherited Hypernyms:shouted
Similar to:loud