

单词 shooting
nnoun.actthe act of firing a projectile
  • his shooting was slow but accurate
Derivationally Related Form:shoot
Hypernyms:actuation propulsion
Inherited Hypernyms:shootingpropulsionacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:countershotdischargefiringfiring offgunfiregunshotheadshotpotshotshellfireshoot
Part Meronyms:fire control
Full Hyponyms:
nnoun.actkilling someone by gunfire
  • when the shooting stopped there were three dead bodies
Derivationally Related Form:shoot
Inherited Hypernyms:shootinghomicidekillingterminationchange of statechangeactionacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:drive-by killingdrive-by shootingwing shooting
Full Hyponyms:
drive-by killingdrive-by shootingwing shooting
vverb.competitionhit with a missile from a weapon
Synset:hit pip shoot
Derivationally Related Form:shootershoothitting
Hypernyms:injure wound
Inherited Hypernyms:shootinjurehurtindisposechange
Direct Hyponyms:grassgun downkneecap
Full Troponyms:grassgun downkneecap
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody
vverb.socialkill by firing a missile
Synset:pip shoot
Derivationally Related Form:shootershooting
Inherited Hypernyms:shootkill
Direct Hyponyms:flightpick off
Full Troponyms:flightpick off
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | They want to --- the prisoners (apply to: shoot)
vverb.competitionfire a shot
Synset:blast shoot
  • the gunman blasted away
Derivationally Related Form:shootershootshooting
Hypernyms:discharge fire
Inherited Hypernyms:blastfire
Direct Hyponyms:blazeblaze awayfiregunopen fireovershootpumpsharpshootsnipe
Full Troponyms:blaze awaygunmachine gunopen fireovershootpumpsharpshoot
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s | Somebody ---s PP
vverb.communicationmake a film or photograph of something
Topic:filmflickmotion-picture showmotion picturemoviemoving-picture showmoving picturepicpicturepicture show
Synset:film shoot take
  • take a scene
  • shoot a movie
Derivationally Related Form:takefilmfilming
Hypernyms:enter put down record
Inherited Hypernyms:filmrecordsavekeephave
Direct Hyponyms:reshoot
Full Troponyms:reshoot
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s (apply to: film) | Sam cannot --- Sue (apply to: take) | Sam and Sue --- the movie (apply to: shoot, film)
vverb.motionsend forth suddenly, intensely, swiftly
  • shoot a glance
Hypernyms:cast contrive project throw
Inherited Hypernyms:shootprojectsendmove
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.motionrun or move very quickly or hastily
Synset:dart dash flash scoot scud shoot
  • She dashed into the yard
Derivationally Related Form:dashdartscooter
Hypernyms:belt along bucket along cannonball along hasten hie hotfoot pelt along race rush rush along speed step on it
Inherited Hypernyms:dartrushtravel
Direct Hyponyms:plunge
Full Troponyms:plunge
Sentence Frame:Something is ---ing PP | Somebody ---s PP
vverb.motionmove quickly and violently
Synset:buck charge shoot shoot down tear
  • The car tore down the street
  • He came charging into my office
Hypernyms:belt along bucket along cannonball along hasten hie hotfoot pelt along race rush rush along speed step on it
Inherited Hypernyms:tearrushtravel
Direct Hyponyms:rip
Full Troponyms:rip
Sentence Frame:Something is ---ing PP | Somebody ---s PP
vverb.contactthrow or propel in a specific direction or towards a specific objective
  • shoot craps
  • shoot a golf ball
Derivationally Related Form:shooter
Inherited Hypernyms:shoothitpropelmove
Direct Hyponyms:birdiebogeybreakcaromchipdouble birdiedouble bogeydunkeagleknuckle
Full Troponyms:birdiebogeybreakcaromchipdouble bogeydunkeagleknuckleslam-dunk
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s
vverb.communicationrecord on photographic film
Topic:photographypicture taking
Synset:photograph shoot snap
  • I photographed the scene of the accident
  • She snapped a picture of the President
Derivationally Related Form:photographsnapphotographer
Hypernyms:enter put down record
Inherited Hypernyms:photographrecordsavekeephave
Direct Hyponyms:retakex-ray
Full Troponyms:retakex-ray
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s
vverb.weatheremit (as light, flame, or fumes) suddenly and forcefully
  • The dragon shot fumes and flames out of its mouth
Hypernyms:emit give off give out
Inherited Hypernyms:shootemit
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something
vverb.perceptioncause a sharp and sudden pain in
  • The pain shot up her leg
Hypernyms:ache hurt smart
Inherited Hypernyms:shootachecause to be perceived
Sentence Frame:Something is ---ing PP
vverb.contactforce or drive (a fluid or gas) into by piercing
Synset:inject shoot
  • inject hydrogen into the balloon
Derivationally Related Form:injectableinjectorinjection
Hypernyms:enclose inclose insert introduce put in stick in
Inherited Hypernyms:injectinsertputmove
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s somebody with something | They --- a chemical into the fruit (apply to: inject, shoot) | They --- the fruit with a chemical (apply to: inject, shoot)
vverb.contactvariegate by interweaving weft threads of different colors
  • shoot cloth
Hypernyms:interweave weave
Inherited Hypernyms:shootweavetwistchange shapechange
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.contactthrow dice, as in a crap game
Derivationally Related Form:shooter
Inherited Hypernyms:shootthrowturntransmitmove
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s
vverb.consumptionspend frivolously and unwisely
Synset:dissipate fool fool away fritter fritter away frivol away shoot
  • Fritter away one's inheritance
Derivationally Related Form:dissipation
Hypernyms:consume squander ware waste
Inherited Hypernyms:fritterconsumespendpaygivetransfer
Entailment:consume deplete eat up eat exhaust run through use up wipe out
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
  • shoot a basket
  • shoot a goal
Hypernyms:hit rack up score tally
Inherited Hypernyms:shootscoregain
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.communicationutter fast and forcefully
  • She shot back an answer
Hypernyms:emit let loose let out utter
Inherited Hypernyms:shootutter
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.cognitionmeasure the altitude of by using a sextant
  • shoot a star
Hypernyms:measure measure out mensurate
Inherited Hypernyms:shootmeasuredecide
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.changeproduce buds, branches, or germinate
Synset:bourgeon burgeon forth germinate pullulate shoot sprout spud
  • the potatoes sprouted
Derivationally Related Form:shootsproutgerminationpullulationgermsprouting
Inherited Hypernyms:shootgrowdevelopgrowincreasechange magnitudechange
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
vverb.bodygive an injection to
Topic:medicinepractice of medicine
Synset:inject shoot
  • We injected the glucose into the patient's vein
Derivationally Related Form:injectantinjectableinjection
Hypernyms:administer dispense
Inherited Hypernyms:injectadministertreat
Direct Hyponyms:immuniseimmunizeinfuseinoculatevaccinate
Full Troponyms:immunizeinfuse
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s somebody with something | Did he --- his foot? (apply to: inject)




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