

单词 sea
nnoun.objecta division of an ocean or a large body of salt water partially enclosed by land
Part Holonyms:hydrosphere
Hypernyms:body of water water
Inherited Hypernyms:seabody of waterthingphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:South Sea
Instance Hyponyms:Adriatic Adriatic Sea Aegean Aegean Sea Arabian Sea Arafura Sea Baffin Bay Baltic Baltic Sea Barents Sea Beaufort Sea Bering Sea Bismarck Sea Black Sea Euxine Sea Caribbean Caribbean Sea Chukchi Sea Coral Sea East China Sea Greenland Sea Hudson Bay Inland Sea Ionian Sea Irish Sea Kara Sea Labrador Sea Laptev Sea Ligurian Sea Marmara Marmara Denizi Marmora Sea of Marmara Sea of Marmora Mediterranean Mediterranean Sea North Sea Norwegian Sea Red Sea Ross Sea Sargasso Sea East Sea Sea of Japan Sea of Okhotsk South China Sea Tasman Sea Timor Sea Tyrrhenian Sea Weddell Sea Huang Hai Yellow Sea
Part Meronyms:bay embayment gulf inlet recess
Full Hyponyms:
south sea
nnoun.quantityanything apparently limitless in quantity or volume
Derivationally Related Form:oceanic
Hypernyms:large indefinite amount large indefinite quantity
Inherited Hypernyms:oceanlarge indefinite quantityindefinite quantitymeasureabstractionentity
nnoun.phenomenonturbulent water with swells of considerable size
  • heavy seas
Hypernyms:turbulent flow
Inherited Hypernyms:seaturbulent flowflownatural processprocessphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:head sea
Full Hyponyms:
head sea




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