

单词 rings
nnoun.artifactgymnastic apparatus consisting of a pair of heavy metal circles (usually covered with leather) suspended by ropes; used for gymnastic exercises
Domain Usage:pluralplural form
  • the rings require a strong upper body
Hypernyms:exerciser gymnastic apparatus
Inherited Hypernyms:ringsgymnastic apparatussports equipmentequipmentinstrumentalityartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.attributea characteristic sound
  • it has the ring of sincerity
Derivationally Related Form:ring
Inherited Hypernyms:ringsoundsound propertypropertyattributeabstractionentity
nnoun.shapea toroidal shape
Synset:anchor ring annulus doughnut halo ring
  • a ring of ships in the harbor
  • a halo of smoke
Inherited Hypernyms:ringtoroidsolidshapeattributeabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:fairy circlefairy ring
Full Hyponyms:
fairy ring
nnoun.artifacta rigid circular band of metal or wood or other material used for holding or fastening or hanging or pulling
Synset:hoop ring
  • there was still a rusty iron hoop for tying a horse
Derivationally Related Form:hoop
Part Holonyms:barrel cask wagon wheel
Inherited Hypernyms:hoopbandstripartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:carabinercollarcurtain ringkarabinerkey ringnapkin ringnose ringrimsnap ringtiretowel ringtyre
Full Hyponyms:
car tirecarabinercollarcurtain ringfelloeflatkey ringnapkin ringnose ringpneumatic tireradialretreadrimsnow tiretiretowel ringtubelesswagon tire
nnoun.object(chemistry) a chain of atoms in a molecule that forms a closed loop
Topic:chemical sciencechemistry
Synset:closed chain ring
Antonyms:open chain
Hypernyms:chain chemical chain
Inherited Hypernyms:closed chainchainunitthingphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:heterocycleheterocyclic ring
Full Hyponyms:
heterocyclic ring
nnoun.groupan association of criminals
Synset:gang mob pack ring
  • police tried to break up the gang
  • a pack of thieves
Derivationally Related Form:gangdomgangstermobster
Member Holonyms:gangdom gangland organized crime
Inherited Hypernyms:gangassociationorganizationsocial groupgroupabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:nestyouth gang
Member Meronyms:gangster mobster
Full Hyponyms:
nestsleeper nestyouth gang
nnoun.eventthe sound of a bell ringing
Synset:ring ringing tintinnabulation
  • the distinctive ring of the church bell
  • the ringing of the telephone
  • the tintinnabulation that so voluminously swells from the ringing and the dinging of the bells"--E. A. Poe
Derivationally Related Form:ringtintinnabulate
Inherited Hypernyms:ringsoundhappeningeventpsychological featureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:bell ringing
Full Hyponyms:
bell ringing
nnoun.artifacta platform usually marked off by ropes in which contestants box or wrestle
Inherited Hypernyms:ringplatformhorizontal surfacesurfaceartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:boxing ringprize ringsumo ringwrestling ring
Part Meronyms:canvas canvass
Full Hyponyms:
boxing ringsumo ringwrestling ring
nnoun.artifactjewelry consisting of a circlet of precious metal (often set with jewels) worn on the finger
Synset:band ring
  • she had rings on every finger
  • he noted that she wore a wedding band
Derivationally Related Form:ring
Hypernyms:jewellery jewelry
Inherited Hypernyms:ringjewelryadornmentdecorationartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:engagement ringmourning ringringletseal ringsignet ringwedding bandwedding ring
Full Hyponyms:
engagement ringmourning ringringletsignet ringwedding ring
nnoun.artifacta strip of material attached to the leg of a bird to identify it (as in studies of bird migration)
Synset:band ring
Derivationally Related Form:ring
Hypernyms:slip strip
Inherited Hypernyms:bandstripartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
vverb.perceptionsound loudly and sonorously
Synset:peal ring
  • the bells rang
Derivationally Related Form:pealingringpealringing
Hypernyms:go sound
Inherited Hypernyms:ringsoundcause to be perceived
Direct Hyponyms:dingdingdongdongknellpealtintinnabulate
Full Troponyms:dingknellpealtintinnabulate
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
vverb.perceptionring or echo with sound
Synset:echo resound reverberate ring
  • the hall resounded with laughter
Derivationally Related Form:ringingreverberantreverberancereverberativeechoresonantringreverberation
Hypernyms:go sound
Inherited Hypernyms:resoundsoundcause to be perceived
Direct Hyponyms:bongconsonatereecho
Full Troponyms:bongconsonatereecho
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Somebody ---s PP | The woods --- with many kinds of birds (apply to: resound, ring, reverberate, echo)
vverb.perceptionmake (bells) ring, often for the purposes of musical edification
Synset:knell ring
  • Ring the bells
  • My uncle rings every Sunday at the local church
Derivationally Related Form:ringerringingknellring
Inherited Hypernyms:ringsound
Direct Hyponyms:toll
Causes:go sound
Full Troponyms:toll
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something | Somebody ---s (apply to: ring)
vverb.communicationget or try to get into communication (with someone) by telephone
Synset:call call up phone ring telephone
  • I tried to call you all night
  • Take two aspirin and call me in the morning
Derivationally Related Form:phonephonercallerringcalltelephonetelephoner
Inherited Hypernyms:calltelecommunicatecommunicateconveytransfermove
Direct Hyponyms:call incell phone
Full Troponyms:call incell phone
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s | They --- (apply to: call up, phone, ring, call, telephone) | Sam cannot --- Sue (apply to: call up, phone, ring, call, telephone)
vverb.contactextend on all sides of simultaneously; encircle
Synset:border environ ring skirt surround
  • The forest surrounds my property
Derivationally Related Form:surroundsurroundingsborder
Hypernyms:adjoin contact meet touch
Inherited Hypernyms:surroundtouch
Direct Hyponyms:cloisterclose inenclosefringegirdgirdlehem inincloseshut in
Full Troponyms:bagbankboxbrick inbundlecasketcloistercontainerizecorralcratedikeembattleembowerencapsulateencaseencloseenshrinefencefortifyframefringegirdleglasshedgehem inimmersepackpouchrope insackstowtrenchtuckwall in
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something
vverb.contactattach a ring to the foot of, in order to identify
Synset:band ring
  • ring birds
  • band the geese to observe their migratory patterns
Derivationally Related Form:ring
Inherited Hypernyms:ringattachconnect
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something




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