vverb.stativebe born anew in another body after deathTopic:faithreligionreligious belief
Examples:- Hindus believe that we transmigrate
Derivationally Related Form:reincarnationtransmigration
Hypernyms:be born
Inherited Hypernyms:reincarnatebe bornchange statechange
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s
vverb.changecause to appear in a new formSynset:renew
Examples:- the old product was reincarnated to appeal to a younger market
Hypernyms:regenerate rejuvenate restore
Inherited Hypernyms:reincarnateregenerateregeneratere-createmake
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something
adj satadj.allhaving a new bodyAntonyms:incorporeal
Inherited Hypernyms:reincarnate
Similar to:corporeal material