

单词 raise
nnoun.attributethe amount a salary is increased
Synset:hike rise salary increase wage hike wage increase
  • he got a 3% raise
  • he got a wage hike
Derivationally Related Form:raisehike
Hypernyms:increase increment
Inherited Hypernyms:raiseincreaseamountmagnitudepropertyattributeabstractionentity
nnoun.objectan upward slope or grade (as in a road)
Synset:acclivity ascent climb rise upgrade
  • the car couldn't make it up the rise
Derivationally Related Form:ascendclimbraiseacclivitous
Hypernyms:incline side slope
Inherited Hypernyms:ascentslopegeological formationobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:uphill
Full Hyponyms:
nnoun.actincreasing the size of a bet (as in poker)
Topic:pokerpoker game
  • I'll see your raise and double it
Derivationally Related Form:raise
Inherited Hypernyms:raisegambleriskventureundertakingworkactivityacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:doubledoubling
Full Hyponyms:
nnoun.actthe act of raising something
Synset:heave lift
  • he responded with a lift of his eyebrow
  • fireman learn several different raises for getting ladders up
Derivationally Related Form:raiseheavelift
Hypernyms:actuation propulsion
Inherited Hypernyms:liftpropulsionacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity
vverb.changeraise the level or amount of something
  • raise my salary
  • raise the price of bread
Derivationally Related Form:raise
Inherited Hypernyms:raiseincreasechange
Direct Hyponyms:bump up
Full Troponyms:bump up
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.motionraise from a lower to a higher position
Synset:bring up elevate get up lift
  • Raise your hands
  • Lift a load
Derivationally Related Form:raiseliftlifterelevatorelevation
Hypernyms:displace move
Inherited Hypernyms:raisemove
Direct Hyponyms:boostchinchin uperectgather upget upheightenhikehike uphoistjackjack upkick upleavenlevitateliftlift uppick uppinnacleprovepumpraiserearrun upshoulderskidtricetrice upunderlaywind
Causes:arise come up go up lift move up rise uprise
Full Troponyms:campchinget upheightenhikehoistjackkick uplevitatepick uppinnaclepitchprick uppumpraiserearshoulderskidtriceunderlay
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody PP | Somebody ---s something PP | The men --- the chairs (apply to: raise, elevate, lift, get up, bring up)
vverb.communicationcause to be heard or known; express or utter
  • raise a shout
  • raise a protest
  • raise a sad cry
Hypernyms:express give tongue to utter verbalise verbalize
Inherited Hypernyms:raiseexpress
Direct Hyponyms:bring forwardcall up
Full Troponyms:call up
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.possessioncollect funds for a specific purpose
  • The President raised several million dollars for his college
Hypernyms:collect take in
Inherited Hypernyms:raisecollecttake
Direct Hyponyms:fund-raisefund raisefundraise
Full Troponyms:fund-raise
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | They --- the money (apply to: raise)
vverb.creationcultivate by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques
Synset:farm grow produce
  • The Bordeaux region produces great red wines
  • They produce good ham in Parma
  • We grow wheat here
  • We raise hogs here
Derivationally Related Form:farmergrowthproduceraiserfarmingfarmgrower
Inherited Hypernyms:growcultivate
Direct Hyponyms:carrykeepoverproduce
Full Troponyms:carryherdkeepoverproducewrangle
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something | They --- the animals (apply to: raise) | They --- rye in the field (apply to: grow, produce)
vverb.sociallook after a child until it is an adult
Synset:bring up nurture parent rear
  • raise a family
  • bring up children
Derivationally Related Form:nurtureparentagerearingparentraising
Inherited Hypernyms:rear
Direct Hyponyms:cradlefledgefoster
Causes:grow up
Full Troponyms:cradlefledgefoster
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody
vverb.creationsummon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic
Synset:arouse bring up call down call forth conjure conjure up evoke invoke put forward stir
  • raise the specter of unemployment
  • he conjured wild birds in the air
  • call down the spirits from the mountain
Derivationally Related Form:conjuringconjurationconjuryconjurerinvocationconjurorevocation
Hypernyms:call up summon
Inherited Hypernyms:raisecall upmake
Direct Hyponyms:anathemiseanathemizebedamnbeshrewblesscursedamnimprecatemaledict
Full Troponyms:anointblesscurse
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.motionmove upwards
  • lift one's eyes
Derivationally Related Form:raiseliftraising
Hypernyms:displace move
Inherited Hypernyms:liftmove
Causes:arise come up go up lift move up rise uprise
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.creationconstruct, build, or erect
Synset:erect put up rear set up
  • Raise a barn
Derivationally Related Form:erectionerecting
Hypernyms:build construct make
Inherited Hypernyms:raiseconstructmake
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.emotioncall forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
Synset:arouse elicit enkindle evoke fire kindle provoke
  • arouse pity
  • raise a smile
  • evoke sympathy
Derivationally Related Form:provocativearousalprovocationelicitationevocativeevocation
Hypernyms:create make
Inherited Hypernyms:arousemake
Direct Hyponyms:angerask forbruisediscomfitdiscomposedisconcertdrawexcitefire upheathurtigniteinfatuateinflameinjureinterestinviteoffendovercomeoverpowerovertakeoverwhelmprickrekindleshakeshake upshamespitestimulatestirstir upstrike a chordsweep overtouch a chorduntuneupsetwakewhelmwound
Full Troponyms:absorbafflictagonizeangerarouseawebeatifybenightbewilderbluffbotherbreak someone's heartbring downbring outbuffalocheercheerleadcombustconfuseconsternateconsumecrushdehumanizedevastatediscountenancedismaydissdissolvedistractdrawdraw outelateembarrassencourageenrageenthuseexacerbateexciteexhilaratefascinatefazefermentflusterfosterfrightenfuelgallgrievehold overhollohumiliatehurtinfatuateinflameinfuriateinhibitinspireinterestintimidateinviteinvolvekillknock outlaceratelockmaddenmiffoveraweoverwhelmpainpanicpatronizepiqueprickpuffrackreducerekindlerivetruffleseizeserveshameshockspookspurstaggerstimulatestingstrike a chordstrong-armtake downtake hearttemptterrifythrilltitillatetormenttribulatetrytyrannizeunmanupset
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.creationcreate a disturbance, especially by making a great noise
  • raise hell
  • raise the roof
  • raise Cain
Hypernyms:create make
Inherited Hypernyms:raisemake
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.changeraise in rank or condition
Synset:elevate lift
  • The new law lifted many people from poverty
Derivationally Related Form:elevation
Hypernyms:alter change modify
Inherited Hypernyms:liftchange
Direct Hyponyms:dignifyexalt
Full Troponyms:deifydignifyexalt
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody
Synset:enhance heighten
  • This will enhance your enjoyment
  • heighten the tension
Derivationally Related Form:enhancive
Hypernyms:compound deepen heighten intensify
Inherited Hypernyms:enhanceintensifyincreasechange magnitudechange
Direct Hyponyms:potentiate
Full Troponyms:potentiate
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.socialgive a promotion to or assign to a higher position
Synset:advance elevate kick upstairs promote upgrade
  • John was kicked upstairs when a replacement was hired
  • Women tend not to advance in the major law firms
  • I got promoted after many years of hard work
Derivationally Related Form:advancementpromotionelevation
Hypernyms:assign delegate depute designate
Inherited Hypernyms:promotedelegateappoint
Direct Hyponyms:brevetbring upennobleentitlefavorfavourgentlepreferspot promotetenure
Full Troponyms:advantagebaronetizebrevetbring upennobleknightlordpreferspot promotetenure
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody
vverb.motioncause to puff up with a leaven
Synset:leaven prove
  • unleavened bread
Derivationally Related Form:leaven
Hypernyms:bring up elevate get up lift raise
Inherited Hypernyms:raiseraisemove
Causes:prove rise
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something | They --- more bread (apply to: raise, prove, leaven)
vverb.competitionbid (one's partner's suit) at a higher level
Derivationally Related Form:raiseraiser
Hypernyms:bid call
Inherited Hypernyms:raisebidplaycompete
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.competitionbet more than the previous player
Topic:card gamecards
Hypernyms:bet play wager
Inherited Hypernyms:raisebetgambleplaycompete
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody
vverb.competitioncause to assemble or enlist in the military
Synset:levy recruit
  • raise an army
  • recruit new soldiers
Derivationally Related Form:levyrecruitmentrecruiterrecruit
Hypernyms:draft enlist muster in
Inherited Hypernyms:recruitenlistenrollregisterrecordsavekeephave
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody
vverb.communicationput forward for consideration or discussion
Synset:bring up
  • raise the question of promotions
  • bring up an unpleasant topic
Hypernyms:advert bring up cite mention name refer
Inherited Hypernyms:raisementionthink ofassociatethink
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody | Something ---s something
vverb.communicationpronounce (vowels) by bringing the tongue closer to the roof of the mouth
  • raise your 'o'
Hypernyms:articulate enounce enunciate pronounce say sound out
Inherited Hypernyms:raisepronounce
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.communicationactivate or stir up
  • raise a mutiny
Hypernyms:incite instigate set off stir up
Inherited Hypernyms:raiseinciteprovokechallengeinviterequestaskrequestcommunicateconveytransfermove
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.communicationestablish radio communications with
  • They managed to raise Hanoi last night
Hypernyms:contact get hold of get through reach
Inherited Hypernyms:raisereachcommunicateinteractact
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody
vverb.cognitionmultiply (a number) by itself a specified number of times: 8 is 2 raised to the power 3
Inherited Hypernyms:raisemultiplycalculatereasonthink
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.changebring (a surface or a design) into relief and cause to project
  • raised edges
Hypernyms:bring out set off
Inherited Hypernyms:raisebring outstressexpressconveyimparttellinformcommunicateinteractact
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.changeinvigorate or heighten
  • lift my spirits
  • lift his ego
Hypernyms:ameliorate amend better improve meliorate
Inherited Hypernyms:raisebetterchange
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.changeput an end to
  • lift a ban
  • raise a siege
Hypernyms:end terminate
Inherited Hypernyms:liftendchange
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.bodycause to become alive again
Synset:resurrect upraise
  • raise from the dead
  • Slavery is already dead, and cannot be resurrected
  • Upraising ghosts
Derivationally Related Form:resurrection
Hypernyms:resuscitate revive
Inherited Hypernyms:resurrectresuscitatebring toawakenchange
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody




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