

单词 generalize
释义 gen·er·al·ize
\ˈjen(ə)rəˌlīz, rapid -nərˌl-\ verb
Usage: see -ize
Etymology: French généraliser, from général general + -iser -ize
transitive verb
1. : to make general : reduce to general laws : give a general form to
 a. : to derive or induce (a general conception or principle) from particulars
 b. : to derive or induce a general conception, principle, or inference from
3. : to make general (as by existential or universal qualification) : render applicable to a wider class
4. : to give general applicability to
 < generalize a law >
also : to make indefinite (as by blurring particular features)
 a. : to modify or eliminate (nonessential details on a map) for improving the legibility or for emphasizing some particular feature (as the location of mountains or the essential character of a coastline)
 b. : to portray or emphasize in painting general rather than particular features and characteristics of
intransitive verb
1. : to form generalizations : make inductions or general inferences; also : to be prone to make vague or indefinite statements
2. : to become extended throughout the human body
3. : to generalize the details on a map




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