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scroll I. \ˈskrōl\ noun (-s) Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English scrowle, alteration (influenced by rolle roll) of scrowe, from Middle French escroe, escroue scrap, strip of parchment, scroll, of Germanic origin; akin to Middle Dutch schrode piece cut off, shred — more at shred 1. a. : a long strip (as of papyrus, leather, or parchment) used as the body of a written document and often having a rod with handles at one or both ends for convenience in rolling and storing it < when parchment became available … its greater strength permitted the transcription of the entire book on to one long scroll — A.P.Davies > b. archaic : a written message (as a letter) < do not exceed the prescript of this scroll — Shakespeare > c. : a roster of names : list < his name was placed high upon the scroll of the world's great — J.C.Fitzpatrick > d. : an ornamental riband with rolled ends often inscribed with a motto; specifically : escrol e. : a formal testimonial usually engraved or hand illuminated on special paper (as parchment or vellum) < the guest of honor received a framed scroll — Springfield (Massachusetts) Union > 2. a. : something that is likened to a scroll < a great glissando, a scroll from the wind instruments — Sacheverell Sitwell > < history which forms the running scroll of his … experience — S.H.Adams > b. : a crescentic deposit of a meandering stream on a floodplain 3. : a part or ornament more or less resembling a scroll in shape: as a. : any of various spiral or convoluted forms in ornamental design derived from the curves of a loosely or partly rolled parchment scroll < an oval mat with a row of scrolls forming the center — Mabel Roffey & Charlotte Cross > b. (1) : a volute of an Ionic, Corinthian, or composite capital (2) : a curved molding common in medieval work c. : a spiral formation or ornament of furniture — see flemish scroll; leg illustration d. : the curved head of a bowed stringed musical instrument — see violin illustration e. : scrollhead f. (1) : a spiral-shaped rib or slot for gearing with a slot on a radially moving part (as the jaw of a scroll chuck) (2) : a casing for a turbine wheel having a spiral waterway of converging aperture (3) : a similar casing on a centrifugal pump or blower (4) : a curved portion at the end of a leaf spring (5) : a loop or coil of copper tubing inside a still
[scroll 1a] II. verb (-ed/-ing/-s) transitive verb 1. : to inscribe on or as if on a scroll < the panel on which 38B was delicately scrolled — Kay Boyle > 2. : to form into or adorn with scrolls < the river is scrolled in shining bends across the flatlands > intransitive verb : to curl up or roll out like a scroll < bright yellow material, with scrolling scarlet roses — H.E.Bates > < the long hourly routine scrolled ahead of me — Nathaniel Burt > III. transitive verb : to cause (text or graphics on a display screen) to move vertically or horizontally usually one line or column at a time as if by unrolling a scroll intransitive verb 1. : to move text or graphics across a display screen 2. of text or graphics : to move across a screen • scroll·able \ˈskrōləbəl \ adjective |