释义 |
gauze I. \ˈgȯz\ noun (-s) Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle French gaze, probably from Gaza, city in Palestine 1. a. : a thin open often transparent woven fabric: as (1) : any of various sheer textile fabrics used chiefly for clothing or draperies (2) : a loosely woven cotton fabric similar to cheesecloth that is extensively used for surgical dressings (3) : a firm woven fabric of metal or plastic filaments — usually used with a qualifying term < plastic gauzes for screening windows > b. : leno 1 2. : haze, mist II. transitive verb (-ed/-ing/-s) chiefly Britain : to cover with gauze or give a gauzy appearance to < midges gauzed the air — Elizabeth Bowen > especially : to screen (as a window) with wire gauze |